Minggu, 19 Januari 2025

Diantara Retakan Tanah

Ontologi Puisi Lidah Rakyat

Oleh: Leni Marlina*
Sabtu, 12 Oktober 2024 1876 230
Ilustrasi puisi Leni Marlina, Sumber Gambar: Starcom Indonesia's Painting Collection No.56 by AI
"Diantara Retakan Tanah".

Di tanah luka tak sembuh-sembuh,

debu menggantung di udara seperti ingatan yang tak mau lenyap,

jalan-jalan berkerikil menyimpan jejak langkah hilang,

sementara tenda-tenda pengungsian berbisik, tentang bantuan yang tak kunjung tiba.

Pohon zaitun kehilangan rindangnya,

menjadi saksi bisu bagi malam-malam tanpa pagi,

di mana desiran pasir, bercampur dengan raung logam dan serpihan peluru,

Rumah-rumah yang rata dengan tanah, menyimpan bayang-bayang yang saling berdesakan.

Di antara reruntuhan, suara kami anak-anak Palestina, terbungkus asap,

seperti layang-layang yang tak pernah naik,

terjerat dalam benang-benang yang tersangkut di antena tua.

Kami  tak pernah tahu, apakah dongeng malam masih boleh dibisikkan di bantal batu yang berdebu.

Bahkan laut tampak pasrah, berombak lemah seperti detak terakhir,

sementara di kejauhan kapal-kapal tak pernah pulang,

mengusung mimpi yang karam bersama matahari tenggelam,

di bawah garis cakrawala yang kini retak.

Namun, di bawah langit yang seakan membatu,

tangan-tangan kecil kami menggambar peta di pasir,

merancang perjalanan yang belum pernah terjadi,

seperti merangkai bintang-bintang yang hilang di langit yang rusak.

Dan dalam setiap helaan nafas tanah Palestina,

terdapat kisah yang tak akan terhapus oleh waktu,

di antara retakan tanah dan tetesan air mata,

kisah nyata itu masih bergema dalam sunyi,

melawan angin tipu daya, yang tak henti mencoba, melenyapkan suara kami.

Padang, Sumbar, 2023

*Riwayat Singkat Penulis.

Leni Marlina telah mengabdi sebagai dosen tetap di Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri Padang sejak tahun 2006 dan pernah dianugerahi Dosen Berprestasi Terbaik 1 Kategori Penulis yang Diberikan oleh Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni, Universitas Negeri Padang pada tahun 2015. Sebelumnya, ia menamatkan program Sarjana Sastra Inggris tahun 2005 dengan prediket Cumlaude, setelah setahun sebelumnya dianugerahkan penghargaan sebagai Terbaik Pertama Mahasiswa Berpretasi Tingkat Nasional tahun 2024.

Tahun 2011, ia menerima Beasiswa S2 Luar Negeri untuk mengambil Program Master of Writing Literature di Deakin University, Melbourne dan lulus tahun 2013. Ia aktif membimbing kegiatan kemahasiswa, training dan pengabdian di luar kampus di bidang kepenulisan, kebahasaan, dan kebudayaan.
Penulis yang saat ini merupakan ibu dari tiga orang  putra ini,   juga merupakan pendiri dan kepala beberapa komunitas sosial, sastra dan pendidikan, termasuk World Children's Literature Community (WCLC), POETRY-PEN International Community, serta Komunitas Membaca dan Menulis Puisi Indonesia (PPIPM: Pondok Puisi Inspirasi Masyarakat). Selain itu, penulis mendirikan dan memimpin dua kursus bahasa Inggris: ECSC (English Children's Literature Smart Course) dan MEC (Marvelous English Course), serta komunitas sosial berbasis digital, Starcom Indonesia (Starmoonsun Eduprenuer Community Indonesia). Sebagai anggota aktif dari Perkumpulan Penulis Indonesia SATU PENA Sumatera Barat, penulis juga terlibat dalam kolaborasi internasional, seperti Victoria Writers Association di Australia dan ACC International Writers Community di Hong Kong.

