Ilustrasi Kumpulan Puisi Leni Marlina (Padang) "Kekuatan Guru". Sumber Gambar: Starcom Indonesia's Artwork No. 290 by AI
Kapal yang Tak Bernama
kami bagaikan fragmen, potongan waktu,
tenggelam dalam samudra terlarang,
luruh oleh ombak yang merindu arah.
Engkau bagaikan kapal tanpa nama,
tanpa pelabuhan, hanya kompas yang tak bisa dibaca,
menghantarkan kami dalam guncangan,
menabur peta di setiap debur ombak.
Layar yang terangkat adalah suara kami yang hilang,
seperti awan yang jatuh diam-diam.
Badai tak lagi menakutkan,
karena engkau, yang mengunyah rasa takut dengan tawa.
Ketika kami mendarat,
di dermaga mimpi yang tak pernah kami kenal,
engkau hanya senyap,
seperti mercusuar yang hilang,
melawan gelap dengan cahaya sunyi.
Jogyakarta, 2013
Hujan yang Memahat Bukit
Wahai guru,
engkau bagaikan hujan yang tak berhenti,
bukan air, tetapi jejak waktu yang jatuh sabar,
melukis dinding jiwa kami dengan kesabaran yang diam.
Kami bagaikan bukit beku,
menerima hujan yang tak tahu rasa.
Mengira itu hanya kelembapan,
tapi lihat, bukit itu kini terukir,
lembah-lembah pemahaman mengalir di dalam kami.
Engkau menjadi hujan yang berbisik di udara,
membawa sungai yang tak pernah kami kenal,
kami yang dahulu bebal, kini melihat dunia dari permukaan yang lebih dalam.
Engkau mengubah kami tanpa pernah berkata,
karena di sini, hujan adalah rahasia yang hanya engkau tahu.
Yogyakarta, 2013
Langit yang Meminjamkan Bintangnya
O… guru,
engkau bagaikan langit,
penuh dengan bintang yang hanya meminjamkan cahayanya,
menyusupkan jiwa kami dengan debu bintang yang terlarut dalam malam.
Kami bagaikan pejalan yang mencium langit,
tangan kami menyentuh cahaya yang tak tampak,
menunggu terangnya yang memecah gelap,
tapi engkau, tetap diam, menahan bintang agar tidak jatuh ke bumi.
Sebuah bintang tiba-tiba jatuh ke telapak tangan kami,
dan kami terkejut,
karena itu bukan bintang yang menyala,
melainkan luka yang masih tersisa dari cahayamu,
yang hanya dapat dilihat di atas gelap yang tak tampak.
Yogyakarta, 2013
Tangan yang Menjahit Awan
engkau bagai tangan yang tidak bisa dilihat,
menjahit awan dengan benang yang terbuat dari angin dan senyum.
Jahitanmu bagaikan langit yang tak pernah kering,
terus berkembang tanpa akhir, memeluk dunia kami yang terpecah.
Langit yang engkau jahit, menjadi kain dari mimpi,
melapisi pikiran yang tak tahu apa-apa,
seperti jarum yang masuk ke dalam jiwa kami,
menarik benang-benang waktu yang tercabut.
Tapi angin datang, merobek jahitanmu,
namun engkau tak pernah berhenti,
karena langitmu adalah permadani yang tak boleh rusak,
dan kami adalah benang-benang tak terlihat,
yang saling menjalin tanpa mengerti.
Yogyakarta, 2013
Nyala Api di Mulut Gunung
Wahai guru,
engkau bagaikan nyala api di mulut gunung yang tertidur,
membakar dunia dengan tangan yang terbalut malam.
Kami, yang tercelup dalam bayang-bayangmu,
menjadi cahaya yang dibentuk dari jejak api yang tidak tampak.
Asap itu bukan milik kami,
ia terbang tinggi, berputar di angkasa yang jauh.
Kami adalah api yang tercuri,
api yang tidak tahu asal-usulnya,
karena kami hanya melihat hasil dari tubuhmu yang terbakar.
Sekarang, api itu mengalir dalam darah kami,
menjadi lentera yang tak pernah padam,
berjalan menelusuri waktu yang melengkung seperti bola api
yang tertinggal di ruang hampa yang tak bisa dijangkau.
Jogyakarta, 2013
Selamat Hari Guru
Biografi Singkat
Kumpulan puisi ini awalnya ditulis oleh Leni Marlina hanya sebagai hobi dan koleksi puisi pribadi tahun 2013. Puisi tersebut direvisi kembali serta dipublikasikan pertama kalinya melalui media digital tahun 2024.
Saat ini, Leni Marlina merupakan anggota aktif Asosiasi Penulis Indonesia, SATU PENA cabang Sumatera Barat. Ia juga merupakan anggota aktif Komunitas Penyair & Penulis Sastra Internasional ACC di Shanghai, serta dipercaya sebagai Duta Puisi Indonesia untuk ACC Shanghai Huifeng International Literary Association. Selain itu, Leni terlibat dalam Victoria's Writer Association di Australia. Sejak tahun 2006, ia telah mengabdikan diri sebagai dosen di Program Studi Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni, Universitas Negeri Padang.w
Leni juga merupakan pendiri dan pemimpin sejumlah komunitas digital yang berfokus pada sastra, pendidikan, dan sosial, di antaranya:, (1) Komunitas Sastra Anak Dunia (WCLC):, (2) Komunitas Internasional POETRY-PEN; (3) Komunitas PPIPM (Pondok Puisi Inspirasi Masyarakat):; (4) Komunitas Starcom Indonesia (Starmoonsun Edupreneur Community Indonesia):
"Kapal yang Tak Bernama":
1) The meaning of the poem to me reflects the profound impact that teachers have on their students. It portrays teachers as guiding vessels navigating through life's challenges, helping students find their way in a complex world. The imagery of a nameless ship emphasizes the selflessness of educators who guide their students without seeking recognition.
2) I particularly like the line, "Badai tak lagi menakutkan, karena engkau, yang mengunyah rasa takut dengan tawa." This line beautifully captures how a teacher's presence can alleviate fear and uncertainty, transforming daunting challenges into manageable experiences through encouragement and laughter.
3) One business idea that comes to mind after reading the poem is creating a mentorship program that pairs experienced educators with new teachers, fostering a supportive community that enhances teaching skills and student engagement.
(Farlingga Fadjrin_24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3-23 LM)
Fifi Helya Putri
1 bulan yang lalu
1. "The Nameless Ship" highlights the selfless dedication of teachers guiding students through life's challenges, symbolized by a ship without recognition.
**Comment 2:**
I love the line: *"Storms are no longer scary, because you, who chew fear with laughter."* It beautifully shows how teachers bring comfort and encouragement.
**Comment 3:**
This poem inspires an idea for a platform where students and alumni share stories celebrating inspiring teachers.
Fifi Helya Putri (23019047)
24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3 23 LM
Kiki Imelya
1 bulan yang lalu
This poem reflects the journey of entrepreneurship. The "ship without a name" represents an entrepreneur navigating through uncertainty and challenges. The "compass that can't be read" symbolizes the difficulty of finding direction in business. Despite the struggles, the entrepreneur "eats fear with laughter," showing resilience. The "dock of dreams" represents achieving goals, even if the path is unknown, with the entrepreneur fighting darkness with quiet determination, much like a beacon of hope.