Aiko Adhisty
3 bulan yang lalu
Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Buk Leni, terima kasih atas puisi yang sangat indah ini. Ya Allah, lindungilah kami dan saudara kami di Palestina. Tolonglah mereka, teguhkanlah Iman mereka, dan turunkanlah ketenteraman dan kedamaian di negeri mereka.. Aamiin Ide usaha yang terbuka bagi saya setelah membaca puisi ini adalah membuka usaha kuliner dan aksesoris handmade, karena agar nanti saya bisa menggunakan uang dari usaha ini untuk bisa disumbangkan dalam rangka membantu saudara-saudari di Palestina…
Admin CMS
3 bulan yang lalu
Terima kasih Aiko Adhisty
Afra Zazria Ilya
2 bulan yang lalu
Among the cracks in the ground of war there are little souls who need affection. Innocent little children still need the love of adults. Surely they don't want to be in a difficult life. They want to feel the warmth and affection of the family they have. They are still too young to feel fear and threat, help them. They also want to feel silence, solitude and warmth in their lives. Because every child will grow and make their family is also in the future, so please give them warmth and affection. Afra Zazria Ilya (24 JD writing NK3 24 SN9-10 LM)
Muja Yanah
2 bulan yang lalu
Children in Palestine are different from children in general. The children in Palestine are great children. even though they felt afraid, they still dared to defend their land. and even though they have lost many family members, they remain strong. In the midst of sadness and fear, they continue to maintain hope for the future and freedom. They are great kids. Muja Yanah ( 24 JD Writing NK3 24 SN9-10 LM)
Muhammad Zikri Alfurqan
2 bulan yang lalu
Palestinian children are extraordinary children who continue to look to the future even in times of disaster. Muhammad Zikri Alfurqan 24 JD Writing NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
Aprini Simbolon
2 bulan yang lalu
Palestinian children who experience horror and suffering in conditions of war and displacement Aprini Simbolon (24019005) 24 JD WRITING NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
Raihani Mufida
2 bulan yang lalu
When just a piece of bread becomes something precious. When a moment of calm for a minute becomes a great hope that is longed for. Far away there are those living in difficulty. Full of tears and fear. Every day the ground shakes. Thrills the little souls who are forced to struggle in the face of difficulties. They keep stand, with the name of great Allah. Raihani Mufida ( 24 JD Writing NK3 24 SN9-10 LM)
hanifah ganeca arya
2 bulan yang lalu
1. Business Idea: A non-profit organization focused on providing art and storytelling workshops for children in conflict zones, like Palestine. The venture would use creative expression as a healing tool and a way to preserve their stories and heritage. 2. Character Traits: Resilience and hope. The children in the poem exhibit immense strength and an unbreakable spirit, which are essential traits for starting and sustaining a meaningful social enterprise. Additionally, having empathy and a deep sense of purpose would drive the business to make a positive impact. hanifah ganeca arya(23019009) 24 JD EPR KM 7-8 KM NK3 23 LM
Ikhwanul Dhafa Alghifari
2 bulan yang lalu
1. Possible business idea: A non-profit organization focused on providing education, resources, and humanitarian aid to children in conflict zones. This initiative could use creative arts and digital platforms to preserve their stories, empower their voices, and offer them a means to express hope for the future. 2. Necessary character traits: Compassion, resilience, and determination. These qualities are essential for addressing the needs of those affected by conflict, empowering the younger generation, and ensuring their stories and hopes are not forgotten. (Ikhwanul Dhafa Alghifari, 24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3-23 LM)
Gibran Alikhsan
2 bulan yang lalu
1. Business Idea Inspired by the Poem: Inspired by the themes of resilience, hope, and storytelling in this poem, a business idea could be a **nonprofit art therapy and storytelling program** for children in conflict zones. This program would provide a safe space for children to express their experiences through art, writing, and storytelling, helping them process trauma and find empowerment through self-expression. The organization could share selected stories and artwork globally to increase awareness, fostering empathy and support for affected communities. 2. Character Traits Needed for This Business: Running this business would require **compassion** and a deep sense of **empathy** to understand and support children facing hardship. **Resilience** would be essential to work in challenging environments, as well as **dedication** to making a positive impact despite difficulties. Like the children in the poem who draw hope even amid destruction, I would need **optimism** and **patience** to inspire and guide them through their healing journey. Lastly, **integrity** would be crucial to build trust and handle sensitive stories responsibly. GIbran Alikhsan (23019049) JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3 23 LM
Farlingga Fadjrin
2 bulan yang lalu
1. Business Idea: A humanitarian organization focused on providing support and resources to communities affected by conflict, particularly in regions like Palestine. This could include establishing educational programs, mental health support, and creative workshops that empower children and families to express their experiences through art and storytelling. 2. Character Traits: To successfully run such an organization, it’s crucial to embody resilience and empathy. Resilience is necessary to navigate the challenges of working in conflict zones, while empathy allows for a deep understanding of the needs and struggles of affected communities, fostering a supportive environment that encourages healing and growth. (FarlinggaFadjrin_ 24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3-23 LM)
Muhammad Aqeel Jasomandez
2 bulan yang lalu
Palestinian children face the cruelty of zionist attacks Muhammad Aqeel Jasomandez 24 JD Writing NK 2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Hanifah Fathiyah Aini
2 bulan yang lalu
Poem "Diantara Retakan Tanah" 1. Business idea : A nonprofit organization offering psychological support and artistic workshops for trauma survivors in conflict zones. The workshops could focus on creative expression like storytelling, drawing, or poetry to help process difficult experiences. 2. Character from this poem : Compassion, resilience, and dedication. The poem emphasizes enduring hardship, holding onto hope, and preserving identity amid adversity. These traits are essential for an entrepreneur aiming to create supportive, lasting impacts in communities affected by conflict. Hanifah Fathiyah Aini 22018205 24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM
Diva Olivia Daka Elipsi
2 bulan yang lalu
1. Business Idea: A nonprofit organization or social enterprise focused on providing support, education, and resources for displaced communities, particularly in conflict areas. This could involve creating safe spaces for children, offering trauma recovery programs, or providing essential supplies, inspired by the resilience and hope despite adversity in the poem. 2. Required Traits: - Resilience and Determination: Like the children in the poem, an entrepreneur must persist despite challenges and create something positive from the rubble. - Empathy and Compassion: Understanding the pain of others and offering solutions that provide real relief and hope. - Vision and Hope: Maintaining a clear vision for a better future, like drawing a map in the sand, even when circumstances seem bleak. Name: Diva Olivia Daka Elipsi (23019093) 24 JD EPR 7-8 KM NK3-23 LM
Rozyid Jaylani. H
2 bulan yang lalu
Palestine deserve freedom, the storm will definitely pass Rozyid Jaylani. H 24 JD Writing NK 2 24 SL7-8 LM
Rahma Khalilah Najwa
2 bulan yang lalu
This poem conveys the bitter reality of life in Palestine—sadness, loss, and struggle—but also depicts the power of hope and determination to fight injustice Rahma Khalilah Najwa 24JD Writing NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
Zuleyka Azzahra
2 bulan yang lalu
The world watches in despair, yearning to see peace and justice for the people of Palestine. 24 JD Writing NK2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Fifi Helya Putri
2 bulan yang lalu
1. A potential business idea is a nonprofit organization that provides psychological support and art workshops for children in conflict zones. These workshops can focus on creative expression like storytelling and drawing to help them cope with trauma and maintain their cultural identity. 2. The traits to apply include empathy to understand their struggles, resilience to face challenges in tough environments, dedication to sustain efforts, integrity to build trust, and creativity to offer unique ways of healing and expression. Fifi Helya Putri (23019047) 24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3 23 LM
Afifah Syaharani
2 bulan yang lalu
The suffering and resilience of Palestinian children amidst destruction and conflict, depicting hope that remains despite extremely difficult conditions. Afifah Syaharani 24019001 24 JD WRITING NK-2 24 SL7-8LM
Rahayu Febriani
2 bulan yang lalu
The poem reflects the suffering and resilience of the Palestinian people, especially children, amidst war and destruction, while holding onto hope for a better future. Rahayu Febriani 24 JD WRITING NK-2 24 SL7-8 LM
Dimas Prasetya Budi
2 bulan yang lalu
The resilience of the Palestinian people in facing all trials and their spirit will never be extinguished. Dimas Prasetya Budi 24 JD WRITING NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
M.Ridho Riszi S.c
2 bulan yang lalu
the Palestinian children that lost their home and suffering for the early ages of them. NK2-24 Writing SL 7-8 LM
Trisna Filius Adi
2 bulan yang lalu
This poem is a struggle for the identity and existence of the Palestinian people amidst the destruction and attempts to erase traces of their history. Trisna Filius Adi (24019113) 24 JD Writing NK 2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Laras putri alma
2 bulan yang lalu
Through rich and meaningful natural metaphors, the poet succeeds in capturing the essence of the role of a teacher in a student's life, making the teacher an invaluable figure 24019086
Aida Sulastri
2 bulan yang lalu
Together we must be able to reduce the suffering of the Palestinian people by providing lots of support. JD WRITING NK2-24 SL7-8LM
Rafi Yuma Aditya
2 bulan yang lalu
the suffers of palestinian people we must support and pray to the god for them. JD Writing NK2-24 SL7-8LM
Dean Putri Azzhara
2 bulan yang lalu
This poem is about how Palestine children escape the war Dean Putri Azzhara (24019073) 24 JD WRITING NK 2-24 SL7-8 LM
Tri Fatimah Zaharani
2 bulan yang lalu
What can the people of Palestine do who still feel the effects of colonization? But they never give up and continue to fight for their beloved homeland.the country is destroyed, everything is flat like sand. Doesn't your heart move to help those there? Doesn't your heart continue to colonize your country? Independence that only wants . Move your conscience to defend and help those who are colonized there. Tri Fatimah Zaharani 24 JD Witring NK3-24 SN9-10 LM
Arniza Putri
2 bulan yang lalu
In the midst of the chaos in that country, there are Palestinian children who hope that help will come. Every day they are haunted by the threat of bullets destroying their refuge. The olive tree bears witness to nights without morning, because there is no peace. Between the cracks in the ground and the tears, Palestinian children hope that this will all end, so that they can experience a peaceful world. Arniza Putri 24 JD Writing NK3 24 SN9-10 LM
Naila Sabrina
2 bulan yang lalu
The struggle of the Palestinian people symbolizes resilience and determination in facing various challenges, ranging from political to humanitarian conflicts. The ongoing situation there reminds us of the importance of peace, justice and respect for human rights. International support and serious diplomatic efforts are very necessary to create a just and peaceful solution for both parties, so that the Palestinian people and their neighbors can live in proper peace and security. We all hope for a better future where Palestinian children can grow up in an environment that is peaceful, prosperous and free from violence.
Naila Sabrina
2 bulan yang lalu
The struggle of the Palestinian people symbolizes resilience and determination in facing various challenges, ranging from political to humanitarian conflicts. The ongoing situation there reminds us of the importance of peace, justice and respect for human rights. International support and serious diplomatic efforts are very necessary to create a just and peaceful solution for both parties, so that the Palestinian people and their neighbors can live in proper peace and security. We all hope for a better future where Palestinian children can grow up in an environment that is peaceful, prosperous and free from violence. Naila Sabrina JD Writting 24 NK 3 SN 9-10 LM
salsa suvi nabila
2 bulan yang lalu
Behind the cracked ground, there is life waiting for peace. The cracks in the ground hold stories of children who always shed tears. The world must speak up to bring Palestinian children into international attention. Let us hold Palestinian children in our hearts and help them overcome the trauma of conflict. Our small steps can lead Palestinian children toward a path full of peace. Salsa Suvi Nabila 24 JD Writing NK3 24 SN9-10 LM
Indah Ayu Lestari
1 bulan yang lalu
1. idea: Humanitarian Program and Social Enterprise Based on Arts and Education for Refugee Children This effort could take the form of establishing a creativity and trauma recovery center designed for children in conflict areas such as Palestine. The center will provide a safe space where they can express themselves through art, music and writing. 2. character: creativity, hope, empathy, Fortitude and Determination indah ayu lestari. 23019052. 24 JD EPR 7-8 KM NK3-23 LM
Kiki Imelya
1 bulan yang lalu
This powerful poem can be connected to entrepreneurship in the sense of resilience, innovation, and hope amidst adversity. The imagery of "di antara retakan tanah" (between the cracks in the earth) symbolizes the challenges and hardships entrepreneurs often face, especially in difficult environments. The idea of "tangan-tangan kecil kami menggambar peta di pasir" (our small hands drawing maps in the sand) speaks to the creative and strategic thinking entrepreneurs must adopt when building something from scratch, especially when resources seem limited or uncertain. Like the children in the poem, entrepreneurs often find themselves working with what little they have, dreaming of possibilities in the face of overwhelming obstacles. The poem's theme of perseverance and the search for a future despite setbacks mirrors the entrepreneurial journey, where even when conditions seem harsh, the drive to create, innovate, and rebuild remains unyielding. Just as the poem speaks of "kisah nyata" (real stories) that resist being erased by time, entrepreneurship is about creating lasting impact and leaving a legacy, no matter the challenges faced. Kiki Imelya 23019013 24 JD EPR 7-8 KM NK3-23 LM
Khaisya Aliya Marsyanda
1 bulan yang lalu
1. Business Idea Advocacy art initiatives: Creating a platform for Palestinian children to share their stories through art, poetry, and digital media, raising awareness and inspiring global support for their cause. 2. Character to Apply Compassion: Demonstrating deep care and commitment to amplifying the voices of the vulnerable, fostering hope and solidarity in the face of injustice. KHAISYA ALIYA MARSYANDA 24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3-23 LM
Muhammad Farras Dzikra
1 bulan yang lalu
A potential business idea is a nonprofit organization that provides psychological support and art workshops for children in conflict zones. These workshops can focus on creative expression like storytelling and drawing to help them cope with trauma and maintain their cultural identity. 2. The traits to apply include empathy to understand their struggles, resilience to face challenges in tough environments, dedication to sustain efforts, integrity to build trust, and creativity to offer unique ways of healing and expression. (Muhammad Farras Dzikra 24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK 3 23 LM)
1 bulan yang lalu
Puisi ini menggambarkan potret kepedihan sebuah tanah konflik, di mana luka-luka fisik dan emosional terus menganga. "Di tanah luka tak sembuh-sembuh" mencerminkan penderitaan yang berlangsung tanpa akhir, sementara "debu menggantung di udara seperti ingatan yang tak mau lenyap" melukiskan trauma yang melekat di hati dan pikiran. Jalan-jalan berkerikil dengan "jejak langkah hilang" mengisyaratkan kehilangan dan ketidakpastian, sedangkan "tenda-tenda pengungsian berbisik" menjadi simbol harapan yang tipis di tengah penantian panjang akan bantuan yang tak pernah datang. "Pohon zaitun kehilangan rindangnya" dan "malam-malam tanpa pagi" memperkuat gambaran kehancuran dan hilangnya kedamaian. Suara "raung logam dan serpihan peluru" serta rumah-rumah yang rata dengan tanah menunjukkan kekerasan yang menghapus kehangatan dan kehidupan, meninggalkan hanya bayangan kesedihan yang menghantui. Puisi ini menjadi seruan diam tentang dampak mendalam perang dan konflik terhadap manusia dan lingkungan. Sitoresmi Pramudyawardhani - 24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM
Muhammad Abdurrosyid Dzakhwan
1 bulan yang lalu
I'm very interesting with stanza number 5 : Namun, di bawah langit yang seakan membatu, tangan-tangan kecil kami menggambar peta di pasir, merancang perjalanan yang belum pernah terjadi, seperti merangkai bintang-bintang yang hilang di langit yang rusak. Translate : Yet, beneath a sky that seems to stone, our small hands draw maps in the sand, designing journeys that have not yet happened, like arranging the stars that are lost in a shattered sky. In this translation, I focused on maintaining the power of the visual imagery and poetic meaning of the original verse. The phrase "langit yang sekakan batu" is translated into "a sky that seems to stone" to maintain the impression of a hard and unshakeable sky, even though it is not translated literally. "Tenang-tangan kecil kami tarik peta di pasir" is translated directly into "our small hands draw maps in the sand," to maintain the simple yet meaningful imagery, reminding of its vulnerability and uncertainty. The part "mendesain perjalanan yang belum pernah terjadi" is translated into "designing journeys that have not yet happened," maintaining the meaning of hopes or dreams that have not yet happened. Finally, "seperti merangai bintang-bintang yang kalah di langit yang rusak" is translated into "like arranging the stars that are lost in a shattered sky," which tries to maintain the melancholic and meaningful imagery of something lost and shattered. The technique used is the translation of meaning and imagery, with an emphasis on emotion and visual images, rather than word-for-word translation, so that the poetic impression is maintained. Muhammad Abdurrosyid Dzakhwan (21019015) - Group 4 24 JD I-E Trans JM9-10 Nkall21 LM
Annisa Muhasyafira
1 bulan yang lalu
i choose stanza number 1 because This poem paints a somber picture of a wounded land, metaphorically and literally, where pain and loss linger, refusing to fade. "Di tanah luka tak sembuh-sembuh" ("In the land of unhealed wounds") evokes a sense of enduring suffering, suggesting a place scarred by tragedy or conflict. The imagery of "debu menggantung di udara seperti ingatan yang tak mau lenyap" ("dust hanging in the air like memories that won’t disappear") reflects how the aftermath of devastation continues to weigh heavily, both physically and emotionally. The "jalan-jalan berkerikil" ("gravel roads") symbolize hardship, holding traces of lives disrupted and paths left unfinished, as if they still remember the footsteps of those who are gone. Meanwhile, the "tenda-tenda pengungsian" ("refugee tents") personify silent despair, whispering of unmet needs and promises of aid that remain unfulfilled. The poem captures a profound sense of stagnation and unresolved grief, calling attention to the lingering consequences of neglect and the resilience required to endure amidst an absence of relief. Annisa Muhaysafira 21019028 24JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM
christy yulianda putri
1 bulan yang lalu
Namun, di bawah langit yang seakan membatu, tangan-tangan kecil kami menggambar peta di pasir, merancang perjalanan yang belum pernah terjadi, seperti merangkai bintang-bintang yang hilang di langit yang rusak. English Translation: "Yet, beneath a sky that seems frozen, our small hands draw maps in the sand, crafting journeys that have never been, like piecing together lost stars in a broken sky." Translation Technique Explanation: This translation focuses on preserving the imagery and evocative tone of the original text. Phrases like "tangan-tangan kecil kami menggambar peta di pasir" ("our small hands draw maps in the sand") and "merangkai bintang-bintang yang hilang" ("piecing together lost stars") are translated literally to maintain their poetic resonance. Adjustments are made to ensure fluidity in English, particularly in metaphors like "langit yang seakan membatu" ("a sky that seems frozen") and "langit yang rusak" ("a broken sky"). The translation seeks to capture the balance between fragility and hope, central themes of the passage, while ensuring the text reads naturally in the target language. christy yulianda putri 21019033 24JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 LM
Annisa Tul Khair
1 bulan yang lalu
I interested to the first verse Di tanah luka tak sembuh-sembuh, debu menggantung di udara seperti ingatan yang tak mau lenyap, jalan-jalan berkerikil menyimpan jejak langkah hilang, sementara tenda-tenda pengungsian berbisik, tentang bantuan yang tak kunjung tiba Translation: On this land of unhealed wounds, dust lingers in the air like memories that refuse to fade, gravel-strewn roads hold the traces of vanished footsteps, while the refugee tents whisper of aid that never comes. Translation Technique: This translation uses a poetic and evocative equivalence approach to maintain the emotional depth, imagery, and flow of the original text. The translation adheres closely to the original meaning but adapts slightly for smoother, more lyrical phrasing in English, such as "whisper of aid that never comes" instead of the more literal "about aid that never arrives." This method ensures the translation is faithful to the original while delivering the same poignant and vivid impact to English readers. Annisa Tul Khair 24 JD I-E Trans JM9-10 NKall21 LM
Alhamdi Arif
1 bulan yang lalu
1. One feasible business idea inspired by the situation described in the poem could be a community art therapy program for children affected by conflict. This initiative would provide a safe space for children to express their emotions and experiences through art, helping them process trauma and build resilience. The program could include workshops in painting, storytelling, and other creative outlets, allowing children to reclaim their voices and dreams amidst the challenges they face. 2. The character traits from the poem that should be applied in starting and running a business include empathy, resilience, and creativity. The poem reflects the struggles and hopes of children in a conflict zone, emphasizing the importance of understanding their experiences and emotions. By embodying empathy, an entrepreneur can create a supportive environment that fosters healing and growth. Resilience is crucial for overcoming obstacles in business, while creativity can drive innovative solutions to address the needs of the community effectively. Alhamdi Arif (22018087) 24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM
Sohibul Aminudin
1 bulan yang lalu
I chose verse 3, "Di antara reruntuhan, suara kami anak-anak Palestina, terbungkus asap, seperti layang-layang yang tak pernah naik, terjerat dalam benang-benang yang tersangkut di antena tua. Kami tak pernah tahu, apakah dongeng malam masih boleh dibisikkan di bantal batu yang berdebu." That verse gives the metaphor about how sad the children of palestina are. They are the victims of the war that we don't know when it will be done. Their request for help is not heard by people, making them confused without knowing what to do. Sohibul Aminudin, 21019021, 24JD IE Trans JM9-10 NKall21 LM
Dimas Prasetya Budi
1 bulan yang lalu
Meaning of the poem: the struggle of palestine children My favorite line/stanza: Di antara reruntuhan, suara kami anak-anak Palestina, terbungkus asap, Things come to my mind: we must help and care for the children of Palestine Dimas Prasetya Budi 24 JD WRITING NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
Muhammad Zikri Alfurqan
1 bulan yang lalu
The meaning of the title that I got is that among the cracks in the Palestinian land, the children there continue to struggle to live. Favorite line : sementara tenda-tenda pengungsian berbisik, tentang bantuan yang tak kunjung tiba. What came to my mind was that Palestinian children always fought even though they were bombarded with repeated attacks. Muhammad Zikri Alfurqan (24019056) 24 JD Writing NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
Afifah Syaharani
1 bulan yang lalu
1. Meaning : The poem portrays a haunting depiction of loss, resilience, and the lingering weight of unresolved trauma. 2. My favorite line : Rumah-rumah yang rata dengan tanah, menyimpan bayang-bayang yang saling berdesakan. 3. The poem invites reflection on the human cost of conflict, the resilience of those who endure it, and the desperate need for global compassion and action.
Afifah Syaharani
1 bulan yang lalu
1. Meaning : The poem portrays a haunting depiction of loss, resilience, and the lingering weight of unresolved trauma. 2. My favorite line : Rumah-rumah yang rata dengan tanah, menyimpan bayang-bayang yang saling berdesakan. 3. The poem invites reflection on the human cost of conflict, the resilience of those who endure it, and the desperate need for global compassion and action. Afifah Syaharani 24019001 24 JD Writing NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
Trisna Filius Adi
1 bulan yang lalu
The title "Merancang Perjalanan yang Belum Pernah Terjadi" means "Designing a Journey That Has Never Happened," reflecting the idea of envisioning a future or hope that has not yet come to fruition, possibly symbolizing the ongoing struggle for peace or justice. Sanza : "Dan dalam setiap helaan nafas tanah Palestina, terdapat kisah yang tak akan terhapus oleh waktu," The poem conveys the enduring struggle of Palestine, where dreams remain unfulfilled, but the stories of resilience and suffering persist. Despite efforts to erase these voices, the land and its history continue to echo, resisting oppression and preserving a legacy that time cannot erase. Trisna Filius Adi 24019113 — 24 JD Writing NK 2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Zuleyka Azzahra
1 bulan yang lalu
The title means for me is a sense of hope and resistance, as life often finds a way to grow even among cracked and barren soil. Similarly, Palestinians continue to strive for peace, justice, and self-determination despite immense challenges. My favorite lines is “melawan angin tipu daya, yang tak henti mencoba, melenyapkan suara kami.” This poems means this phrase could symbolize the fight for justice or truth against overwhelming forces of deceit and oppression. It reflects resilience and the determination to resist being silenced. Zuleyka Azzahra 24 JD Writing NK2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Ahmad Zidane Albarik
1 bulan yang lalu
The title reflects the hope of the Palestinians amidst ongoing hardship and destruction. One striking line is, "tangan-tangan kecil kami menggambar peta di pasir, merancang perjalanan yang belum pernah terjadi," which highlights the strength of imagination. It emphasizes how hope and resistance remain powerful for survival. Ahmad Zidane Albarik (24019092) 24 JD Writing NK 2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Rahayu Febriani
1 bulan yang lalu
Meaning of the Title The title "Among the Cracks of the Earth" symbolizes the struggles of the Palestinian people, who live amid destruction and hope for freedom. Favorite Line/Stanza My favorite stanza is: "And in every breath of the land of Palestine, there is a story that will not be erased by time, among the cracks of the earth and drops of tears." It captures the resilience and unbroken spirit of the Palestinian people despite endless suffering. Thoughts After Reading The poem reminds me of the pain, courage, and hope of the Palestinian children living through war and loss. Rahayu Febriani 24 JD WRITING NK-2 24 SL7-8 LM
Rahma Khalilah Najwa
1 bulan yang lalu
This poem describes the suffering and struggle of Palestinian children amidst conflict, destruction and injustice. Even though they are surrounded by sadness, they still maintain hope and courage to fight and dream of a better future. “ Kami tak pernah tahu, apakah dongeng malam masih boleh dibisikkan di bantal batu yang berdebu.” they still maintain hope and courage to fight and dream of a better future. (Rahma Khalilah Najwa, 24JD Writing NK2-24 SL7-8 LM)
Muhammad Aqeel Jasomandez
1 bulan yang lalu
What is the meaning of the title of the poem : symbolizes division Line / stanza : 3 Mind after reading : the suffering and resistance experienced by people living in war situations, with a focus on Palestinian children as a symbol of helplessness. Muhammad Aqeel Jasomandez 24 JD Writing NK 2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Abdul Hamid
1 bulan yang lalu
The title means for me is a sense of hope and resistance, as life often finds a way to grow even among cracked and barren soil. Similarly, Palestinians continue to strive for peace, justice, and self-determination despite immense challenges. My favorite lines is “melawan angin tipu daya, yang tak henti mencoba, melenyapkan suara kami.” This poems means this phrase could symbolize the fight for justice or truth against overwhelming forces of deceit and oppression. It reflects resilience and the determination to resist being silenced. ABDUL HAMID 24 JD Writing NK2-24 SL 7-8 LM
1 bulan yang lalu
Short Answers: 1. Meaning of the Title: “Among the Cracked Earth” represents the struggle to survive amidst destruction and suffering. 2. Favorite Line: “Our small hands draw maps in the sand, planning journeys that have never happened.” This line reflects hope and dreams despite hardships. 3. Thoughts After Reading: The poem reminds me of the struggles and resilience of Palestinian children in the midst of conflict. Syasya (24019030) 24 JD Writing NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
Aida Sulastri
1 bulan yang lalu
The title of this poem reminds me of the Palestinian people whose homeland they want to take. My favorite line "Rumah-rumah yang rata dengan tanah, menyimpan bayang-bayang yang saling berdesakan." After reading this poem I feel the sadness of the Palestinian people
Rafi Yuma Aditya
1 bulan yang lalu
Stanza: "Among the ruins, our voices as Palestinian children are wrapped in smoke, like kites that never soar, caught in strings tangled on old antennas. We no longer know if bedtime stories can still be whispered on dusty stone pillows." Sentence: "In every breath of Palestinian soil lies a story that time cannot erase, echoing through the cracks of the earth and the tears it holds." Rafi Yuma Aditya (24019060) 24 JD WRITING NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
Muhamad Faizal
1 bulan yang lalu
The poem Time by Leni Marlina conveys a message about resilience in the face of difficulties. With the metaphor of cracks in the ground and tears, this poem describes the struggle that continues even though many things try to cover it up. Leni succeeded in inspiring readers with simple words full of meaning, reflecting the spirit to survive and keep going. Muhamad Faizal (24019018) 24 JD writing NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
Aprini Simbolon
1 bulan yang lalu
Meaning of the Poem: "Diantara Retakan Tanah" is a powerful and poignant poem that depicts the struggles and suffering of the people of Palestine, particularly the children. It portrays a land scarred by war, loss, and displacement, with the remnants of homes and lives in ruins. The imagery of dust, broken land, and abandoned dreams reflects the painful reality of those who have lost everything. The poem highlights the endurance of the Palestinian spirit, as despite their suffering, the children continue to dream, to create, and to resist the erasure of their stories. It speaks to the hope that even in the most dire circumstances, there is a desire to survive, rebuild, and preserve the truth of their existence. **Stanza/Line I Like:** One line that resonates deeply is: *"Namun, di bawah langit yang seakan membatu, tangan-tangan kecil kami menggambar peta di pasir, merancang perjalanan yang belum pernah terjadi, seperti merangkai bintang-bintang yang hilang di langit yang rusak."* This line beautifully captures the theme of resilience and hope. Despite the destruction around them, the children still imagine a future, drawing maps in the sand and reaching for lost stars. It conveys the spirit of survival and the yearning for a better world even amidst dire circumstances. **Things That Come to Mind:** After reading the poem, I am reminded of the ongoing conflict in Palestine and the unimaginable suffering endured by children and families living in such conditions. It brings to mind the stark contrast between innocence and the harsh realities of war. The poem makes me think about the resilience of the human spirit, especially among those who face oppression, displacement, and violence. The children’s act of drawing maps and imagining a future offers a glimmer of hope, reminding me that even in the most desperate situations, the will to survive and dream for a better life persists. It also makes me reflect on the importance of telling stories and keeping memories alive, no matter how much the world tries to forget. Aprini Simbolon (24019005) 24 JD writing NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