24 JD KM 7-8 NK3-23 LM
Mayza Andela syaputri
1 bulan yang lalu
1. First Comment:
This poem is very touching. It shows how much influence and dedication a teacher has in shaping the lives of his students. Like a ship without a name, a teacher patiently guides his students through the storm and leads them to the future.
2. Second Comment:
The line I like the most is, "The storm is no longer scary, because of you, who chews fear with laughter." This line describes how a teacher can lighten the burden and fear of his students with a positive attitude and humor.
3. Third Comment:
After reading this poem, I was inspired to create an online platform that provides a collection of poems and inspirational stories about teachers, to appreciate their services and encourage students' enthusiasm for learning.
Mayza Andela syaputri
24 JD KM 7-8 NK3-23 LM
1 bulan yang lalu
The poem, "Tangan yang Menjahit Awan," is beautifully crafted and carries profound metaphorical depth. Here are my thoughts on its elements:
1. Rich Metaphor
The imagery of a teacher as "tangan yang tidak bisa dilihat" (an invisible hand) "menjahit awan dengan benang yang terbuat dari angin dan senyum" is a powerful way to depict their quiet, often unnoticed influence in shaping lives.
The "jahitan" (stitching) as a representation of their dedication and effort resonates deeply, emphasizing the fragility and resilience of their work.
2. Poignant Themes
The struggle against challenges (angin yang merobek jahitanmu) reflects the relentless obstacles educators face, yet their unwavering commitment shines through.
The reference to students as "benang-benang tak terlihat" beautifully captures how students, despite their individual invisibility, come together under the teacher’s guidance to form something greater.
3. Emotional and Inspirational
The poem evokes gratitude and admiration for teachers, portraying their work as both fragile and eternal—a "permadani" that holds dreams and knowledge.
It inspires reflection on the often-overlooked sacrifices and persistence of educators.
4. Language and Flow
The poem's rhythm and word choice are gentle yet impactful, aligning well with its contemplative tone.
The repetition of the "benang" motif ties the stanzas together seamlessly, enhancing cohesion and emotional resonance.
This poem not only honors teachers but also reminds readers of their profound, transformative role in our lives. It’s a touching tribute that speaks to the heart.I like particularly Langit yang engkau jahit, menjadi kain dari mimpi,
melapisi pikiran yang tak tahu apa-apa,
seperti jarum yang masuk ke dalam jiwa kami,
menarik benang-benang waktu yang tercabut,make metaphorical depth,emotional resonance,universal connection.After reading the poem i was inspired about This poem, "Tangan yang Menjahit Awan," inspires profound reflection on the quiet, selfless dedication of teachers and mentors.
Irsyad Hakimi 24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3-23 LM
Indah Ayu Lestari
1 bulan yang lalu
The poem evokes a profound metaphorical tribute to a teacher’s role in guiding students through the turbulent journey of life and learning. It captures the essence of mentorship, resilience, and the quiet strength of educators, emphasizing their sacrifices and unseen impact.
indah ayu lestari 24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3-23 LM
Indah Ayu Lestari
1 bulan yang lalu
i like "Engkau bagaikan kapal tanpa nama,
tanpa pelabuhan, hanya kompas yang tak bisa dibaca,
menghantarkan kami dalam guncangan,
menabur peta di setiap debur ombak."
indah ayu lestari 24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3-23 LM
Indah Ayu Lestari
1 bulan yang lalu
Business Idea: Legacy of Light Platform
A digital platform where students, alumni, and communities can honor teachers who have profoundly impacted their lives. It combines storytelling, creativity, and personalization to highlight teachers' legacies through modern, heartfelt means.
indah ayu lestari 24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3-23 LM
Muhammad Farras Dzikra
1 bulan yang lalu
The poem "Kapal yang Tak Bernama" resonates with me as a powerful tribute to the profound influence teachers have on their students. It portrays teachers as guiding vessels navigating through life's storms, helping students find their path in a complex world. The symbolism of a nameless ship highlights the selfless nature of educators who guide their students without seeking recognition.
I am particularly drawn to the line, "Badai tak lagi menakutkan, karena engkau, yang mengunyah rasa takut dengan tawa." This line beautifully captures how a teacher's presence can alleviate fear and uncertainty, transforming daunting challenges into manageable experiences through encouragement and laughter.
One business idea inspired by the poem is creating a mentorship program that connects experienced educators with new teachers, fostering a supportive community that enhances teaching skills and student engagement.
Muhammad Farras Dzikra 24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK 3 23 LM
Jesica Imelda Pasaribu
1 bulan yang lalu
What is the meaning of the poem to you?
To me, the poem reflects the profound and selfless dedication of teachers, likened to elements of nature and celestial bodies, shaping students' lives with quiet strength and resilience.
Jesica Imelda Pasaribu
24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3-23 LM
Jesica Imelda Pasaribu
1 bulan yang lalu
Which line/stanza you like very much?
I particularly like the stanza, "Engkau bagaikan hujan yang tak berhenti, bukan air, tetapi jejak waktu yang jatuh sabar, melukis dinding jiwa kami dengan kesabaran yang diam." It beautifully captures the transformative power of patience.
Jesica Imelda Pasaribu
24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3-23 LM
Jesica Imelda Pasaribu
1 bulan yang lalu
What is one of the business ideas that comes to your mind after reading the poem?
One business idea inspired by the poem is creating a platform that honors teachers through personalized keepsakes or journals filled with students' reflections and creative tributes like poetry or artwork.
Jesica Imelda Pasaribu
24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3-23 LM
Ikhwanul Dhafa Alghifari
1 bulan yang lalu
The poem symbolizes the teacher as an unseen, tireless creator who shapes the minds and dreams of their students, much like an artisan weaving the sky with threads of inspiration and perseverance.
Ikhwanul Dhafa Alghifari
24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3-23 LM
Ikhwanul Dhafa Alghifari
1 bulan yang lalu
I love the line, "Langit yang engkau jahit, menjadi kain dari mimpi," because it beautifully captures the idea that teachers craft a limitless world of dreams and aspirations for their students.
Ikhwanul Dhafa Alghifari
24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3-23 LM
Ikhwanul Dhafa Alghifari
1 bulan yang lalu
One business idea from me is Create a platform where teachers can share innovative teaching methods, inspiring others to craft impactful learning experiences, much like weaving a tapestry of knowledge.
1 bulan yang lalu
For me, the poem shows how teachers guide us through life’s challenges, even when things are unclear, helping us find our own way
Alan Kurniawan
24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM
1 bulan yang lalu
I really like the line "Badai tak lagi menakutkan, karena engkau, yang mengunyah rasa takut dengan tawa" because it shows how a teacher’s calmness can give students the courage to face their fears.
Alan Kurniawan
24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM
1 bulan yang lalu
A business idea from this poem is to create a mentorship platform where experienced mentors help students or young people overcome challenges in their studies or careers.
Alan Kurniawan
24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM
Mutiara Asa Mukhti
1 bulan yang lalu
Mutiara Asa Mukhti
24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM
1. This poem is about how precious teacher in our life
2. Favorite line :
kami bagaikan fragmen, potongan waktu,
3. The business idea that come to my mind is to open my own English private class someday which focusing on speaking skills
Hanifah Fathiyah Aini
1 bulan yang lalu
What is the meaning of the article's to you?
The article and the poem express deep admiration and appreciation for the role of teachers. It highlights the metaphorical journey of students and teachers through education, likening teachers to a nameless ship or a relentless rain, guiding students through uncertainties and challenges with patience, guidance, and an unwavering commitment to shaping their futures.
Which information/ paragraph you like very much?
I like these sentences "a nameless ship" and "a rain that doesn't stop." It emphasize the idea of teachers as unwavering forces in the students' journey, guiding them through uncertainty and molding their futures.
What is one of business ideas that comes to your mind after reading the article?
One business idea that comes to mind after reading the article is the development of an educational platform or service that focuses on personalized learning journeys for students, inspired by the metaphor of a teacher guiding them through turbulent seas.
Hanifah Fathiyah Aini 22018205 24 JD EPR KM9-11 LM
Salwa Dyna Febriani
1 bulan yang lalu
Salwa Dyna Febriani
24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM
To me, the poem reflects how teachers selflessly dedicate themselves to shaping their students' futures. They act as silent heroes, guiding us through challenges, like a nameless ship navigating unknown waters, bringing us safely to our dreams without expecting anything in return.
The line I love most is, "Badai tak lagi menakutkan, karena engkau, yang mengunyah rasa takut dengan tawa." It beautifully shows how teachers help us overcome fear and uncertainty with their encouragement and warmth.
The poem inspired me to think of a platform where students and alumni can share stories and creative tributes about their teachers, celebrating the life-changing impact educators have on their lives.
Alhamdi Arif
1 bulan yang lalu
1. What is the meaning of the poem to you?
The poem reflects the profound impact and strength that teachers have on their students and the educational landscape. It emphasizes the role of educators not just as instructors but as mentors who shape the character and future of their students.
Alhamdi Arif (22018087) 24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM
Alhamdi Arif
1 bulan yang lalu
2. Which line/stanza you like very much?
I particularly appreciate the stanza that highlights the relationship between teachers and students, illustrating how educators inspire and motivate their students to achieve their potential. This connection is a testament to the long-lasting effects of a good teacher.
Alhamdi Arif (22018087) 24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM
Alhamdi Arif
1 bulan yang lalu
3. What is one of the business ideas that comes to your mind after reading the poem?
One business idea inspired by the poem is creating a mentorship platform that connects experienced educators with new teachers. This platform could facilitate knowledge sharing, provide resources for professional development, and foster collaboration to enhance teaching methods and educational outcomes.
Alhamdi Arif (22018087) 24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM
Alimin sahid
1 bulan yang lalu
2. To me, this poem reflects the incredible influence teachers have in shaping the lives and futures of their students. It reminds us to appreciate the dedication and wisdom of educators
Alimin Sahid
24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-LM 11
Alimin sahid
1 bulan yang lalu
I really like the line, 'Guru adalah cahaya di tengah kegelapan,' because it beautifully captures the essential role of teachers in guiding and inspiring others.
Alimin Sahid
24 JD EPR k1/22 KM9-LM 11
Alimin sahid
1 bulan yang lalu
One business idea is creating a digital platform that celebrates and shares inspiring teacher stories, motivating others to join the teaching profession
Alimin Sahid
24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-LM 11
Muhammad Wirhan Syah
1 bulan yang lalu
What is the meaning of the poem to you?
To me, the poem reflects the resilience and transformation of dreams, symbolizing how even shattered hopes can inspire new beginnings and endless possibilities.
Muhammad Wirhan Syah 24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM
Muhammad Wirhan Syah
1 bulan yang lalu
Which line/stanza do you like very much?
I deeply resonate with the lines "Namun dalam debu, ada cerita, seperti pasir yang menghiasi lautan luas—tak pernah henti menjadi sesuatu yang baru," as they beautifully capture the perpetual cycle of renewal and hope.
Muhammad Wirhan Syah 24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM
Muhammad Wirhan Syah
1 bulan yang lalu
What is one business idea that comes to your mind after reading the poem?
Developing a platform that turns personal stories of resilience and transformation into visually artistic digital formats, inspiring others to find strength in their own journeys.
Muhammad Wirhan Syah
24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM
1 bulan yang lalu
First Comment
The poem "Kapal yang Tak Bernama" is a powerful metaphorical tribute to the profound influence and selfless dedication of teachers. It portrays educators as guiding vessels navigating the turbulent waters of life, helping students find their way through challenges and uncertainties. The symbolism of a "nameless ship" emphasizes the teachers' unwavering commitment to shaping their students' futures, without seeking recognition for their efforts.
Second Comment
I particularly resonate with the line "Badai tak lagi menakutkan, karena engkau, yang mengunyah rasa takut dengan tawa." This beautifully captures how a teacher's presence and encouragement can alleviate fear and uncertainty, transforming daunting obstacles into manageable experiences through their warmth and humor.
Third Comment
One business idea inspired by the poem is the creation of a mentorship platform that connects experienced educators with new teachers, fostering a supportive community that enhances teaching skills and student engagement.
Fachri Abimanyu I.F 22018105 24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM
Nawafil Satria Ramadhan
1 bulan yang lalu
1.The poem "Kapal yang Tak Bernama" is about the role of teachers who guide their students through life’s challenges. A nameless ship which carries the students through the seas to ensure their students’ final destination. The persistence of educators for the sake of those under their care.
Nawafil Satria Ramadhan
24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM
Nawafil Satria Ramadhan
1 bulan yang lalu
2.The line "Badai tak lagi menakutkan, karena engkau, yang mengunyah rasa takut dengan tawa." projects how a teacher's support and encouragement transform fear into resilience, giving students the courage to face challenges with hope and determination.
Nawafil Satria Ramadhan
24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM
Nawafil Satria Ramadhan
1 bulan yang lalu
3.One business idea to take from this article is about creating a storytelling app that uses poetry such as user-submitted poems, stories, and artwork celebrating educators, alongside n educational toolkit to inspire creativity and self-expression in students to help them uphold their literacy and appreciation for teachers.
Nawafil Satria Ramadhan
24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM
Farhah Putri Ramadhani
1 bulan yang lalu
1. Puisi ini mengajarkan tentang peran guru sebagai pemandu yang meskipun tak terlihat kemegahannya, tetap menjadi cahaya di tengah kegelapan perjalanan hidup murid-muridnya.
2. Saya sangat menyukai bagian yang menyebutkan "Ketika kami mendarat, di dermaga mimpi yang tak pernah kami kenal," karena menggambarkan pencapaian murid yang tak pernah terbayangkan sebelumnya berkat bimbingan sang guru
3. Ide bisnis yang muncul adalah menciptakan platform digital yang mendedikasikan karya seni, seperti puisi, untuk mengapresiasi jasa guru.