Ghurafy Masyhuda Rahmat
1 bulan yang lalu
what is the meaning of the title of the poem to you is This poem is very interesting because it discusses humanitarian issues about our brothers and sisters in Palestine. which line/stanza you like very much is Dan dalam setiap helaan nafas tanah Palestina, terdapat kisah yang tak akan terhapus oleh waktu, di antara retakan tanah dan tetesan air mata, kisah nyata itu masih bergema dalam sunyi, melawan angin tipu daya, yang tak henti mencoba, melenyapkan suara kami. what things come to your mind after reading the poem is It is very sad to see how our brothers and sisters in Palestine are struggling. We hope that they will soon be free from this occupation.
M.Ridho Riszi Sc
1 bulan yang lalu
•Whats the meaning of the poem? ➡️ people who are suffering the life on their homeland. •which stanza you like very much: ➡️ Di antara retakan tanah dan tetesan air mata. •what things come to your mind? ➡️ suffering the life with strength. M.Ridhk Riszi Sc JD WRITING NK2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Ridel Decastro
1 bulan yang lalu
Whats the meaning of the poem? • people who are suffering the life on their homeland. •which stanza you like very much: • Di antara retakan tanah dan tetesan air mata. •what things come to your mind? • suffering the life with strength. Ridel Decastro JD WRITING NK2-24 SL 7-8 LM
1 bulan yang lalu
1. Meaning of the Title: “Diantara Retakan Tanah” represents the ongoing suffering in Palestine, where the land is broken, and the people endure pain and loss, yet their resilience and stories remain unbroken. 2. Favorite Line: “Namun, di bawah langit yang seakan membatu, tangan-tangan kecil kami menggambar peta di pasir.” I like this line because it shows the hope and strength of the children, even in the midst of destruction, trying to create something from nothing. 3. Thoughts After Reading: The poem makes me think of the struggles faced by children in war zones, their strength, and the lasting effects of violence and displacement. Syasya 24019030
Rozyid Jaylani. H
1 bulan yang lalu
Children in Palestine are different from children in general. The children in Palestine are great children. even though they felt afraid, they still dared to defend their land. 24 JD WRITING NK2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Khoirunnisya Simbolon
1 bulan yang lalu
Name: Khoirunnisya Simbolon NIM: 22018130 Class: K5 - 24 JD EPR ST4-6 NK?23 LM 1. What is the meaning of the poem to you? The poem conveys the sorrow, suffering, and resilience of the Palestinian people, particularly the children, amidst the harsh realities of war, displacement, and loss. It paints a powerful image of their daily struggles, where the remnants of a once-thriving land now stand as a silent testament to the pain and hope that persists. Despite the devastation, there remains a flicker of resistance and determination, as symbolized by the children drawing maps in the sand, trying to imagine a better future amidst the rubble. 2. Which line/stanza do you like very much? “Kami tak pernah tahu, apakah dongeng malam masih boleh dibisikkan di bantal batu yang berdebu.” This line resonates deeply because it speaks to the innocence of children, whose dreams are stifled by the harshness of their environment. The metaphor of a “dusty stone pillow” represents the loss of childhood, where even simple pleasures like bedtime stories are swallowed by the pain and uncertainty of war. 3. What is one of the business ideas that comes to your mind after reading the poem? A humanitarian art project that focuses on amplifying the voices of children affected by conflict. The project could involve creating art exhibitions, storytelling platforms, and digital art campaigns to share the experiences of children in war zones like Palestine. These efforts could raise awareness, generate funds for humanitarian aid, and provide a creative outlet for children to express their resilience and dreams despite the challenges they face.
1 bulan yang lalu
Palestine deserve freedom, the storm will definitely pass Rozyid Jaylani. nazhmi hadil ayyubi 22018147 (24 JD EPR ST 4-6 NK?23LM)
Khoirunnisya Simbolon
1 bulan yang lalu
Name: Khoirunnisya Simbolon NIM: 22018130 Class: K5 - 24 JD EPR ST4-6 NK?23 LM Quiz 32 1. What does the poem “Di Antara Retakan Tanah” mean to you, and what message does it convey? 2. Which line or stanza in the poem resonates with you the most, and why? 3. How might the themes in the poem inspire a potential business idea or social enterprise? 1. Interpretation of the Poem’s Meaning: The poem Di Tanah Luka Tak Sembuh-Sembuh speaks about the enduring suffering and resilience of the people in Palestine. The imagery of desolation, such as ruined homes, olive trees losing their luster, and children’s voices muffled by smoke, powerfully conveys the ongoing struggle and the painful reality of war. Despite the hardships, there is an unbroken spirit symbolized by the children drawing maps in the sand, dreaming of a journey yet to come, a future that has not yet been realized. The poem highlights the power of hope and resilience even in the face of immense suffering and destruction. It is a plea for the world to not forget the pain and stories of those living in conflict zones. 2. Favorite Line/Stanza: The stanza that stands out the most is: “Namun, di bawah langit yang seakan membatu, tangan-tangan kecil kami menggambar peta di pasir, merancang perjalanan yang belum pernah terjadi, seperti merangkai bintang-bintang yang hilang di langit yang rusak.” This stanza captures the essence of innocence and hope amidst destruction. The image of children drawing maps in the sand symbolizes a yearning for direction, a better future, and the persistence of dreaming despite the surrounding devastation. The metaphor of “missing stars in a broken sky” paints a vivid picture of a future that feels unreachable but still worth pursuing. 3. Business Idea Inspired by the Poem: The poem’s themes of resilience, hope, and the pursuit of a better future could inspire a social enterprise focused on education and rebuilding communities in conflict areas. This business could provide digital education platforms to children in refugee camps or war-torn regions, offering them access to learning resources and teaching them skills to build a brighter future. By connecting children to education, the business would offer a form of empowerment and hope, helping them to “draw maps” for their future despite their challenging circumstances. It would also provide a platform for people in conflict zones to share their stories, connect with others, and raise awareness about the ongoing struggles they face.
Larasiti Nurahmah
1 bulan yang lalu
1. The poem reflects the deep suffering, resilience, and hope of the Palestinian people amidst destruction and displacement. It highlights the contrast between the harsh reality of war and the strength of the human spirit. 2. I am moved by the line: "Kami tak pernah tahu, apakah dongeng malam masih boleh dibisikkan di bantal batu yang berdebu," which speaks to the loss of innocence and the difficulty of dreaming amidst such hardship. 3. A business idea that comes to mind is creating a platform or project that tells the stories of displaced communities through art, literature, and digital storytelling. This could help raise awareness and support for humanitarian causes. Larasiti NUrahmah (22018131) 24 JD EPR St4-6 NK?23 LM
1 bulan yang lalu
1. The poem conveys a deep sense of respect and gratitude for the sacrifices of the heroes who fought for independence, inspiring us to continue their legacy of courage and selflessness. 2. I like the stanza: "Sejarah yang kau tulis dengan darah, menelusuri arti kemerdekaan" because it highlights the profound sacrifices made for freedom. 3. One business idea that comes to mind is creating a cultural awareness program or product that honors heroes and promotes understanding of historical struggles, such as educational workshops or themed merchandise. Radiah (22018152) 24 JD EPR ST4-6 NK? 23 LM
Jeni Fitria
1 bulan yang lalu
First Comment: This poem speaks powerfully about the struggles and unyielding resilience of the people of Palestine. It paints a vivid image of their suffering, the loss of their land, and the ongoing fight for their voices to be heard. The symbolism of the broken land and the hope embedded in the children’s drawing of the future shows how, even in the most challenging times, the spirit of hope and resistance endures. Second Comment: I am particularly moved by this stanza: “Di antara reruntuhan, suara kami anak-anak Palestina, terbungkus asap, / seperti layang-layang yang tak pernah naik, / terjerat dalam benang-benang yang tersangkut di antena tua.” It beautifully captures the feeling of being trapped in a struggle, yet still yearning for the freedom to soar. Third Comment: After reading the poem, a business idea that comes to mind is creating a social enterprise or platform that uses art and storytelling to raise awareness about global conflicts, specifically the situation in Palestine, through various mediums such as art exhibitions, poetry, and documentaries. Jeni Fitria 22018125
Jeni Fitria
1 bulan yang lalu
The poem represents the unyielding spirit of people in the face of hardship, especially in conflict zones like Palestine. It reflects on the struggles, losses, and the unbroken will to continue despite overwhelming adversity. The resilience of individuals and their ability to carry on with hope and remembrance is at the heart of the poem. I like the line, "Dan dalam setiap helaan nafas tanah Palestina, terdapat kisah yang tak akan terhapus oleh waktu." It highlights how the stories of the land and its people will endure, no matter how much time passes. A potential business idea could be a non-profit organization that helps document and share the stories of those affected by conflict, using technology to preserve these voices and raise awareness globally. Jeni Fitria 22018125
1 bulan yang lalu
1. Business Idea Advocacy art initiatives: Creating a platform for Palestinian children to share their stories through art, poetry, and digital media, raising awareness and inspiring global support for their cause. 2. Character to Apply Compassion: Demonstrating deep care and commitment to amplifying the voices of the vulnerable, fostering hope and solidarity in the face of injustice. ADHITYA AMARULLAH FINUS PKWU JD96 SN1-2 LM
1 bulan yang lalu
"Bahkan laut tampak pasrah, berombak lemah seperti detak terakhir" membuat saya mendapatkan ide bisnis yaitu berjualan es doger ditepi pantai agar dapat dinikmati oleh turis, Khadizah Teknologi Rekayasa Sistem Elektronika 24 JD PKWU 96 SN1-2 LM
1 bulan yang lalu
"Bahkan laut tampak pasrah, berombak lemah seperti detak terakhir" membuat saya mendapatkan ide bisnis yaitu berjualan es dawet, alasannya agar dapat mengembangkan makanan dan minuman khas jawa, karena saya berasal dari suku jawa, Khadizah Teknologi Rekayasa Sistem Elektronika 24 JD PKWU 96 SN1-2 LM
1 bulan yang lalu
"Bahkan laut tampak pasrah, berombak lemah seperti detak terakhir" membuat saya mendapatkan ide bisnis yaitu berjualan makanan khas jawa, salah satunya yaitu klepon, getuk dan tiwul, karena saya berasal dari suku jawa jadi saya ingin mengembangkan keunikan dari makanan khas jawa Khadizah Teknologi Rekayasa Sistem Elektronika 24 JD PKWU 96 SN1-2 LM
1 bulan yang lalu
1. Puisi ini menggambarkan adanya unsur perjuangan yang kuat. Juga menggambarkan bagaimana masyarakat palestina harus tetap bertahan meski dalam keadaan yang sulit. Aisha jihani 24 JD P.KWU96 SN1-2LM
1 bulan yang lalu
2. Bait yang menarik menurut saya "Dan dalam setiap helaan nafas tanah Palestina, terdapat kisah yang tak akan terhapus oleh waktu, di antara retakan tanah dan tetesan air mata, kisah nyata itu masih bergema dalam sunyi, melawan angin tipu daya, yang tak henti mencoba, melenyapkan suara kami " Aisha jihani, 24 JD P.KWU96 SN1-2LM
1 bulan yang lalu
3. Ide bisnis yang muncul setelah membaca puisi ini adalah Memberikan pelatihan keterampilan untuk masyarakat setempat seperti menjahit, merakit produk elektronik, atau membuat barang-barang dari bahan lokal yang bisa dipasarkan di dalam atau luar negeri. Aisha jihani 24 JD P.KWU96 SN1-2LM
1 bulan yang lalu
1. Makna puisi ini adalah penderitaan, kesulitan dan perjuangan anak-anak palestina untuk memperoleh kebebasan atau kemerdekaan. [Adelina freshelya, 24 JD P.KWU96 SN1-2 LM]
1 bulan yang lalu
2. Bait yang saya sukai, " Namun, di bawah langit yang seakan membatu, tangan-tangan kecil kami menggambar peta di pasir, merancang perjalanan yang belum pernah terjadi, seperti merangkai bintang-bintang yang hilang di langit yang rusak." [24 JD P.KWU96 SN1-2 LM]
1 bulan yang lalu
3. Ide bisnis dari puisi ini adalah membuat kerajinan tangan khas palestina, seperti sulaman, ukiran kayu ataupun keramik. Memiliki nilai jual tinggi sehingga dapat membantu orang - orang palestina. [Adelina freshelya, 24 JD P.KWU96 SN1-2 LM]
Salwa Putri Pratiwi
1 bulan yang lalu
1. Makna dari puisi tersebut ialah semangat juang dan harapan untuk masa depan yang lebih baik bagi Palestina. Salwa Putri Pratiwi, No. Urut 17, Prodi Psikologi, 24 JD P.KWU96 SN 1-2 LM
Salwa Putri Pratiwi
1 bulan yang lalu
2. Bait yang saya sukai ” Namun, di bawah langit yang seakan membatu, tangan-tangan kecil kami menggambar peta di pasir, merancang perjalanan yang belum pernah terjadi, seperti merangkai bintang-bintang yang hilang di langit yang rusak.” Salwa Putri Pratiwi, No. Urut 17, Prodi Psikologi, 24 JD P.KWU96 SN 1-2 LM
Salwa Putri Pratiwi
1 bulan yang lalu
3. Ide wirausaha yang terfikir adalah mengadakan kampanye kesadaran tentang isu-isu di Palestina sambil menjual produk-produk lokal juga bisa menjadi strategi efektif. Salwa Putri Pratiwi, No. Urut 17, Prodi Psikologi, 24 JD P.KWU96 SN 1-2 LM
Annisa Ulfaiza
1 bulan yang lalu
"Diantara Retakan Tanah". Di tanah luka tak sembuh-sembuh, debu menggantung di udara seperti ingatan yang tak mau lenyap, jalan-jalan berkerikil menyimpan jejak langkah hilang, sementara tenda-tenda pengungsian berbisik, tentang bantuan yang tak kunjung tiba. bait tersebut adalah bait awal yang saya sukai dari puisi tersebut Annisa Ulfaiza, No. Urut 02, Teknologi Rekayasa Sistem Elektronika 24 JD PKWU96 SN 1-2 LM
Annisa Ulfaiza
1 bulan yang lalu
Ide usaha yang ingin saya buat adalah membuka platform donasi terkait kasus yang ada di palestina dan membantu masyarakat palestina yang sedang berada di pengungsian Annisa Ulfaiza, No. Urut 02, Teknologi Rekayasa Sistem Elektronika 24 JD PKWU96 SN 1-2 LM
Annisa Ulfaiza
1 bulan yang lalu
makna yang terkandung dalam puisi diatas adalah tentang kesadaran nya seluruh dunia tentang terkait yang terjadi di palestina, marilah kita bantu dengan cara membuka platform donasi untuk para pengungsi palestina Annisa Ulfaiza, No. Urut 02, Teknologi Rekayasa Sistem Elektronika 24 JD PKWU96 SN 1-2 LM
joice natasha
1 bulan yang lalu
"Di antara reruntuhan, suara kami anak-anak Palestina, terbungkus asap, seperti layang-layang yang tak pernah naik, terjerat dalam benang-benang yang tersangkut di antena tua." ("Among the ruins, our voices, the children of Palestine, are wrapped in smoke, like kites that never rise, entangled in threads caught in old antennas.") This line powerfully conveys the sense of stifled hope and the struggle for expression amidst destruction, where the voices of the children are silenced, their dreams and futures tangled in the aftermath of conflict. Joice Natasha 24 JD writing NK 2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Afifah Syaharani
1 bulan yang lalu
"Kami tak pernah tahu, apakah dongeng malam masih boleh dibisikkan di bantal batu yang berdebu." "We never know if bedtime tales are still allowed to be whispered on dusty stone pillows." We never know if the bedtime stories, once filled with warmth and comfort, can still be softly whispered on dusty, stone pillows, where silence now lingers in the air. Afifah Syaharani 24 JD Writing NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
Trisna Filius Adi
1 bulan yang lalu
Di tanah luka tak sembuh-sembuh, debu menggantung di udara seperti ingatan yang tak mau lenyap On the ground the wounds do not heal, the dust hangs in the air like a memory that refuses to disappear Sentence : On the ground, the wounds remain unhealed, while the dust lingers in the air like a memory that refuses to fade. Trisna Filius Adi 24 JD Writing NK 2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Zuleyka Azzahra
1 bulan yang lalu
"Dan dalam setiap helaan nafas tanah Palestina, terdapat kisah yang tak akan terhapus oleh waktu," Zuleyka Azzahra 24 JD Writing NK2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Zuleyka Azzahra