Farhah Putri Ramadhani
24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9- 11 LM
Dwi Alqauri
1 bulan yang lalu
Dwi Alqauri Rizal
24 JD EPR K1/22 KM 9-11 LM
The article serves as a heartfelt appreciation of teachers, likening them to persistent rain that nurtures and transforms students with patience, ultimately shaping their understanding and perspectives.
I particularly admire the metaphor of teachers as rain shaping the "frozen hills," symbolizing the transformative journey from ignorance to understanding, as it beautifully captures the essence of a teacher's influence.
An idea could be developing an app that uses poetic metaphors to teach and inspire students about the value of education and mentorship.
Aditya Ibnu
1 bulan yang lalu
The poem reminds me of how teachers inspire and guide students, influencing their future in ways that often go beyond the classroom.
Aditya Ibnu
1 bulan yang lalu
I particularly like the line about teachers being the light that guides students through the darkness.
Aditya Ibnu
1 bulan yang lalu
After reading the poem, I think a great business idea could be creating mentorship programs where experienced educators provide guidance to young professionals.
Gibran Alikhsan
1 bulan yang lalu
1. I like the second poem, This poem depicts a teacher as unrelenting rain that patiently shapes students' minds, carving wisdom and understanding over time like a natural force of growth.
2. I like the comparison of teachers to rain that "carves the hill," emphasizing the quiet but powerful impact of patience in shaping a student's perspective.
3. A business idea is to design an app for educators that tracks incremental growth in students' skills, celebrating progress through small, consistent efforts.
Gibran Alikhsan (23019049) JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3 23 LM.
hendru kurniawan
1 bulan yang lalu
1. This poem Like an artisan weaving the sky with strands of inspiration and tenacity, the teacher is portrayed in the poem as an invisible, unrelenting creative who molds the minds and dreams of their students.
Hendru Kurniawan (23019050)
JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3 23 LM.
hendru kurniawan
1 bulan yang lalu
2. I really like the part that says, "Ketika kami mendarat, di dermaga mimpi yang tak pernah kami kenal," since it illustrates the achievements of murids who had never before been able caused by teachers guide.
Hendru Kurniawan (23019050)
JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3 23 LM.
hendru kurniawan
1 bulan yang lalu
3. The business idea that i take from the poem is Developing a storytelling app that incorporates poetry—such as user-submitted poems, stories, and artwork honoring educators—as well as an educational toolkit to encourage students' creativity and self-expression in order to support their literacy and appreciation of teachers is one business idea to be inspired by this article.
Hendru Kurniawan (23019050)
JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3 23 LM.
Alivia Saudia Aqsha
1 bulan yang lalu
Ketiga Puisi karya Miss Leni Marlina menggambarkan hubungan antara guru dan murid dengan metafora yang kaya dan mendalam. Guru digambarkan sebagai "kapal tanpa nama," yang tidak terikat pada satu tujuan atau pelabuhan tertentu. Ini menggambarkan sosok guru yang memberikan arah tanpa memaksakan jalan hidup tertentu.
Puisi ini juga menggambarkan kehidupan sebagai sebuah perjalanan yang penuh dengan guncangan. Namun, sosok guru menjadi penuntun yang memberikan harapan.
Secara keseluruhan, puisi ini mengungkapkan apresiasi yang mendalam terhadap peran guru yang penuh keteladanan dalam mengajar dan mendidik siswa-siswinya. Puisi ini menurut saya, menggunakan metafora yang sangat kuat.
Farlingga Fadjrin
1 bulan yang lalu
"Kapal yang Tak Bernama":
1) The meaning of the poem to me reflects the profound impact that teachers have on their students.
It portrays teachers as guiding vessels navigating through life's challenges, helping students find their way in a complex world.
The imagery of a nameless ship emphasizes the selflessness of educators who guide their students without seeking recognition.(Farlingga Fadjrin_24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3-23 LM)
Farlingga Fadjrin
1 bulan yang lalu
2) | particularly like the line, "Badai tak lagi menakutkan, karena engkau, yang mengunyah rasa takut dengan tawa." This line beautifully captures how a teacher's presence can alleviate fear and uncertainty, transforming daunting challenges into manageable experiences through encouragement and laughter.(Farlingga Fadjrin_24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3-23 LM)
Farlingga Fadjrin
1 bulan yang lalu
3) One business idea that comes to mind after reading the poem is creating a mentorship program that pairs experienced educators with new teachers, fostering a supportive community that enhances teaching skills and student engagement. (Farlingga Fadjrin_24
JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3-23 LM)
Kiki Imelya
1 bulan yang lalu
1. The article highlights the importance of using digital children's literature to improve English literacy among high school students, which is a great way to make learning more interactive and engaging for students.
24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3 23 LM
Kiki Imelya
1 bulan yang lalu
2. I really liked the paragraph that described how the students from SMAN 4 Padang were excited to apply the knowledge they gained from the Digital Children's Literature Training. It shows their enthusiasm and eagerness to learn and grow.
24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3 23 LM
Kiki Imelya
1 bulan yang lalu
3. After reading the article, one business idea that comes to mind is creating an online platform that offers digital children's literature and interactive resources to help schools improve students' English literacy.
24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3 23 LM
hanifah ganeca arya
1 bulan yang lalu
1. Komentar Pertama
Artikel ini bagi saya memiliki makna yang dalam, menggambarkan perjuangan dan pengorbanan guru yang tanpa lelah menanamkan ilmu pada murid-muridnya. Meskipun sering kali hasilnya tidak langsung terlihat, namun dampaknya sangat besar dan terus mengalir dalam kehidupan mereka
hanifah ganeca arya (23019009)
24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3 23 LM
hanifah ganeca arya
1 bulan yang lalu
2. Komentar Kedua
Saya sangat menyukai bagian yang berbicara tentang "nyala api di mulut gunung yang tertidur," karena memberikan gambaran yang kuat tentang pengajaran yang penuh semangat dan energi, bahkan meskipun kadang tak tampak langsung hasilnya. Metafora api yang tidak padam itu sangat memikat dan menginspirasi.
hanifah ganeca arya (23019009)
24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3 23 LM
hanifah ganeca arya
1 bulan yang lalu
3. Komentar Ketiga
Salah satu ide bisnis yang terlintas di pikiran saya setelah membaca artikel ini adalah membuka platform pembelajaran online yang menyediakan kursus untuk mengasah keterampilan mengajar dengan pendekatan yang lebih kreatif dan penuh inspirasi, seperti yang tercermin dalam puisi ini.
hanifah ganeca arya (23019009)
24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3 23 LM
Fifi Helya Putri
1 bulan yang lalu
1. "The Nameless Ship" highlights the selfless dedication of teachers guiding students through life's challenges, symbolized by a ship without recognition.
Fifi Helya Putri (23019047)
24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3 23 LM
Fifi Helya Putri
1 bulan yang lalu
2. I love the line: "Storms are no longer scary, because you, who chew fear with laughter." It beautifully shows how teachers bring comfort and encouragement.
Fifi Helya Putri (23019047)
24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3 23 LM
Fifi Helya Putri
1 bulan yang lalu
3. This poem inspires an idea for a platform where students and alumni share stories celebrating inspiring teachers.
Fifi Helya Putri (23019047)
24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3 23 LM
joice natasha
1 bulan yang lalu
The poem portrays the teacher as a guiding, steadfast presence, navigating through uncertain times with courage and wisdom. The imagery of a nameless ship and a silent lighthouse evokes a sense of quiet strength and selflessness, leading students through challenges without seeking recognition.
Joice Natasha L JD WRITING NK 2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Laras putri alma
1 bulan yang lalu
Teacher, you are like a nameless ship, guiding us through the storms of life, with no clear direction but full of meaning. You are like rain, patiently shaping our souls with understanding that comes slowly. Like the sky lending its stars, you provide light without expecting anything in return.
You are an unseen hand stitching the clouds, keeping the sky intact despite the threats. Like fire flowing in our veins, you light our path, giving us a light that never fades. Without words, you transform us, and we are the proof of your journey.
Dimas Prasetya Budi
1 bulan yang lalu
Meaning of the poem: Teachers are heroes who do not expect anything in return
My favorite line/stanza: Engkau bagaikan kapal tanpa nama,
Things come to my mind: Teachers are important figures and will not be forgotten
Dimas Prasetya Budi
Afifah Syaharani
1 bulan yang lalu
1. Meaning : These poems speak to the profound, often silent, influence a teacher or guide has on their students. They use metaphors of a nameless ship and endless rain to convey the idea of transformation through patience, guidance, and time.
2. My favorite line: Engkau menjadi hujan yang berbisik di udara,
membawa sungai yang tak pernah kami kenal,
kami yang dahulu bebal, kini melihat dunia dari permukaan yang lebih dalam.
3. Together, these poems express the idea that great teaching does not always come with grand gestures or loud declarations, but through quiet, persistent influence that shapes and transforms over time.
Afifah Syaharani 24019001
24 JD Writing NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
Muhammad Zikri Alfurqan
1 bulan yang lalu
1. The meaning of the title that I can understand is the power of a teacher as a guide for us as their students.
2. Favorite line : Guru,
engkau bagai tangan yang tidak bisa dilihat,
menjahit awan dengan benang yang terbuat dari angin dan senyum.
3. The thing that comes to my mind is that a teacher has the power to lead his students to a better direction in life.
Muhammad Zikri Alfurqan (24019056) 24 JD Writing NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
Laras putri alma
1 bulan yang lalu
This poem depicts a learning journey with the teacher as an unknown guide, like a nameless ship. The teacher helps the students overcome challenges and fear, and even in silence, their influence continues to guide them towards understanding.
Abdul Hamid
1 bulan yang lalu
1. Meaning: The title signifies the influence and role of a teacher as a guide for their students.
2. Favorite line: Teacher, you are like invisible hands, stitching clouds with threads made of wind and smiles.
3. My thoughts are that a teacher holds the ability to guide their students toward a brighter path in life.
Abdul Hamid (24019117) 24 JD Writing NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
Rafi Yuma Aditya
1 bulan yang lalu
we are like fragments, pieces of time,
drowned in a forbidden ocean,
washed away by waves longing for direction.
You are like a nameless ship,
without a harbor, only a compass unreadable,
guiding us through turmoil,
scattering maps in every wave’s crash."
"When we land at the harbor of dreams we've never known, you remain silent, like a lighthouse that has vanished, fighting darkness with quiet light."
Rafi Yuma Aditya (24019060) 24 JD WRITING NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
1 bulan yang lalu
1. Meaning of the Title:
“Kapal yang Tak Bernama” reflects the silent, selfless guidance of a teacher who navigates us through challenges without seeking recognition.
2. Favorite Line:
“Ketika kami mendarat, di dermaga mimpi yang tak pernah kami kenal, engkau hanya senyap, seperti mercusuar yang hilang.”
I like it because it shows how teachers quietly guide us to success and then step back.
3. Thoughts After Reading:
The poem reminds me of how teachers shape our future with their wisdom, even when their work goes unnoticed.
Syasya 24019030
24 JD Writing NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
Ahmad Zidane Albarik
1 bulan yang lalu
Teachers are depicted in these poems as really great novelties, with metaphors such as "Tangan yang Menjahit Awan" and "Nyala Api di Mulut Gunung" really affording their powerful influence on students. A very striking line, "Kami adalah api yang tercuri, api yang tidak tahu asal-usulnya," symbolically illustrates how students carry the knowledge imparted by their teachers along with the passion and learning during school time. These works portray a great deal about the effect teachers have in molding and inspiring students.
Ahmad Zidane Albarik (24019092)
24 JD Writing NK 2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Trisna Filius Adi
1 bulan yang lalu
The title "Kapal yang Tak Bernama" symbolizes a guide, like a teacher, who leads selflessly without seeking recognition or attachment.
Sanza : "Badai tak lagi menakutkan, karena engkau, yang mengunyah rasa takut dengan tawa."
The poem depicts a teacher as a silent guide, helping students navigate challenges and uncertainties, offering guidance without seeking recognition, and leading them toward their dreams.
Trisna Filius Adi 24019113 — 24 JD Writing NK 2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Rahma Khalilah Najwa
1 bulan yang lalu
This poem describes the role of a teacher as a figure who guides and guides students through a life journey full of uncertainty. Even though he is like a ship without a harbor and only sailing the waves, teachers provide encouragement and calm in the midst of fear and anxiety. This metaphor describes hope, learning, and courage in facing the waves of life.
“ Badai tak lagi menakutkan,
karena engkau, yang mengunyah rasa takut dengan tawa.”
Rahma Khalilah Najwa 24 JD Writing NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
Muhammad Aqeel Jasomandez
1 bulan yang lalu
Meaning title of the poem : This poem gives a picture of how a teacher feels and experiences life.
Line/stanza : 2
Mind after reading : depicts the relationship between teacher and student on a fraught journey.
Muhammad Aqeel Jasomandez 24 JD Writing NK 2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Dean Putri Azzhara
1 bulan yang lalu
I love the line “di akar yang membekas, perjuangan tak pernah luruh,” because it beautifully portrays how the foundation of a hero’s struggle remains eternal and impactful.The poem reminds me of the unyielding sacrifices of heroes and how their legacy continues to inspire growth and unity.To me, the title highlights the immense role of teachers as the backbone of education, shaping the future with their dedication to knowledge.
24 JD WRITING NK 2-24 SL 7-8
Muhamad Faizal
1 bulan yang lalu
This poem describes the spirit inherited by someone who has fought endlessly, like the fire that flows in the blood of the next generation. The fire becomes a lantern that never goes out, illuminating the passage of time. This poem expresses respect for teachers, who, through their struggle, ignite the passion in their students.
Muhamad Faizal 24 JD Writing NK2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Aprini Simbolon
1 bulan yang lalu
Meaning of the Title:
The title "Kapal yang Tak Bernama", meaning "The Ship Without a Name", refers to a metaphorical ship (likely the teacher or guide) that sails without a clear identity or destination. It symbolizes a sense of purpose or direction that remains undefined, yet still plays an essential role in guiding others through uncertain or turbulent journeys, much like a teacher or mentor who leads without seeking recognition or fame.