1 bulan yang lalu
And in every breath of the land of Palestine, there is a story that will never be erased by time Zuleyka Azzahra 24 JD Writing NK2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Zuleyka Azzahra
1 bulan yang lalu
The line means that the land of Palestine holds stories of its history and struggles that will never be forgotten, no matter how much time passes. Zuleyka Azzahra 24 JD Writing NK2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Ahmad Zidane Albarik
1 bulan yang lalu
Kalimat yang menarik: “Dan dalam setiap helaan nafas tanah Palestina, terdapat kisah yang tak akan terhapus oleh waktu,” Terjemahan dalam Bahasa Inggris: "And in every breath of the land of Palestine, there is a story that will not be erased by time," Kalimat yang memiliki larik: Dan dalam setiap helaan nafas tanah Palestina, terdapat kisah yang tak akan terhapus oleh waktu, di antara retakan tanah dan tetesan air mata, kisah nyata itu masih bergema dalam sunyi, melawan angin tipu daya, yang tak henti mencoba, melenyapkan suara kami. Ahmad Zidane Albarik (24019092) 24 JD Writing NK 2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Rahma Khalilah Najwa
1 bulan yang lalu
Rumah-rumah yang rata dengan tanah, menyimpan bayang-bayang yang saling berdesakan. 24JD Writing NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
Rahma Khalilah Najwa
1 bulan yang lalu
Houses that are flat with the ground, keep shadows that crowd each other. 24jD Writing NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
Dean Putri Azzhara
1 bulan yang lalu
Di antara reruntuhan, suara kami anak-anak Palestina, terbungkus asap, Among the ruins, the voices of us Palestinian children, wrapped in smoke, Among the rubble, the voices of us Palestinian children, shrouded in smoke, no one else could hear them Dean Putri Azzhara 24 JD WRITIMG NK 2 24 SL 7-8 LM
1 bulan yang lalu
"di antara retakan tanah dan tetesan air mata," "between the cracks of the ground and the drops of tears," "Between the cracks of the ground and the drops of tears, lies the fragile space where healing begins to bloom." Syasya(24019030) 24 JD WRITING NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
Muhammad Zikri Alfurqan
1 bulan yang lalu
Rumah-rumah yang rata dengan tanah, menyimpan bayang-bayang yang saling berdesakan. Muhammad Zikri Alfurqan (24019056) 24 JD Writing NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
Muhammad Zikri Alfurqan
1 bulan yang lalu
A depiction of Palestinian conditions cramped in a tent with lots of people Muhammad Zikri Alfurqan (24019056) 24 JD Writing NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
Muhammad Zikri Alfurqan
1 bulan yang lalu
Palestinian life was completely destroyed, what was originally a narrow house full of things turned into a narrow tent with many people. Muhammad Zikri Alfurqan (24019056) 24 JD Writing NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
Muhammad Aqeel Jasomandez
1 bulan yang lalu
Pohon zaitun kehilangan rindangnya, menjadi saksi bisu bagi malam-malam tanpa pagi, di mana desiran pasir, bercampur dengan raung logam dan serpihan peluru, Rumah-rumah yang rata dengan tanah, menyimpan bayang-bayang yang saling berdesakan. Muhammad Aqeel Jasomandez 24 JD Writing NK 2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Dimas Prasetya Budi
1 bulan yang lalu
Dan dalam setiap helaan nafas tanah Palestina, terdapat kisah yang tak akan terhapus oleh waktu, Dimas Prasetya Budi 24 JD WRITING NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
Aida Sulastri
1 bulan yang lalu
"Di tanah luka tak sembuh-sembuh, debu menggantung di udara seperti ingatan yang tak mau lenyap," "In the land of wounds that never heal, dust hangs in the air like memories that refuse to fade." "The land of wounds that never heal holds the memories that refuse to fade, much like how the dust lingers in the air, reminding us of the past." Aida Sulastri JD NK2-24 SL7-8LM
Dimas Prasetya Budi
1 bulan yang lalu
And in every breath of Palestine, there is a story that will not be erased by time, Dimas Prasetya Budi 24 JD WRITING NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
Muhammad Aqeel Jasomandez
1 bulan yang lalu
Olive trees lose their shade, becoming silent witnesses to nights without morning, where the rustle of sand, mixed with the roar of metal and shrapnel, Houses that are leveled to the ground, hold shadows that jostle each other. Muhammad Aqeel Jasomandez 24 JD Writing NK 2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Dimas Prasetya Budi
1 bulan yang lalu
And in every breath of the land of Palestine, there is a story that will not be erased by time, and will not be forgotten by everyone. Dimas Prasetya Budi 24 JD WRITING NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
Muhammad Aqeel Jasomandez
1 bulan yang lalu
sentence from the quote above: Olive trees lose their shade, becoming silent witnesses to nights without morning, where the rustle of sand, mixed with the roar of metal and shrapnel, houses that are leveled to the ground accommodate shadows that jostle each other. Muhammad Aqeel Jasomandez 24 JD Writing NK 2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Abdul Hamid
1 bulan yang lalu
Bahkan laut pun tampak pasrah, beriak lemah seperti detak jantungnya yang terakhir, sementara di kejauhan kapal-kapal tidak pernah kembali, membawa mimpi yang tenggelam bersama matahari, di bawah garis cakrawala yang sekarang retak. ABDUL HAMID 24 JD WRITING NK 2 SL 7-8 LM
Abdul Hamid
1 bulan yang lalu
Even the sea seemed resigned, rippling weakly like its last heartbeat, while in the distance the ships never return, carrying dreams that sank with the sun, below the now cracked horizon line. ABDUL HAMID 24 JD WRITING NK 2 SL 7-8 LM
Abdul Hamid
1 bulan yang lalu
The sea seemed resigned, its waves gently rippling as if following its last heartbeat, while ships in the distance never return, carrying dreams drowned with the setting sun, beneath a horizon now shattered. ABDUL HAMID 24 JD WRITING NK 2 SL 7-8 LM
Ridel Decastro
1 bulan yang lalu
"Di antara reruntuhan, suara kami anak-anak Palestina, terbungkus asap." Ridel Decastro (24019082) 24 JD Writing NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
Ridel Decastro
1 bulan yang lalu
"Amidst the ruins, our voices, the children of Palestine, wrapped in smoke."
Ridel Decastro
1 bulan yang lalu
"Amidst the ruins, our voices, the children of Palestine, wrapped in smoke, rise in a haunting melody of hope and resilience, echoing through the desolation."
Rafi Yuma Aditya
1 bulan yang lalu
Namun, di bawah langit yang seakan membatu, tangan-tangan kecil kami menggambar peta di pasir, merancang perjalanan yang belum pernah terjadi, seperti merangkai bintang-bintang yang hilang di langit yang rusak. Rafi Yuma Aditya 24 JD Writing NK 2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Rafi Yuma Aditya
1 bulan yang lalu
Yet, beneath a sky that seems frozen, our small hands draw maps in the sand, charting journeys that have never been, like piecing together lost stars in a shattered sky. Rafi Yuma Aditya 24 JD Writing NK 2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Rafi Yuma Aditya
1 bulan yang lalu
Even under a fractured sky, hope endures in the quiet determination to dream and rebuild what has been lost. Rafi Yuma Aditya 24 JD Writing 2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Rozyid Jaylani. H
1 bulan yang lalu
Pohon zaitun kehilangan rindangnya, menjadi saksi bisu bagi malam-malam tanpa pagi, di mana desiran pasir, bercampur dengan raung logam dan serpihan peluru, Rumah-rumah yang rata dengan tanah, menyimpan bayang-bayang yang saling berdesakan.
Rozyid Jaylani. H
1 bulan yang lalu
The olive tree loses its shade, be a silent witness to the morningless nights, where the rustle of sand, mixed with the roar of metal and shrapnel, The houses are flattened to the ground, keeping shadows crowded together.
Rozyid Jaylani. H
1 bulan yang lalu
The olive tree loses its shade, becoming a silent witness to nights without morning, where the rustle of sand mingles with the roar of metal and shrapnel. Homes are flattened to the ground, trapping shadows in their crowded remains. 24019026 Rozyid Jaylani. H 24 JD WRITING NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
M.Ridho Riszi S.c
1 bulan yang lalu
Rumah-rumah yang rata dengan tanah, menyimpan bayang-bayang yang saling berdesakan. M RIDHO RISZI S.C JD WRITING NK2-24 SL 7-8 LM
M.Ridho Riszi S.c
1 bulan yang lalu
The houses are flush with the ground, keeping shadows crammed together. M RIDHO RISZI S.C JD WRITING NK2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Ananda Putra Faisal
4 minggu yang lalu
terdapat kisah yang tak akan terhapus oleh waktu. Bait ini tidak terinspirasi dari english literature. Dikarenakan saya tidak dapat mencari koneksi dikarenakan penggunaan bahasa Indonesia Ananda Putra Faisal. BRILIT NKLIT JM9-10 LM
Fany Margareta
4 minggu yang lalu
Puisi memiliki makna bahwa banyaknya perjuangan para warga palestina untuk mempertahankan daerah tinggal mereka, begitu banyak tumpah darah yang mereka lalui saat ini. Fany Margareta 24 JD P.KWU 95 SN 1-2 LM
Muhammad Abdurrosyid Dzakhwan
4 minggu yang lalu
kisah nyata itu masih bergema dalam sunyi,melawan angin tipu daya, yang tak henti mencoba, melenyapkan suara kami. The line above is not directly inspired by a particular poem, although it contains similar elements to the theme of struggle and steadfastness. Muhammad Abdurrosyid Dzakhwan (21019015) - 24 JD Brilit JM9-10 LM
Fany Margareta
4 minggu yang lalu
Dan dalam setiap helaan nafas tanah Palestina, terdapat kisah yang tak akan terhapus oleh waktu, di antara retakan tanah dan tetesan air mata, kisah nyata itu masih bergema dalam sunyi, melawan angin tipu daya, yang tak henti mencoba, melenyapkan suara kami. bait ini yang saya sukai memiliki makna banyak kisah yang mereka pertaruhkan demi daerah tempat tinggal mereka. Fany Margareta 24 JD P.KWU 96 SN 1-2 LM
Fany Margareta
4 minggu yang lalu
Ide yang terpikirkan oleh saya yaitu membuat film lalu sebagian penghasilan di donasikan ke palestina. Fany Margareta 24 JD P.KWU 96 SN 1-2 LM.
Evro Ofranto
4 minggu yang lalu
Puisi ini sangat mengunggah semangat, larik yang membuat saya terarik "Di antara retakan tanah dan tetesan air mata, kisah nyata itu masih bergema dalam sunyi." Larik ini menggambarkan keteguhan dan keberlanjutan perjuangan meskipun dalam penderitaan yang mendalam. " Retakan tanah" melambangkan kehancuran, sementara "kisah nyata" yang bergema menunjukkan bahwa meskipun tertindas, ada semangat yang tetap hidup. Apakah terinspirasi dari British Literature? Ya, larik ini mengingatkan pada tradisi sastra Inggris, khususnya karya Wilfred Owen atau penyair era perang lainnya. Mereka sering menggambarkan penderitaan manusia akibat konflik dengan suara yang lirih penuh makna, seperti dalam Anthem for Doomed Youth. Evro Ofranto 24 JD BRILIT JM 9-10 LM
4 minggu yang lalu
Diantara Retakan Tanah Di tanah luka tak sembuh-sembuh, debu menggantung di udara seperti ingatan yang tak mau lenyap, jalan-jalan berkerikil menyimpan jejak langkah hilang, sementara tenda-tenda pengungsian berbisik, tentang bantuan yang tak kunjung tiba Sitoresmi Pramudyawardhani - 2 JD Brilit JM9-10 LM
4 minggu yang lalu
Menurut saya puisi ini tidak terinspirasi dari puisi British, tetapi bisa saja menginspirasi seseorang untuk menulis sebuah puisi. Sitoresmi Pramudyawardhani - 2 JD Brilit JM9-10 LM
jenny claudia yendra
4 minggu yang lalu
"Di antara reruntuhan, suara kami anak-anak Palestina, terbungkus asap," Jenny claudia yendra 24 JD Brilit JM9-10 LM
jenny claudia yendra
4 minggu yang lalu
This line is powerful as it captures the haunting image of children’s voices being silenced by the smoke of destruction, symbolizing the trauma and loss experienced in a war-torn environment. However, this poem does not belong to British Literature. It is a work by an Indonesian author, likely reflecting on the struggles of Palestine, and it is written in Bahasa Indonesia. British Literature refers to works originating from England or influenced by English culture, and this poem is more closely connected to Indonesian literature, especially given its language, context, and themes related to Palestine. Jenny claudia yendra 24 JD Brilit JM9-10 LM
Enda Heriska
4 minggu yang lalu
Bahkan laut tampak pasrah, berombak lemah seperti detak terakhir, sementara di kejauhan kapal-kapal tak pernah pulang, mengusung mimpi yang karam bersama matahari tenggelam, di bawah garis cakrawala yang kini retak. Enda Heriska - 21019038 24 JD Brilit JM9-10 LM
Enda Heriska
4 minggu yang lalu
"Diantara Retakan Tanah" conveys despair and impermanence, echoing themes in British literature. The sea as "berombak lemah seperti detak terakhir" mirrors the Romantic fascination with nature’s vulnerability, similar to Shelley’s use of the sea in “Ode to the West Wind.” The line "kapal-kapal tak pernah pulang" reflects lost hope, reminiscent of Tennyson’s “The Lotus Eaters.” The fractured horizon in "garis cakrawala yang kini retak" echoes modernist themes of brokenness, like Eliot’s “The Waste Land.” While rooted in local context, the poem’s themes of loss and decay align with broader British literary traditions. Enda Heriska - 21019038 24 JD Brilit JM9-10 LM
Naufal Alghani Shandi
4 minggu yang lalu
Diantara Retakan Tanah Oleh: Leni Marlina Di tanah luka tak sembuh-sembuh, debu menggantung di udara seperti ingatan yang tak mau lenyap, jalan-jalan berkerikil menyimpan jejak langkah hilang, sementara tenda-tenda pengungsian berbisik, tentang bantuan yang tak kunjung tiba. This line is not directly inspired by any specific British literary poem, but it reflects themes and stylistic approaches that are often found in British poetry, especially those from the Modernist and post-war periods. Naufal Alghani Shandi (21019096) - 24 JD Brilit JM9-10 LM
Dhini Rahmayanti
4 minggu yang lalu
"Diantara Retakan Tanah oleh Leni Marlina" "Di antara reruntuhan, suara kami anak-anak Palestina, terbungkus asap, seperti layang-layang yang tak pernah naik" Dhini Rahmayanti - 21019077 24 JD Brilit JM9-10 LM
Dhini Rahmayanti
4 minggu yang lalu
The lines "Di antara reruntuhan, suara kami anak-anak Palestina, terbungkus asap, seperti layang-layang yang tak pernah naik" can be considered inspired by poetic traditions in British Literature, especially in the use of imagery and themes of struggle. British poetry often uses strong imagery to convey emotions and social conditions. In this lines, the images of "suara kami terbungkus asap" and "layang-layang yang tak pernah naik" create a visceral and moving visual, similar to techniques used by British poets like Wilfred Owen or T.S. Eliot. In addition, it reflects the struggles of Palestinian children in the face of conflict, which is in line with themes often found in British war poetry. Dhini Rahmayanti - 21019077 24 JD Brilit JM9-10 LM
tTiara Asy-syifa Jeklor Putri
4 minggu yang lalu
Di tanah luka tak sembuh-sembuh, debu menggantung di udara seperti ingatan yang tak mau lenyap, jalan-jalan berkerikil menyimpan jejak langkah hilang, sementara tenda-tenda pengungsian berbisik, tentang bantuan yang tak kunjung tiba. Larik puisi ini, dengan nuansa kesedihan mendalam dan citraan yang tajam, tidak secara langsung menunjukkan pengaruh dari British literature, meskipun ada elemen yang bersifat universal.seperti "di tanah luka tak sembuh-sembuh" dan "tenda-tenda pengungsian berbisik, tentang bantuan yang tak kunjung tiba" mencerminkan situasi yang relevan dengan pengalaman lokal, terutama di wilayah yang sering menghadapi bencana alam atau konflik sosial. Hal ini memberikan kesan bahwa puisi ini berakar pada realitas Indonesia atau wilayah serupa, bukan tradisi sastra Inggris.
Ryan Abdul Haadi
4 minggu yang lalu
Ryan Abdul Haadi 21019106 No.23 British Literature 24 JD Brilit JM9-10 LM Title : "Diantara Retakan Tanah". “debu menggantung di udara seperti ingatan yang tak mau lenyap” The poem has elements that can be attributed to the British poetic tradition, especially from works with themes of war, human suffering, and fortitude in the face of oppression. However, the Palestinian themes, settings, and perspectives in this poem give it a unique and contextual feel, so it cannot be said to be directly adapted from a particular British poem. Imagery create strong visuals and symbolism. It is reminiscent of the work of modernist poets such as T.S. Eliot (The Waste Land), who used symbolism to depict the destruction of civilization and loss of meaning.
Tiara Nafa Foresti
4 minggu yang lalu
Diantara Retakan Tanah Oleh: Leni Marlina "Di antara reruntuhan, suara kami anak-anak Palestina, terbungkus asap" Tiara Nafa Foresti 21019062 No. Urut 05 24 JD Brilit JM9-10 LM
Tiara Nafa Foresti
4 minggu yang lalu
The line “Di antara reruntuhan, suara kami anak-anak Palestina, terbungkus asap” is not directly inspired by British poetry. However, the topics of suffering, war, and loss in this poem can be found in British poetic works, especially in poems that describe the impact of war. However, the style and context of this poem focuses more on actual and localized experiences, which distinguishes it from British poetry. Tiara Nafa Foresti (21019062) No. Urut 05 24 JD Brilit JM9-10 LM