Favorite Line:
The line "Badai tak lagi menakutkan, karena engkau, yang mengunyah rasa takut dengan tawa" (The storm is no longer frightening, because you, who chew fear with laughter) stands out. It captures the essence of the teacher's character—someone who, with humor and resilience, helps others face their fears and challenges, turning them into something less intimidating.
Thoughts After Reading the Poem:
The poem evokes thoughts of the transformative role a teacher or mentor plays in the lives of their students. The "ship without a name" represents the teacher's humble yet crucial role in guiding others, often without recognition, yet profoundly shaping their paths. The metaphor of navigating through storms and guiding others to a "dream dock" speaks to the resilience and guidance that educators provide, often in silence and without asking for attention. The imagery of "laughing away fear" emphasizes the power of a positive, encouraging figure who helps others navigate life's challenges. It makes me reflect on the mentors in my own life, who may not have been seeking recognition but whose presence shaped my journey significantly. The sense of mystery and silent strength conveyed by the "lost lighthouse" also alludes to the way some figures, like teachers, may leave a lasting impact even when they are no longer physically present.
Aprini Simbolon (24019005) 24 JD writing NK 2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Zuleyka Azzahra
1 bulan yang lalu
This phrase evokes a sense of something or someone without identity or direction, a vessel adrift without a clear purpose or recognition. My favorite line is “Layar yang terangkat adalah suara kami yang hilang,
Seperti awan yang jatuh diam-diam.” This means trying to be heard but feeling silenced, like something fading away quietly
Zuleyka Azzahra 24 JD Writing NK2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Rahayu Febriani
1 bulan yang lalu
Meaning of the Title
The title "The Nameless Ship" suggests a journey without clear direction or identity, symbolizing a path that is uncertain but guided by an unseen force, perhaps a teacher or mentor.
Favorite Line/Stanza
My favorite line is:
"Badai tak lagi menakutkan, karena engkau, yang mengunyah rasa takut dengan tawa."
This line speaks to the power of a teacher's guidance, turning fear into something manageable and even comforting.
Thoughts After Reading
The poem evokes the feeling of being on a journey of learning, where the teacher is a guiding force that leads through uncertainty and challenges, even when they remain silent in the end.
Rahayu Febriani 24 JD WRITING NK-2 24 SL7-8 LM
Aida Sulastri
1 bulan yang lalu
The title of this poem makes me think about spiritual power. Line I like "Wahai guru,
engkau bagaikan nyala api di mulut gunung yang tertidur,
membakar dunia dengan tangan yang terbalut malam."
After reading this poem I understand the extraordinary power that teachers have.
Aida Sulastri JD WRITING NK2-24 SL7-8LM
M.Ridho Riszi Sc
1 bulan yang lalu
This poem is very touching. It shows how much influence and dedication a teacher has in shaping the lives of his students. Like a ship without a name, a teacher patiently guides his students through the storm and leads them to the future.
Ghurafy Masyhuda Rahmat
1 bulan yang lalu
The title of this poem explains that a teacher is like a ship without a name.
The part I like the most is Engkau menjadi hujan yang berbisik di udara,
membawa sungai yang tak pernah kami kenal,
kami yang dahulu bebal, kini melihat dunia dari permukaan yang lebih dalam.
After reading this poem I realized how big the role of a teacher is in educating a nation. It is very fitting that we say thank you very much to teacher Lita.
Ridel Decastro
1 bulan yang lalu
Quiz 10:
Business Idea: Legacy of Light Platform A digital platform where students, alumni, and communities can honor teachers who have profoundly impacted their lives.
Like a ship without a name, a teacher patiently guides his students through the storm and leads them to the future.
Ridel Decastro NK 2
24 JD Writing NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
Rozyid Jaylani. H
1 bulan yang lalu
The title of this poem explains that a teacher is like a ship without a name. The part I like the most is Engkau menjadi hujan yang berbisik di udara, membawa sungai yang tak pernah kami kenal, kami yang dahulu bebal, kini melihat dunia dari permukaan yang lebih dalam.
24 JD WRITING NK2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Fitri Okta Vionisyah
1 bulan yang lalu
1. The poem reflects the profound dedication and sacrifices of teachers who shape their students' lives with patience, wisdom, and selflessness, even as they often remain in the background. Fitri Okta Vionisyah (23019097) JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3 23 LM.
Fitri Okta Vionisyah
1 bulan yang lalu
2. I particularly love the stanza, "Engkau bagai tangan yang tidak bisa dilihat, menjahit awan dengan benang yang terbuat dari angin dan senyum," as it beautifully captures the invisible yet impactful work of a teacher. Fitri Okta Vionisyah (23019097) JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3 23 LM.
Fitri Okta Vionisyah
1 bulan yang lalu
One business idea inspired by the poem is creating a teacher appreciation platform where students can share stories, create tributes, and fund small gifts or scholarships for their teachers.
Fitri Okta Vionisyah (23019097) JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3 23 LM.
Diva Olivia Daka Elipsi
1 bulan yang lalu
Komentar 1: Artikel ini sangat menyentuh hati saya karena menggambarkan sosok guru dengan cara yang luar biasa dan penuh makna. Puisi-puisi ini mengajarkan kita untuk melihat guru bukan hanya sebagai pendidik, tetapi juga sebagai pelita yang menerangi jalan kehidupan kita dengan penuh pengorbanan dan cinta tanpa pamrih. Guru, dalam puisi-puisi ini, digambarkan sebagai sosok yang hadir tanpa pamrih, mendidik dengan penuh ketulusan, seolah memberi hidup dan cahaya kepada setiap murid.
Diva Olivia Daka Elipsi (23019093)
JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3-23 LM
Diva Olivia Daka Elipsi
1 bulan yang lalu
Komentar 2: Saya sangat menyukai puisi yang berjudul "Kapal yang Tak Bernama." Paragraf ini menggambarkan guru sebagai kapal tanpa nama yang mengarungi samudra kehidupan dengan penuh perjuangan, menaburkan peta-peta harapan untuk para murid. Kekuatan visual dalam puisi ini membuat saya merasakan bagaimana peran seorang guru yang sering kali tak terlihat namun memberikan arah bagi murid-muridnya yang sedang tenggelam dalam samudra tantangan hidup.
Diva Olivia Daka Elipsi (23019093)
JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3-23 LM
Diva Olivia Daka Elipsi
1 bulan yang lalu
Komentar 3: Setelah membaca artikel ini, saya terinspirasi untuk membuat platform edukasi digital yang menghubungkan siswa dengan berbagai puisi dan karya sastra, untuk meningkatkan kecintaan mereka terhadap seni dan pendidikan, sekaligus menumbuhkan kesadaran akan pentingnya peran guru dalam setiap langkah mereka.
Diva Olivia Daka Elipsi (23019093)
JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3-23 LM
Zuleyka Azzahra
1 bulan yang lalu
Asap itu bukan milik kami,
ia terbang tinggi, berputar di angkasa yang jauh.
Zuleyka Azzahra 24 JD Writing NK2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Zuleyka Azzahra
1 bulan yang lalu
The smoke is not ours,
it flies high, swirling in the distant sky.
Zuleyka Azzahra 24 JD Writing NK2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Trisna Filius Adi
1 bulan yang lalu
Layar yang terangkat adalah suara kami yang hilang, seperti awan yang jatuh diam-diam.
The raised sails are our lost voices, like a cloud that falls silently.
Sentence : The raised sails carry our lost voices, drifting like a cloud that descends without a sound.
Trisna Filius Adi 24 JD Writing NK 2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Zuleyka Azzahra
1 bulan yang lalu
The line means that something distant and out of reach, like smoke, is not ours to control or keep. It’s beyond our grasp, floating away into the sky.
Zuleyka Azzahra 24 JD Writing NK2-24 SL 7-8 LM
joice natasha
1 bulan yang lalu
Engkau bagaikan kapal tanpa nama, tanpa pelabuhan, hanya kompas yang tak bisa dibaca, menghantarkan kami dalam guncangan, menabur peta di setiap debur ombak. ("You are like a nameless ship, without a harbor, only a compass that cannot be read, guiding us through turbulence, scattering maps with every crash of the waves.")
This line evokes the image of a teacher as a guiding force, navigating through uncertainty and challenges, leading without clear direction but with the promise of discovery, much like a ship without a name or destination.
Joice Natasha JD writing NK 2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Afifah Syaharani
1 bulan yang lalu
"engkau bagaikan langit,
penuh dengan bintang yang hanya meminjamkan cahayanya,"
"You are like the sky,
full of stars that only lend their light."
You are like the sky, vast and endless, with stars that lend their light but never truly stay.
Afifah Syaharani
24 JD Writing NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
Ahmad Zidane Albarik
1 bulan yang lalu
Kalimat yang menarik: “Jahitanmu bagaikan langit yang tak pernah kering”
Terjemahan dalam Bahasa Inggris: “Your stitches are like the sky that never dries”
Kalimat yang memiliki larik: Your stitches are like the sky that never dries,
growing endlessly, embracing our divided world.
Ahmad Zidane Albarik (24019092)
24 JD Writing NK 2-24 SL 7-8 LM
1 bulan yang lalu
Jahitanmu bagaikan langit yang tak pernah kering,
"Your stitches are like the sky that never dries,"
"Your stitches are like the sky that never dries, holding the weight of endless storms yet remaining infinite and vast."
Dean Putri Azzhara
1 bulan yang lalu
Engkau bagaikan kapal tanpa nama
You are like a ship without a name
You are like a nameless ship sailing far away
Dean Putri Azzhara 24 JD WRITIMG NK 2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Muhammad Aqeel Jasomandez
1 bulan yang lalu
kami bagaikan fragmen, potongan waktu,
tenggelam dalam samudra terlarang,
luruh oleh ombak yang merindu arah.
Muhammad Aqeel Jasomandez 24 JD Writing NK 2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Muhammad Aqeel Jasomandez
1 bulan yang lalu
we are like fragments, pieces of time,
sinking in a forbidden ocean,
swept away by waves that yearn for direction.
Muhammad Aqeel Jasomandez 24 JD Writing NK 2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Rahma Khalilah Najwa
1 bulan yang lalu
kami bagaikan fragmen, potongan waktu,
tenggelam dalam samudra terlarang,
luruh oleh ombak yang merindu arah.
24JD Writing NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
Muhammad Zikri Alfurqan
1 bulan yang lalu
Engkau bagaikan kapal tanpa nama,
tanpa pelabuhan, hanya kompas yang tak bisa dibaca,
menghantarkan kami dalam guncangan,
menabur peta di setiap debur ombak.
Muhammad Zikri Alfurqan (24019056) 24 JD Writing NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
Muhammad Aqeel Jasomandez
1 bulan yang lalu
sentence from the quote above: Teacher, we are like fragments, fragments of time, sinking in a forbidden ocean, hit by waves that long for direction.
Muhammad Aqeel Jasomandez 24 JD Writing NK 2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Rahma Khalilah Najwa
1 bulan yang lalu
We are like fragments, pieces of time,
Drowned in the forbidden ocean,
Collapsed by the waves that missed the direction.
24 JD Wiring NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
Muhammad Zikri Alfurqan
1 bulan yang lalu
Describes a teacher who is a guide for his students and imparts his knowledge.
Muhammad Zikri Alfurqan (24019056) 24 JD Writing NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
Muhammad Zikri Alfurqan
1 bulan yang lalu
You are my compass, showing me the right direction and giving me a chest of knowledge that I will carry with me until I die.
Muhammad Zikri Alfurqan (24019056) 24 JD Writing NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
Rahayu Febriani
1 bulan yang lalu
“Engkau bagaikan kapal tanpa nama, tanpa pelabuhan, hanya kompas yang tak bisa dibaca.”
“You are like a nameless ship, without a harbor, with only an unreadable compass.”
“Like a nameless ship with no harbor, he guided us through the storm even when the compass was unreadable.”
Rahayu Febriani 24 JD WRITING NK-2 24 SL7-8 LM
O... teacher, you are like the sky,
Dimas Prasetya Budi
Dimas Prasetya Budi
1 bulan yang lalu
O... teacher, you are like the sky, like a star whose light will not be extinguished
Dimas Prasetya Budi
Abdul Hamid
1 bulan yang lalu
Ketika kami mendarat,
di dermaga mimpi yang tak pernah kami kenal,
engkau hanya senyap,
seperti mercusuar yang hilang,
melawan gelap dengan cahaya sunyi ABDUL HAMID 24 JD WRITING NK-2 S-L 7-8 LM
Abdul Hamid
1 bulan yang lalu
When we landed,
on the dock of a dream we never knew,
you were silent,
like a lost lighthouse,
fighting the dark with a silent light ABDUL HAMID 24 JD WRITING NK-2 SL 7-8 LM
Abdul Hamid
1 bulan yang lalu
When we arrived at the harbor of hope we never knew, you remained silent, like a lighthouse fading away, fighting the darkness with a quiet light. ABDUL HAMID 24 JD WRITING NK 2 SL 7-8 LM
Aprini Simbolon
1 bulan yang lalu
An interest stanza: Guru,
kami bagaikan fragmen, potongan waktu,
tenggelam dalam samudra terlarang,
luruh oleh ombak yang merindu arah.
Aprini Simbolon (24019005) 24 JD writing NK 2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Rozyid Jaylani. H
1 bulan yang lalu
Kalimat yang disukai
kami bagaikan fragmen, potongan waktu,
tenggelam dalam samudra terlarang,
luruh oleh ombak yang merindu arah.
we are like fragments, pieces of time,
drowning in the forbidden ocean,
destroyed by waves that miss the direction.
We are like fragments, pieces of time,
drowning in the forbidden ocean,
shattered by waves that have lost their way.
24019026 Rozyid Jaylani. H
24 JD Writing NK 2 24 SL7-8 LM
Rafi Yuma Aditya
1 bulan yang lalu
Ketika kami mendarat, di dermaga mimpi yang tak pernah kami kenal, engkau hanya senyap, seperti mercusuar yang hilang, melawan gelap dengan cahaya sunyi.
Rafi Yuma Aditya 24 JD Writing NK 2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Rafi Yuma Aditya
1 bulan yang lalu
When we docked at the harbor of dreams we had never known, you stood in silence, like a vanished lighthouse, fighting the darkness with quiet light.