Ara Haita Alfurqan
4 minggu yang lalu
Di tanah luka tak sembuh-sembuh, debu menggantung di udara seperti ingatan yang tak mau lenyap, jalan-jalan berkerikil menyimpan jejak langkah hilang, sementara tenda-tenda pengungsian berbisik, tentang bantuan yang tak kunjung tiba. This poem reflects a poignant depiction of loss and struggle, rooted in the specific context of displacement and unresolved trauma. While it shares universal literary themes like memory and suffering, it is more tied to local experiences and realities than to British literature. Any connection to British literature would be thematic, such as the exploration of collective memory and human resilience. Ara Haita Alfurqan - 21019030 24 JD Brilit JM 9-10 LM
shintia Yuliamanda
3 minggu yang lalu
I chose this line: **"Di tanah luka tak sembuh-sembuh, debu menggantung di udara seperti ingatan yang tak mau lenyap."** This line seems inspired by British literary traditions, particularly the poignant, reflective style of war poets like Wilfred Owen or Siegfried Sassoon. The imagery of a wounded land and persistent memories mirrors the themes of loss, resilience, and the scars of conflict often explored in British poetry. The line’s emotional depth and symbolic use of "dust" as a lingering memory resonate with the melancholic tone found in works addressing war and human suffering, making it feel timeless and universal. shintia yuliamanda 21019059 24 JD BRILIT JM 9-10 LM
Aiko Adhisty
3 minggu yang lalu
1. Puisi "Di Antara Retakan Tanah" menggambarkan penderitaan mendalam yang dialami anak-anak Palestina di tengah konflik dan kehancuran, dengan simbol-simbol seperti tanah yang retak, rumah yang rata dengan tanah, dan pohon zaitun yang kehilangan rindangnya. Di balik kesedihan itu, puisi ini juga menyuarakan harapan dan keteguhan mereka, terlihat dari tangan-tangan kecil yang menggambar peta di pasir, merancang masa depan meski dikelilingi kehancuran. Dengan penuh kepedihan namun juga keberanian, puisi ini menjadi seruan untuk tidak melupakan kisah saudara dan saudari di Palestina dan menegaskan bahwa suara mereka tetap bergema melawan segala bentuk penindasan. 2. Saya sangat menyukai bait ini Dan dalam setiap helaan nafas tanah Palestina, terdapat kisah yang tak akan terhapus oleh waktu, di antara retakan tanah dan tetesan air mata, kisah nyata itu masih bergema dalam sunyi, melawan angin tipu daya, yang tak henti mencoba, melenyapkan suara kami. karena bait ini menggambarkan bahwa meskipun tanah Palestina dipenuhi luka dan air mata, setiap helaan nafasnya menyimpan kisah perjuangan yang abadi dan tidak akan pernah hilang oleh waktu. Di antara kehancuran dan penderitaan, suara dan pengalaman nyata mereka terus hidup, meski sering kali terbungkam oleh tipu daya yang berusaha menghapus keberadaan mereka. Bait ini adalah simbol keteguhan dan perlawanan yang tenang namun kuat, menegaskan bahwa meskipun mereka menghadapi banyak rintangan, kisah mereka tetap bergema dan tidak akan dilupakan. 3. Salah satu ide bisnis yang terlintas setelah membaca puisi ini adalah membuat koleksi buku cerita ilustrasi bertema perjuangan dan harapan anak-anak Palestina, yang hasil penjualannya didonasikan untuk mendukung pendidikan, perlindungan, dan kebutuhan dasar mereka, sekaligus mengedukasi dunia tentang kisah nyata di balik genosida tersebut. Aiko Adhisty (24011005) 24 JD P.KWU96 SN1-2 LM.
Elfi Afriani
3 minggu yang lalu
Elfi Afriani (22018103)-24 JD EPR ST4-6 NK?23 LM 1. What is the meaning of the poem to you? The poem reflects the resilience and unyielding hope of the Palestinian people amidst deep suffering, loss, and injustice, emphasizing the enduring spirit of those who refuse to be silenced. 2. Which line/stanza do you like very much? "Tangan-tangan kecil kami menggambar peta di pasir, merancang perjalanan yang belum pernah terjadi, seperti merangkai bintang-bintang yang hilang di langit yang rusak." This line beautifully conveys hope and determination despite the devastation around them. 3. What is one of the business ideas that comes to your mind after reading the poem? Creating an international platform for selling handmade crafts or art created by children and families affected by conflict, with proceeds funding education, healthcare, and rebuilding efforts in war-torn areas.
Salwa Felisa Syafitri
3 minggu yang lalu
"Diantara Retakan Tanah". Di tanah luka tak sembuh-sembuh, debu menggantung di udara seperti ingatan yang tak mau lenyap, jalan-jalan berkerikil menyimpan jejak langkah hilang sementara tenda-tenda pengungsian berbisik, tentang bantuan yang tak kunjung tiba Salwa Felisa Syafitri 21019109 JD BRILIT JM 9-10 LM
Salwa Felisa Syafitri
3 minggu yang lalu
Di tanah luka tak sembuh-sembuh, debu menggantung di udara seperti ingatan yang tak mau lenyap, jalan-jalan berkerikil menyimpan jejak langkah hilang sementara tenda-tenda pengungsian berbisik, tentang bantuan yang tak kunjung tiba this stanza talking about people who suffer in war condition where there is barely any accomodation or food to provide their live, i dont think it is inspired by british literature Salwa Felisa Syafitri 21019109 JD BRILIT JM 9-10 LM
Emi Febriani
3 minggu yang lalu
Bahkan laut tampak pasrah, berombak lemah seperti detak terakhir, sementara di kejauhan kapal-kapal tak pernah pulang, mengusung mimpi yang karam bersama matahari tenggelam, di bawah garis cakrawala yang kini retak. I don't think these lines were inspired by British Literature because the poem was talking about the Palestinian. EMI FEBRIANI 21019080 JD BRILIT JM 9-10 LM
Putri Olivia Pradila
3 minggu yang lalu
"Di tanah luka tak sembuh-sembuh, debu menggantung di udara seperti ingatan yang tak mau lenyap." The imagery of a wounded land and persistent memories is reminiscent of British war poetry, such as Wilfred Owen's "Anthem for Doomed Youth," which delves into the haunting aftermath of conflict. Additionally, the depiction of a desolate landscape parallels T.S. Eliot's "The Waste Land," where barren imagery reflects societal decay. Therefore, while not directly inspired by a specific British poem, the line reflects universal themes of loss and remembrance found in British literary traditions. Putri Olivia Pradila 21019055 JD BRILIT JM 9-10 LM
Fildzah Fakhrani
3 minggu yang lalu
"Cracks weave stories of thirst, where roots search for forgotten streams." Menurut saya, larik ini memiliki kemiripan dengan sastra Inggris, terutama dari gaya Modernis seperti karya T.S. Eliot. Larik ini menggambarkan suasana keterasingan dan perjuangan, menggunakan metafora tanah retak untuk mencerminkan kekosongan dan harapan yang tersembunyi. Tema ini sering muncul dalam sastra Inggris Modern, di mana elemen alam digunakan untuk mengeksplorasi kondisi manusia secara lebih abstrak dan simbolis. Fildzah Fakhrani 21019041 JD BRILIT JM 9-10 LM
Fahra Salsabilla
3 minggu yang lalu
5. Puisi 5 “Di Antara Retakan Tanah” Di antara reruntuhan, suara kami anak-anak Palestina, terbungkus asap, seperti layang-layang yang tak pernah naik, terjerat dalam benang-benang yang tersangkut di antena tua. Kami tak pernah tahu, apakah dongeng malam masih boleh dibisikkan di bantal batu yang berdebu. Fahra Salsabilla - 21019010 24 JD Brilit JM 9-10 LM
Fahra Salsabilla
3 minggu yang lalu
In my opinion, the poem “Between the Cracks of the Land” is not inspired by British Literature. The theme and context raised in this poem are very specific, namely about the Palestinian conflict, which is rooted in real experiences of oppression, loss, and struggle. This poem is more rooted in a specific geographical and political context than in the tradition of British Literature. Fahra Salsabilla - 21019010 24 JD Brilit JM 9-10 LM
Vivi Wahyuni
3 minggu yang lalu
Diantara Retakan Tanah oleh Leni Marlina terjerat dalam benang-benang yang tersangkut di antena tua I think this poem is inspired by English literature. because from the lines of this poem there is a style of writing that emphasizes emotion and nature in the lines of the poem. The lines of this poem show that this poem is inspired by a very deep writing style and emphasizes emotion in the writing. The use of personification in this poem shows that the emotion in the poem is very deep. Vivi Wahyuni - 21019064 24 JD BriLit JM9-10 LM
Annisa Muhasyafira
3 minggu yang lalu
Di tanah luka tak sembuh-sembuh, debu menggantung di udara seperti ingatan yang tak mau lenyap, jalan-jalan berkerikil menyimpan jejak langkah hilang, sementara tenda-tenda pengungsian berbisik, tentang bantuan yang tak kunjung tiba. This passage was chosen for its poignant depiction of the lingering effects of trauma and displacement, conveyed through vivid imagery and evocative language. It reflects a universal struggle of human resilience in the face of adversity, resonating with themes of memory, loss, and hope. Its literary quality and emotional depth make it a compelling subject for exploring translation techniques that preserve the original’s nuances. Annisa Muhasyafira (24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM)
Annisa Muhasyafira
3 minggu yang lalu
Di tanah luka tak sembuh-sembuh, debu menggantung di udara seperti ingatan yang tak mau lenyap, jalan-jalan berkerikil menyimpan jejak langkah hilang, sementara tenda-tenda pengungsian berbisik, tentang bantuan yang tak kunjung tiba. Translation in English On a land of wounds that never heal, dust hangs in the air like memories that refuse to fade, gravel-strewn roads hold traces of lost footsteps, while the refugee tents whisper of aid that never arrives. Annisa Muhasyafira (24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM)
Annisa Muhasyafira
3 minggu yang lalu
Di tanah luka tak sembuh-sembuh, debu menggantung di udara seperti ingatan yang tak mau lenyap, jalan-jalan berkerikil menyimpan jejak langkah hilang, sementara tenda-tenda pengungsian berbisik, tentang bantuan yang tak kunjung tiba. The translation employs a balance of literal and dynamic equivalence to maintain the emotional weight and poetic nature of the original. Literal translation is used for key metaphors, such as "dust hangs in the air like memories," to preserve the imagery, while dynamic adaptation ensures the phrases flow naturally in English. Structural adjustments, like reordering clauses, enhance readability while retaining the original's reflective tone. The strategy focuses on fidelity to meaning and atmosphere, ensuring the translated text evokes similar emotional responses. Annisa Muhasyafira (24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM)
Muhammad Abdurrosyid Dzakhwan
3 minggu yang lalu
"Diantara Retakan Tanah" Oleh Leni Marlina. Bahkan laut tampak pasrah, berombak lemah seperti detak terakhir, sementara di kejauhan kapal-kapal tak pernah pulang, mengusung mimpi yang karam bersama matahari tenggelam, Terjemahan : Even the sea seems resigned, its waves weak like the final heartbeat, while in the distance, ships never return, carrying dreams that sink with the setting sun, beneath a horizon now cracked. Teknik Terjemahan : In translating this poem, I used the technique of 'semantic translation' to maintain the depth of meaning and poetic nuances contained in the original language. The phrase "Bahkan laut tampak pasrah" is translated into "Even the sea seems resigned," where "resigned" more accurately describes a state of deep resignation or acceptance, with strong emotional nuances. With this technique, the emotional poetic meaning is maintained, despite structural changes and word choices adapted to the English cultural context. Muhammad Abdurrosyid Dzakhwan (21019015) 24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM
Ananda Salsabila Sakinah
3 minggu yang lalu
Soal 5 UAS Online Diantara Retakan Tanah “Di antara reruntuhan, suara kami anak-anak Palestina, terbungkus asap, seperti layang-layang yang tak pernah naik, terjerat dalam benang-benang yang tersangkut di antena tua, Kami tak pernah tahu, apakah dongeng malam masih boleh dibisikkan di bantal batu yang berdebu.” Reason: I think that stanza reflects themes of loss and disconnection between a war, if we saw in literature, this themes connected to post-colonial theory. And I think the poet doesn’t got inspired by british literature era. Ananda Salsabila Sakinah (21019071) No urut 21 24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM
Muthia Rahmah Fadhilah
3 minggu yang lalu
“Dan dalam setiap helaan nafas tanah Palestina, terdapat kisah yang tak akan terhapus oleh waktu, di antara retakan tanah dan tetesan air mata, kisah nyata itu masih bergema dalam sunyi, melawan angin tipu daya, yang tak henti mencoba, melenyapkan suara kami.” Muthia Rahmah Fadhilah (21019093) 24 JD I-E TRANS JM 9-10 NK-ALL 21 LM
Muthia Rahmah Fadhilah
3 minggu yang lalu
Translation: “And in every breath of the land of Palestine, there is a story that will not be erased by time, between the cracks in the ground and the tears, the true story still echoes in silence, against the winds of deceit, which endlessly try to obliterate our voices. Muthia Rahmah Fadhilah (21019093) 24 JD I-E TRANS JM 9-10 NK-ALL 21 LM
Muthia Rahmah Fadhilah
3 minggu yang lalu
Translation Strategy: In this translation, the style used is poetic style with a dynamic translation strategy. The poetic style is reflected in the use of strong and emotional imagery, such as "helan nafas tanah Palestina" translated as "breath of the land of Palestine" and "retakan tanah" as "cracks in the ground," which bring the visual image and sense of suffering to life. The dynamic translation strategy is applied to preserve the overall meaning and nuance of the text, with adjustments to ensure it flows naturally in the target language. For example, the sentence "kisah nyata itu masih bergema dalam sunyi" is translated as "the true story still echoes in silence," which maintains the depth of meaning without losing the dramatic and emotional impact of the original text. Muthia Rahmah Fadhilah (21019093) 24 JD I-E TRANS JM 9-10 NK-ALL 21 LM
Muthia Rahmah Fadhilah
3 minggu yang lalu
Translation Strategy: In this translation, the style used is poetic style with a dynamic translation strategy. The poetic style is reflected in the use of strong and emotional imagery, such as "helan nafas tanah Palestina" translated as "breath of the land of Palestine" and "retakan tanah" as "cracks in the ground," which bring the visual image and sense of suffering to life. The dynamic translation strategy is applied to preserve the overall meaning and nuance of the text, with adjustments to ensure it flows naturally in the target language. For example, the sentence "kisah nyata itu masih bergema dalam sunyi" is translated as "the true story still echoes in silence," which maintains the depth of meaning without losing the dramatic and emotional impact of the original text. Muthia Rahmah Fadhilah (21019093) 24 JD I-E TRANS JM 9-10 NK-ALL 21 LM
Salsabilla Khairani
3 minggu yang lalu
Interesting stanza: "Dan dalam setiap helaan nafas tanah Palestina, terdapat kisah yang tak akan terhapus oleh waktu, di antara retakan tanah dan tetesan air mata, kisah nyata itu masih bergema dalam sunyi, melawan angin tipu daya, yang tak henti mencoba, melenyapkan suara kami." This stanza is powerful and poignant because it captures the unyielding spirit of Palestine amidst its struggles. The imagery of "cracks in the earth" and "drops of tears" conveys the pain and resilience of its people, while the "breath of the land" symbolizes life and hope that persist despite adversity. The defiance against deceitful winds highlights a collective determination to preserve their voice and truth, resonating deeply as a testament to enduring strength. Salsabilla Khairani (21019058) | 24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM
Salsabilla Khairani
3 minggu yang lalu
Translation: "And in every breath of Palestine’s land, there lies a story that time cannot erase, among the cracks of the earth and drops of tears, this true story still echoes in the silence, fighting against the winds of deceit, that endlessly try to erase our voice." Salsabilla Khairani (21019058) | 24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM
Salsabilla Khairani
3 minggu yang lalu
The translation adopts a dynamic equivalence approach, which aims to convey the meaning and emotional intensity of the original while adapting expressions for clarity and impact in English. For instance, "helaan nafas tanah Palestina" is rendered as "breath of Palestine’s land" to preserve the metaphorical connection between the land and its enduring life force. Similarly, "melawan angin tipu daya" is translated as "fighting against the winds of deceit" to maintain the evocative imagery of resistance while ensuring fluency. This approach balances faithfulness to the source text with readability and emotional resonance in the target language. (Salsabilla Khairani (21019058) | 24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM)
3 minggu yang lalu
Di antara Retakan Tanah - Leni Marlina Pohon zaitun kehilangan rindangnya, menjadi saksi bisu bagi malam-malam tanpa pagi, di mana desiran pasir, bercampur dengan raung logam dan serpihan peluru, Rumah-rumah yang rata dengan tanah, menyimpan bayang-bayang yang saling berdesakan. Sitoresmi Pramudyawardhani - 24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM
3 minggu yang lalu
English translation: The olive tree loses its shade, becoming a silent witness to the nights without dawn, where the rustle of sand mixes with the roar of metal and the shards of bullets, Houses, leveled to the ground, hold shadows that push against each other. Sitoresmi Pramudyawardhani - 24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM
3 minggu yang lalu
Strategi terjemahan: The translation method used here is semantic translation, which focuses on conveying the meaning, emotional depth, and imagery of the original text while adapting it naturally to the English language. The structure is adjusted to maintain clarity and flow in English, such as changing "menjadi saksi bisu bagi malam-malam tanpa pagi" to "becoming a silent witness to the nights without dawn." The aim is to preserve the original’s poetic nature and its intense atmosphere, ensuring that both the literal and figurative meanings are faithfully represented in the translation. Sitoresmi Pramudyawardhani - 24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM
3 minggu yang lalu
"Pohon zaitun kehilangan rindangnya, menjadi saksi bisu bagi malam-malam tanpa pagi, di mana desiran pasir, bercampur dengan raung logam dan serpihan peluru, Rumah-rumah yang rata dengan tanah, menyimpan bayang-bayang yang saling berdesakan" The stanza reflects on themes of loss, destruction, and the haunting memories of a place ravaged by conflict. The olive tree, often a symbol of peace and resilience, losing its foliage signifies a loss of vitality and hope. It stands as a "silent witness" to nights devoid of dawn, suggesting a prolonged suffering or despair. The imagery of sand mingling with the roar of metal and bullet fragments evokes the chaos and violence of war. The mention of houses flattened to the ground conveys the devastation experienced, with shadows pressing against one another, symbolizing the lingering presence of those who have suffered. Dian Zelly.B/21019007 24 JD I-E TRANS JM 9-10 NKALL 21 LM
3 minggu yang lalu
"Pohon zaitun kehilangan rindangnya, menjadi saksi bisu bagi malam-malam tanpa pagi, di mana desiran pasir, bercampur dengan raung logam dan serpihan peluru, Rumah-rumah yang rata dengan tanah, menyimpan bayang-bayang yang saling berdesakan" Translation to English "The olive tree loses its leaves, becoming a silent witness to nights without dawn, where the whisper of sand mingles with the roar of metal and bullet fragments, houses flattened to the ground, holding shadows that press against each other." DIAN ZELLY.B/21019007 24 JD I-E TRANS JM 9-10 NKALL 21 LM
3 minggu yang lalu
Translation Style and Techniques: The translation style used here is dynamic equivalence, which emphasizes conveying the meaning and emotional tone rather than adhering strictly to a literal translation. Translation techniques employed include: Metaphor retention: The metaphor of the olive tree as a witness is preserved to maintain emotional depth. Naturalization: Phrases are adapted to sound natural in English while preserving their original meaning. Semantic translation: Focus is placed on maintaining the essence and imagery of the poem, ensuring it resonates well with English-speaking readers. This approach allows for a fluid reading experience while keeping the original's poignant message intact. DIAN ZELLY.B/21019007 24 JD I-E TRANS JM 9-10 NKALL 21 LM
Aula Fitria Zhahrah
3 minggu yang lalu
Puisi Diantara Retakan Tanah karya Leni Marlina menggambarkan penderitaan dan keteguhan hati rakyat Palestina melalui citraan yang kuat dan penuh emosi. Larik yang menarik adalah "Di tanah luka tak sembuh-sembuh, debu menggantung di udara seperti ingatan yang tak mau lenyap," karena menggambarkan betapa dalamnya luka yang dialami dan betapa ingatan akan penderitaan itu tidak bisa hilang, seperti debu yang menggantung di udara. Aula Fitria Zhahrah Group 1 No urut 5 24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM
Aula Fitria Zhahrah
3 minggu yang lalu
Terjemahan larik ini dalam bahasa Inggris menjadi: "In the land of wounds that never heal, dust hangs in the air like memories that refuse to fade." Aula Fitria Zhahrah Group 1 No urut 5 24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM
Aula Fitria Zhahrah
3 minggu yang lalu
Teknik penerjemahannya menggunakan simile "like memories that refuse to fade" untuk menyampaikan rasa mendalam dari metafora "ingatan yang tak mau lenyap." Pemilihan kata tersebut memastikan bahwa emosi dan gambaran visual dari puisi tetap terjaga, sambil memperkenalkan kekuatan simbolis dari debu dan ingatan yang tak hilang dalam konteks perjuangan Palestina. Aula Fitria Zhahrah Group 1 No urut 5 24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM
Elsen Agustina Sigalingging
3 minggu yang lalu
Lirik/ Stanza Puisi: Pohon zaitun kehilangan rindangnya, menjadi saksi bisu bagi malam-malam tanpa pagi, di mana desiran pasir, bercampur dengan raung logam dan serpihan peluru, Rumah-rumah yang rata dengan tanah, menyimpan bayang-bayang yang saling berdesakan. Elsen Agustina Sigalingging (21019009) - 24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM
Elsen Agustina Sigalingging
3 minggu yang lalu
Indonesian Version: The olive tree loses its shade, becoming a silent witness to nights without dawn, where the rustling of sand mingles with the roar of metal and shards of bullets, Houses, flattened to the ground, harbor shadows that press against each other. Elsen Agustina Sigalingging (21019009) - 24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM
Elsen Agustina Sigalingging
3 minggu yang lalu
Gaya dan Strategi Terjemahan: Gaya penerjemahan yang digunakan dalam teks ini adalah puitis dan melankolis, dengan fokus pada mempertahankan nuansa emosional dan visual dari teks asli. Strategi penerjemahannya mengutamakan penerjemahan makna yang lebih daripada terjemahan kata-per-kata, dengan menjaga kekuatan metaforis dan kedalaman gambaran yang ada dalam teks Indonesia. Misalnya, "menjadi saksi bisu" diterjemahkan menjadi "becoming a silent witness", yang tidak hanya akurat dalam arti literal, tetapi juga mempertahankan kesan keheningan dan ketidakberdayaan. Frasa seperti "rumah-rumah yang rata dengan tanah" diterjemahkan menjadi "houses, flattened to the ground", yang menggambarkan kehancuran dengan cara yang langsung namun tetap berwibawa. Penerjemah juga memilih kata-kata seperti "rustling of sand" dan "shards of bullets" untuk menggambarkan kehancuran dan suasana perang dengan cara yang lebih puitis dan visual. Elsen Agustina Sigalingging (21019009) - 24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM
Sohibul Aminudin
3 minggu yang lalu
"Di antara reruntuhan, suara kami anak-anak Palestina, terbungkus asap, seperti layang-layang yang tak pernah naik, terjerat dalam benang-benang yang tersangkut di antena tua." This poem is about the insecurity of palestinian kids that can't do anything even though they are screaming out. I like this poem on how the poet created the nuance and chose the analogy in it.
Sohibul Aminudin
3 minggu yang lalu
"Di antara reruntuhan, suara kami anak-anak Palestina, terbungkus asap, seperti layang-layang yang tak pernah naik, terjerat dalam benang-benang yang tersangkut di antena tua." This poem is about the insecurity of palestinian kids that can't do anything even though they are screaming out. I like this poem on how the poet created the nuance and chose the analogy in it. Sohibul Aminudin, 24JD IE Trans JM9-10 NKall21 LM
Sohibul Aminudin
3 minggu yang lalu
English version: "Among the ruins, our voices, the children of Palestine, wrapped in smoke, like kites that never rise, entangled in the threads caught in the old antenna." Sohibul Aminudin, 24JD IE Trans JM9-10 NKall21 LM
Nurul Hidayah
3 minggu yang lalu
"Diantara Retakan Tanah"Di tanah luka tak sembuh-sembuh, debu menggantung di udara seperti ingatan yang tak mau lenyap, jalan-jalan berkerikil menyimpan jejak langkah hilang, sementara tenda-tenda pengungsian berbisik, tentang bantuan yang tak kunjung tiba.This line from the poem is powerful in its portrayal of unhealed wounds, both physical and emotional, and the ongoing struggle in the face of hardship. The phrase "In the land of wounds that never heal" evokes a sense of enduring pain, whether it be personal or collective, that time has not yet mended. "Dust hanging in the air like memories that refuse to disappear" beautifully compares the lingering presence of sorrow or trauma to dust that never settles, showing how past pain can continue to shape the present. "Gravel roads holding the traces of lost footsteps" suggests a journey that has been interrupted, with paths that are now empty or forgotten, perhaps symbolizing the loss of direction or hope. The "refugee tents whispering about aid that never arrives" adds a sense of abandonment and unmet needs, highlighting the harsh reality of waiting for help that does not come. What is inspiring about this line is its ability to capture the resilience that exists in the face of such hardship. It speaks to the quiet strength required to endure, even when hope seems distant. The poem encourages reflection on the forgotten or overlooked struggles of others, particularly those in need, while emphasizing the importance of remembering and addressing their pain and waiting. It inspires empathy and action, urging us not to forget the invisible suffering of those who endure in silence.Nurul Hidayah_21019100 24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM
Benito Patriot
3 minggu yang lalu
Lirik/Stanza:"Di tanah luka tak sembuh-sembuh,debu menggantung di udara seperti ingatan yang tak mau lenyap, jalan-jalan berkerikil menyimpan jejak langkah hilang,sementara tenda-tenda pengungsian berbisik, tentang bantuan yang tak kunjung tiba." Benito Patriot_21019073 24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM
Benito Patriot
3 minggu yang lalu
"Di tanah luka tak sembuh-sembuh,debu menggantung di udara seperti ingatan yang tak mau lenyap, jalan-jalan berkerikil menyimpan jejak langkah hilang,sementara tenda-tenda pengungsian berbisik, tentang bantuan yang tak kunjung tiba." This stanza conveys a poignant depiction of suffering, loss, and neglect in the aftermath of a tragedy or disaster. The imagery of "tanah luka tak sembuh-sembuh" (a land with wounds that never heal) symbolizes a place or community deeply scarred by enduring hardships. "Debu menggantung di udara seperti ingatan yang tak mau lenyap" (dust hanging in the air like memories that refuse to fade) evokes a sense of haunting memories or unresolved trauma that lingers. The "jalan-jalan berkerikil menyimpan jejak langkah hilang" (graveled roads holding traces of lost steps) suggests forgotten or absent lives, perhaps those who have perished or disappeared. Finally, "tenda-tenda pengungsian berbisik, tentang bantuan yang tak kunjung tiba" (refugee tents whisper about aid that never arrives) highlights the despair and frustration of displaced people waiting for help that never comes.
Benito Patriot
3 minggu yang lalu
English Version: "In the land of unhealing wounds, dust hangs in the air like memories that refuse to fade, graveled roads hold the traces of lost steps, while refugee tents whisper of aid that never arrives." In translating the stanza, I used semantic translation to maintain the original meaning and imagery, ensuring phrases like "tanah luka tak sembuh-sembuh" became "the land of unhealing wounds" while preserving their metaphorical depth. Imagery preservation was employed to retain the evocative descriptions, such as "debu menggantung di udara" translated as "dust hangs in the air." Additionally, I applied dynamic equivalence to adapt phrases like "jejak langkah hilang" into "the traces of lost steps," ensuring fluency in English poetic style. Finally, I maintained a formal and poetic register to match the solemn and reflective tone of the original, ensuring the translation conveys its emotional weight and resonates with readers. Benito Patriot_21019073 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 Lm
Sohibul Aminudin
3 minggu yang lalu
The translation strategy that I used in this poem is literal translation with a bit preposition to keep the meaning up. With literal translation, the form of the poem in English and Indonesian version will be identical to each other. Sohibul Aminudin, 24JD IE Trans JM9-10 NKall21 LM
christy yulianda putri
3 minggu yang lalu
Christy Yulianda Putri 24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM This stanza is powerful in its depiction of loss and destruction, using the olive tree—a symbol of peace and resilience—as a poignant contrast to the devastation it witnesses. The imagery of "nights without mornings" conveys despair, while the blend of sand, metal, and bullets paints a vivid picture of conflict. The mention of flattened homes storing crowded shadows evokes haunting memories and the lingering pain of those affected. The layered metaphors create a stark and evocative narrative about war and its aftermath.
christy yulianda putri
3 minggu yang lalu
Christy Yulianda Putri 24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM The olive tree has lost its shade, becoming a silent witness to nights without mornings, where the rustle of sand mingles with the roar of metal and fragments of bullets. Homes leveled to the ground hold shadows pressed tightly together.
christy yulianda putri
3 minggu yang lalu
Christy Yulianda Putri 24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM The translation preserves the metaphorical and emotional depth of the original by retaining key images such as the olive tree and the contrast between nature and destruction. Phrases like "nights without mornings" and "shadows pressed tightly together" are translated literally to maintain their evocative power. The sentence structure is slightly adjusted for natural flow in English while ensuring the stark and somber tone remains intact.
Zahrah Nabila
3 minggu yang lalu
Dan dalam setiap helaan nafas tanah Palestina, terdapat kisah yang tak akan terhapus oleh waktu, di antara retakan tanah dan tetesan air mata, kisah nyata itu masih bergema dalam sunyi, melawan angin tipu daya, yang tak henti mencoba, melenyapkan suara kami. Zahrah Nabila (20019023) 24 JD I-E Trans JM 9-10 Nkall 21 LM
Zahrah Nabila
3 minggu yang lalu
Terjemahan: "In every breath of Palestinian soil, an indelible story persists, amidst cracked earth and tears, its echoes resonating defiantly against deceiving winds that relentlessly try to silence us." Zahrah Nabila (20019023) 24 JD I-E Trans JM 9-10 Nkall 21 LM
Zahrah Nabila
3 minggu yang lalu
Starategies: The translation style employs lyrical and symbolic language, utilizing metaphors and personification. Strategies include free translation, precise word choice, contextual adaptation and vivid imagery to preserve poetic essence, emotional depth and authenticity. Zahrah Nabila (20019023) 24 JD I-E Trans JM 9-10 Nkall 21 LM
Eja Rizki Ansori
3 minggu yang lalu
Dan dalam setiap helaan nafas tanah Palestina, terdapat kisah yang tak akan terhapus oleh waktu, di antara retakan tanah dan tetesan air mata, kisah nyata itu masih bergema dalam sunyi, melawan angin tipu daya, yang tak henti
Eja Rizki Ansori
3 minggu yang lalu
Terjemahan : And in every breath of the land of Palestine, there are stories that will not be erased by time, between the cracks of the ground and the drops of tears, the true story still echoes in silence, against the winds of deception, which never cease
Eja Rizki Ansori
3 minggu yang lalu
Strategi Penerjemahan : Literal Translation Karena saya merasa larik tersebut lebih cocok diterjemahkan dengan cara kata demi kata
Eja Rizki Ansori
3 minggu yang lalu
Eja Rizki Ansori (21019036) 24 JD I-E Trans JM9-10 NKall21 LM Dan dalam setiap helaan nafas tanah Palestina, terdapat kisah yang tak akan terhapus oleh waktu, di antara retakan tanah dan tetesan air mata, kisah nyata itu masih bergema dalam sunyi, melawan angin tipu daya, yang tak henti
Eja Rizki Ansori
3 minggu yang lalu
Eja Rizki Ansori (21019036) 24 JD I-E Trans JM9-10 NKall21 LM Terjemahan : And in every breath of the land of Palestine, there are stories that will not be erased by time, between the cracks of the ground and the drops of tears, the true story still echoes in silence, against the winds of deception, which never cease
Eja Rizki Ansori
3 minggu yang lalu
Eja Rizki Ansori (21019036) 24 JD I-E Trans JM9-10 NKall21 LM Strategi Penerjemahan : Literal Translation Karena saya merasa larik tersebut lebih cocok diterjemahkan dengan cara kata demi kata
3 minggu yang lalu
Pohon zaitun kehilangan rindangnya, menjadi saksi bisu bagi malam-malam tanpa pagi, di mana desiran pasir, bercampur dengan raung logam dan serpihan peluru, Rumah-rumah yang rata dengan tanah, menyimpan bayang-bayang yang saling berdesakan. Olive trees lose their shade, becoming silent witnesses to nights without morning, where the rustle of sand, mixed with the roar of metal and shrapnel, Houses that are leveled to the ground, hold shadows that jostle each other. Strategy The poem evokes a sense of profound loss and desolation. The olive trees, symbols of longevity and peace, lose their shade, mirroring the loss of life and hope. The "nights without morning" and the "rustle of sand" mixed with "the roar of metal and shrapnel" vividly depict the violence and destruction of war. The image of "shadows that jostle each other" within the leveled houses suggests the lingering presence of the past and the haunting memories of those who lived there. If the target language has a culturally significant tree that symbolizes peace or longevity, consider using that instead for a more impactful translation. Tyo Kurniawan 21019113 24 JD I-E Trans JM9-10 NKall21 LM
Yona Maygita
3 minggu yang lalu
stanza yang menarik: Namun, di bawah langit yang seakan membatu, tangan-tangan kecil kami menggambar peta di pasir, merancang perjalanan yang belum pernah terjadi, seperti merangkai bintang-bintang yang hilang di langit yang rusak. Yona Maygita (21019066) JD I-E Trans JM9-10 NKall21 LM
Yona Maygita
3 minggu yang lalu
Translation: Yet, beneath a sky that seems frozen, our small hands draw maps in the sand, designing journeys that have never been, like connecting lost stars in a broken sky. Yona Maygita (21019066) JD I-E Trans JM9-10 NKall21 LM
Yona Maygita
3 minggu yang lalu
Style and Strategies: Style: Poetic and reflective, preserving the emotional and metaphorical tone. Strategies: Imagery Preservation: Maintaining vivid and evocative metaphors from the source text. Faithful Translation: Staying true to the original meaning while ensuring fluency. Dynamic Equivalence: Adjusting the structure slightly to match natural English rhythm and readability. Yona Maygita (21019066) JD I-E Trans JM9-10 NKall21 LM
3 minggu yang lalu
Di tanah luka tak sembuh-sembuh, debu menggantung di udara seperti ingatan yang tak mau lenyap, jalan-jalan berkerikil menyimpan jejak langkah hilang, sementara tenda-tenda pengungsian berbisik, tentang bantuan yang tak kunjung tiba. M. Abi Dzar 210109052 JD I-E Trans JM9-10 NKall21 LM
3 minggu yang lalu
On the land of wounds that won't heal, dust hangs in the air like memories that refuse to fade, the gravel roads hold traces of lost steps, while the refugee tents whisper, about aid that never arrives. M. Abi Dzar 210109052 JD I-E Trans JM9-10 NKall21 LM
3 minggu yang lalu
Translated directly when the meaning was clear (e.g., "Di tanah luka tak sembuh-sembuh" → "On the land of wounds that won't heal"). Retained vivid metaphors and imagery (e.g., "debu menggantung di udara seperti ingatan yang tak mau lenyap" → "dust hangs in the air like memories that refuse to fade"). Preserved the emotional depth and symbolism (e.g., "jalan-jalan berkerikil menyimpan jejak langkah hilang" → "the gravel roads hold traces of lost steps"). Kept the metaphorical weight of the refugee tents (e.g., "tenda-tenda pengungsian berbisik" → "the refugee tents whisper"). Ensured clarity and readability in English while preserving the haunting and poignant atmosphere of the original. M. Abi Dzar 210109052 JD I-E Trans JM9-10 NKall21 LM
Fahra Salsabilla
3 minggu yang lalu
7. “Diantara Retakan Tanah” Di tanah luka tak sembuh-sembuh, debu menggantung di udara seperti ingatan yang tak mau lenyap, jalan-jalan berkerikil menyimpan jejak langkah hilang, sementara tenda-tenda pengungsian berbisik, tentang bantuan yang tak kunjung tiba. Fahra Salsabilla 21019010 JD I-E Trans JM9-10 NKall21 LM
Fahra Salsabilla
3 minggu yang lalu
In the land of wounds that never heal, dust hangs in the air like memories that refuse to fade, gravel roads hold the traces of lost steps, while refugee tents whisper, of aid that never arrives. Fahra Salsabilla 21019010 JD I-E Trans JM9-10 NKall21 LM
Fahra Salsabilla
3 minggu yang lalu
This translation follows a faithful adaptation approach, where the imagery and emotional weight of the original poem are preserved, while making slight adjustments to ensure clarity and flow in English. The metaphor of dust hanging "like memories that refuse to fade" is retained to emphasize the haunting and persistent nature of the past. The translation aims to stay true to the sorrowful and poignant tone of the original, while ensuring that the meaning and emotional impact resonate clearly in English.
Fahra Salsabilla
3 minggu yang lalu
This translation follows a faithful adaptation approach, where the imagery and emotional weight of the original poem are preserved, while making slight adjustments to ensure clarity and flow in English. The metaphor of dust hanging "like memories that refuse to fade" is retained to emphasize the haunting and persistent nature of the past. The translation aims to stay true to the sorrowful and poignant tone of the original, while ensuring that the meaning and emotional impact resonate clearly in English. Fahra Salsabilla 21019010 JD I-E Trans JM9-10 NKall21 LM
Desma Fauziah
3 minggu yang lalu
Di antara reruntuhan, suara kami anak-anak Palestina, terbungkus asap, seperti layang-layang yang tak pernah naik, terjerat dalam benang-benang yang tersangkut di antena tua. Kami tak pernah tahu, apakah dongeng malam masih boleh dibisikkan di bantal batu yang berdebu. Desma fauziah 21019006 D I-E Trans JM9-10 NKall21 LM
Desma Fauziah
3 minggu yang lalu
Among the ruins, our voices, the children of Palestine, wrapped in smoke, like a kite that never flies, caught in threads tangled in old antennas. We never know, if the bedtime stories can still be whispered on dust-covered stone pillows. Desma fauziah 21019006 JD I-E Trans JM9-10 NKall21 LM
Desma Fauziah
3 minggu yang lalu
This translation utilizes dynamic equivalence, focusing on conveying the emotional essence and symbolic imagery of the original text in a way that feels natural and impactful in English. "Dust-covered stone pillows" is an adaptation of the "bantal batu yang berdebu" to retain the imagery of harsh, uncomfortable conditions. The approach ensures that the poignant, painful reflection on childhood amid conflict is communicated effectively to an English-speaking audience, while keeping the tone of despair and uncertainty intact. Desma fauziah 21019006 JD I-E Trans JM9-10 NKall21 LM
Annisa Tul Khair
3 minggu yang lalu
Puisi: Di tanah luka tak sembuh-sembuh, debu menggantung di udara seperti ingatan yang tak mau lenyap, jalan-jalan berkerikil menyimpan jejak langkah hilang, sementara tenda-tenda pengungsian berbisik, tentang bantuan yang tak kunjung tiba. Annisa Tul Khair 21019029 24 JD I-E Trans JM9-10 NKall21 LM
Annisa Tul Khair
3 minggu yang lalu
Terjemahan: On this land of unhealed wounds, dust lingers in the air like memories that refuse to fade, gravel-strewn roads hold the traces of vanished footsteps, while the refugee tents whisper of aid that never comes Annisa Tul Khair 21019029 24 JD I-E Trans JM9-10 NKall21 LM
Annisa Tul Khair
3 minggu yang lalu
Translation Style and Strategy: This translation uses a poetic and evocative equivalence approach to maintain the emotional depth, imagery, and flow of the original text. The translation adheres closely to the original meaning but adapts slightly for smoother, more lyrical phrasing in English, such as "whisper of aid that never comes" instead of the more literal "about aid that never arrives." This method ensures the translation is faithful to the original while delivering the same poignant and vivid impact to English readers. Annisa Tul Khair 21019029 24 JD I-E Trans JM9-10 NKall21 LM
yurika tiara
3 minggu yang lalu
Yurika Tiara Ramanda 21019114 JD I- E TRANS JM 9-10 NKal|21 LM Stanza Pohon zaitun kehilangan rindangnya, menjadi saksi bisu bagi malam-malam tanpa pagi, di mana desiran pasir, bercampur dengan raung logam dan serpihan peluru, Rumah-rumah yang rata dengan tanah, menyimpan bayang-bayang yang saling berdesakan.
yurika tiara
3 minggu yang lalu
Yurika Tiara Ramanda 21019114 JD I- E TRANS JM 9-10 NKal|21 LM Stanza Pohon zaitun kehilangan rindangnya, menjadi saksi bisu bagi malam-malam tanpa pagi, di mana desiran pasir, bercampur dengan raung logam dan serpihan peluru, Rumah-rumah yang rata dengan tanah, menyimpan bayang-bayang yang saling berdesakan. This stanza is striking due to its vivid and somber imagery, which paints a powerful picture of destruction and loss. The olive tree, often a symbol of peace and hope, "loses its shade" and stands as a silent witness to a night without morning, suggesting a sense of despair.
yurika tiara
3 minggu yang lalu
Yurika Tiara Ramanda 21019114 JD I- E TRANS JM 9-10 NKal|21 LM Translation in English: The olive tree loses its shade, becoming a silent witness to nights without dawn, where the whisper of sand mixes with the roar of metal and shards of bullets, houses flattened to the ground, holding shadows that push against one another.
yurika tiara
3 minggu yang lalu
Yurika Tiara Ramanda 21019114 JD I- E TRANS JM 9-10 NKal|21 LM Translation Techniques Used: Literal Translation (Terjemahan Harfiah): "Pohon zaitun kehilangan rindangnya" is translated as "The olive tree loses its shade," preserving the direct meaning of the original. Modulation (Modulasi): "Menjadi saksi bisu bagi malam-malam tanpa pagi" becomes "becoming a silent witness to nights without dawn," emphasizing the continuity of suffering while adjusting the expression for smoother readability in English. Equivalence (Padanan): "Desiran pasir, bercampur dengan raung logam dan serpihan peluru" is translated as "the whisper of sand mixes with the roar of metal and shards of bullets," preserving the sensory contrast and the grim tone, where "raung logam" (the roar of metal) is appropriately adapted as "roar of metal" in English to maintain the intensity. Adaptation (Adaptasi): "Rumah-rumah yang rata dengan tanah" is rendered as "houses flattened to the ground," a natural English equivalent that maintains the devastation implied in the original. Transposition (Transposisi): The structure is adjusted, such as changing "menyimpan bayang-bayang yang saling berdesakan" to "holding shadows that push against one another," for smoother phrasing in English while preserving the intense image of crowded and unsettling shadows.
Siti Aurora Putri Ardsya
3 minggu yang lalu
The olive tree has lost its shade, becoming a silent witness to nights without mornings, where the rustle of sand mingles with the roar of metal and shards of bullets. Flattened homes hold shadows pressed together, struggling for space. This verse is deeply haunting and evocative, using the olive tree a symbol of peace and resilience as a stark contrast to the devastation it observes. The imagery of "nights without mornings" conveys a sense of endless despair, while the juxtaposition of natural elements like sand with violent, industrial forces like bullets and metal creates a vivid picture of conflict. The "shadows pressed together" in destroyed homes metaphorically represent lost lives, memories, and the collective grief of a community. The combination of symbolism and raw imagery makes this verse emotionally impactful. The poet uses stark contrast and vivid sensory imagery to emphasize the themes of loss and destruction. The olive tree, traditionally a symbol of life and hope, stands powerless amidst the chaos, highlighting the futility of peace in the face of war. The phrase "nights without mornings" introduces a poetic rhythm of despair, while "roar of metal" and "shards of bullets" use auditory and visual imagery to create a visceral sense of violence. The final line, with "shadows pressed together," evokes an emotional response, encapsulating the weight of displacement and loss. The verse masterfully blends nature with the harsh realities of conflict, creating a powerful narrative of mourning and resilience. Siti Aurora Putri Ardsya 21019111 JD I- E TRANS JM 9-10 NKall 21 LM
Nnadya Aqila
3 minggu yang lalu
poem powerfully depicts a place marked by enduring pain and hardship. The phrase "In the land of wounds that never heal" evokes a sense of deep, ongoing suffering, both personal and collective. The imagery of "dust hanging in the air like memories that refuse to disappear" beautifully captures how the past continues to haunt the present. The "gravel roads holding the traces of lost footsteps" symbolize a disrupted journey and the loss of direction. The "refugee tents whispering about aid that never arrives" highlights the harsh reality of unmet needs and the feeling of abandonment. Despite this bleak picture, the line also inspires reflection on the resilience of those who endure such hardship. It emphasizes the importance of remembering and addressing the suffering of others, particularly those in need, and encourages empathy and action.
Nnadya Aqila
3 minggu yang lalu
"Aku menelan tanah itu, seperti menelan dunia yang terluka..."This line powerfully depicts the overwhelming weight of global suffering, with the speaker "swallowing" not just the earth, but the world's pain and the accompanying loss of hope
Nnadya Aqila
3 minggu yang lalu
"Aku berdiri diam, seperti pohon yang tak punya akar..." This line symbolizes stagnation and longing, with the speaker likened to a rootless tree, unable to grow due to the absence of nurturing winds.
Nnadya Aqila
3 minggu yang lalu
"Bulan itu menggantung rendah, seperti jejak-jejak kelaparan yang tak bisa disembunyikan..."it connects the natural world to human suffering, depicting the moon not as a symbol of beauty, but as a heavy weight representing inescapable hunger and deprivation.
Nnadya Aqila
3 minggu yang lalu
"Tangan ini tidak lagi menunggu roti, tapi memungut umpan dari hujan debu yang jatuh..."This line portrays a shift from hopeful waiting to desperate survival, with the speaker adapting to harsh conditions by gathering meager resources from a desolate environment.
Nnadya Aqila
3 minggu yang lalu
"Aku menyalakan api di atas batu-batu pecah, tapi ia tidak pernah memasak apa-apa..."This line symbolizes the frustration of effort that leads to no results, highlighting the speaker's determination to continue trying despite the lack of immediate reward.
Nnadya Aqila
3 minggu yang lalu
"Kau bertanya tentang air di pengungsian ini, air itu datang, tetapi bukan untuk menyegarkan, melainkan untuk menjadi garam di luka..."this line depicts the disappointment of receiving "help" that instead exacerbates suffering, reflecting the complexity of life's challenges and the resilience needed to endure them.
Nnadya Aqila
3 minggu yang lalu
"Di Palestina, laut itu ada, tapi ia kosong, seperti perutku yang menunggu sesuatu yang tidak pernah datang..." This line poignantly illustrates the tension between presence and absence, with the vast, empty sea mirroring the speaker's own unfulfilled longings and the ongoing struggle to endure despite deprivation.
Nnadya Aqila
3 minggu yang lalu
"Jari-jari ini, yang dulunya memetik buah dari pohon-pohon, sekarang hanya menggapai langit kosong..." This line portrays a shift from abundance to desolation, reflecting a sense of loss and the enduring human desire to strive, even when the outcome seems uncertain.
Nnadya Aqila
3 minggu yang lalu
Kepingan Roti yang Terbang Menjadi Debu..." This line vividly captures the frustration of pursuing elusive goals, comparing the fleeting dust to time itself, which deceives with the promise of hope while offering little in return.
Jesica Imelda Pasaribu
2 minggu yang lalu
1. Business Idea Inspired by the Poem: A viable business idea inspired by the poem "Diantara Retakan Tanah" could be the establishment of a non-profit organization focused on providing humanitarian aid and support for communities affected by conflict and displacement. This organization could work to deliver essential resources such as food, clean water, and medical assistance to those in need. Additionally, it could create programs that empower children and youth through education, art therapy, and community-building activities, helping them to express their experiences and dreams despite the challenges they face. The organization could also advocate for peace and awareness about the struggles of affected communities, fostering a global dialogue on humanitarian issues. 2. Character Traits to Apply in Business: The character traits that should be applied in starting and running this business include compassion, resilience, and creativity. Compassion is essential for understanding the needs and suffering of those affected by conflict, allowing the organization to provide meaningful support and assistance. Resilience is crucial for navigating the challenges of humanitarian work, as it often involves working in difficult and unpredictable environments. Lastly, creativity will be important in developing innovative programs and solutions that engage the community, helping individuals to find hope and healing through artistic expression and education, much like the children in the poem who draw maps in the sand and envision a better future. Jesica Imelda Pasaribu. 24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3-23 LM
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