Rafi Yuma Aditya 24 JD Writing NK 2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Rafi Yuma Aditya
1 bulan yang lalu
In the stillness of your guidance, you are a lighthouse, illuminating unknown shores with a light that speaks without words.
Rafi Yuma Aditya 24 JD Writing NK 2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Rozyid Jaylani. H
1 bulan yang lalu
The wind arrives, but it brings no coolness;
it gnaws at my stomach,
wringing out all that remains in this body,
like a desert devouring all that is green.
24019026 Rozyid Jaylani. H
M.Ridho Riszi S.c
1 bulan yang lalu
A business idea from this poem is to create a mentorship platform where experienced mentors help students or young people overcome challenges in their studies or careers.
M RIDHO RISZI S.C JD Writing NK2 24 SL 7-8 LM
M.Ridho Riszi S.c
1 bulan yang lalu
Teacher, We are like fragments, pieces of time, Drowned in the forbidden ocean, Collapsed by the waves that missed the direction.
Aprini Simbolon
1 bulan yang lalu
translate: Teacher,
We are like fragments, discounts,
drowning in the forbidden ocean,
decay by the waves longing for.
Aprini Simbolon (24019005) 24 JD writing NK 2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Aprini Simbolon
1 bulan yang lalu
Teacher, we are fragments, sinking into a forbidden ocean, worn away by waves of longing.
Aprini Simbolon (24019005) 24 JD writing NK 2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Dwi Rihhadatul 'Aisy Munte
3 minggu yang lalu
1. What is the meaning of the poem to you?
The poem portrays the selfless dedication of a teacher who navigates their students through the challenges of life and learning, often without recognition or reward. It reflects the silent yet profound impact teachers have, guiding their students toward uncharted dreams while remaining in the shadows.
2. Which line/stanza do you like very much?
"Badai tak lagi menakutkan,
karena engkau, yang mengunyah rasa takut dengan tawa."
This line resonates deeply because it captures the courage and reassurance that teachers provide to their students, making obstacles seem conquerable through their unwavering support.
3. What is one of the business ideas that comes to your mind after reading the poem?
A business idea inspired by the poem is to create an "Edutainment Adventure Platform" for students and teachers.
Dwi Rihhadatul 'Aisy Munte 24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM
Viola Berliana
5 hari yang lalu
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, Saya Viola Berliana ingin menyampaikan pendapat saya tentang puisi yang berjudul "Hujan yang memahat bukit". Puisi ini menggambarkan guru sebagai hujan yang sabar dan terus-menerus memberi ilmu, membentuk murid yang awalnya keras seperti bukit beku menjadi lebih peka dan penuh pemahaman. Ini mencerminkan bagaimana pendidikan yang tulus dapat mengubah seseorang secara mendalam tanpa kata-kata, dan hanya melalui proses yang diam namun kuat.
Viola Berliana
5 hari yang lalu
Menurut saya puisi yang berjudul "Langit yang meminjamkan bintangnya" menggambarkan sosok guru sebagai langit yang penuh dengan bintang, yang memberi cahaya dan petunjuk dan inspirasi bagi murid-muridnya. Namun,terapat makna mendalam di balik kebaikan tersebut, karena meskipun cahaya itu memandu, ada luka yang tersisa, dan menunjukkan bahwa dibalik pengorbanan dan pembelajaran oleh seorang guru seringkali datang dengan beban yang tersembunyi. Puisi ini mencerminkan penghargaan mendalam terhadap figur guru sekaligus menggambarkan hubungan yang kompleks antara guru dan murid.
Norick Gading
4 hari yang lalu
Puisi ini menggambarkan hubungan dekat antara guru dan murid, yang dimana guru sebagai pengarah, inspirator, dan pelindung pengetahuan.
Yusmitha Febriana Hutasuhut
3 hari yang lalu
Menurut saya puisi "Kapal yang Tak Bernama" menggambarkan peran seorang guru sebagai pembimbing yang penuh ketenangan, pengorbanan, dan kesabaran. Guru adalah sosok yang hadir tanpa pamrih, tidak mencari pengakuan, namun tetap memberikan panduan yang terang di tengah ketidakpastian dan tantangan hidup. Melalui simbol-simbol alam seperti kapal, pohon, dan mercusuar, puisi ini menekankan bagaimana guru membantu murid menemukan arah mereka dalam perjalanan hidup yang penuh ketidakjelasan dan ketidakpastian. Meskipun tidak selalu terlihat atau dihargai, keberadaan guru memberikan cahaya yang membimbing murid ke arah yang lebih baik dan penuh harapan.
Yusmitha Febriana Hutasuhut
3 hari yang lalu
Menurut saya puisi "Hujan yang Memahat Bukit" mencerminkan bagaimana pendidikan bukanlah suatu hal yang instan atau langsung terlihat hasilnya, tetapi sebuah proses yang memerlukan kesabaran, ketekunan, dan waktu. Melalui metafora hujan dan bukit, puisi ini menggambarkan sosok guru yang sabar, tidak terburu-buru, dan tidak mencari pengakuan, tetapi tetap bekerja dengan penuh dedikasi untuk mengubah dan membimbing murid-muridnya. Guru seperti hujan yang tidak berhenti, memberikan pengaruh yang tak terlihat namun mendalam, membentuk pemahaman dan karakter murid secara perlahan namun pasti.
Yusmitha Febriana Hutasuhut
3 hari yang lalu
Puisi " Langit yang Meminjamkan Bintangnya" menggambarkan peran guru sebagai sosok yang penuh kebijaksanaan, ketenangan, dan pengaruh yang mendalam terhadap murid-muridnya. Dalam puisi ini, metafora langit dan bintang digunakan untuk menggambarkan sifat seorang guru yang memberi pencerahan tanpa terlihat jelas atau menonjol, serta dampak mendalam yang dirasakan oleh murid meskipun mungkin tidak langsung disadari.
Yusmitha Febriana Hutasuhut
3 hari yang lalu
Puisi "angan yang Menjahit Awan" menggambarkan guru sebagai sosok yang bekerja dengan lembut, penuh kasih, dan tanpa pamrih. Guru dijadikan metafora sebagai tangan yang menjahit awan, sebuah gambaran yang menunjukkan bagaimana pengajaran bisa sangat halus dan tidak selalu tampak jelas, namun memiliki dampak yang besar dalam membentuk murid.
Yusmitha Febriana Hutasuhut
3 hari yang lalu
Puisi "Nyala Api di Mulut Gunung" menggambarkan guru sebagai sosok yang memiliki kekuatan besar untuk mengubah dan membimbing murid-muridnya menuju pencerahan, meskipun perubahan ini mungkin datang secara halus atau tidak langsung. Guru dalam puisi ini adalah api yang mampu membakar semangat dan memberi cahaya, memberikan inspirasi yang membentuk identitas dan perjalanan hidup murid. Api yang mengalir dalam darah murid menggambarkan betapa dalam dan kuatnya dampak dari pengajaran guru, yang terus membimbing murid dalam perjalanan mereka menuju pemahaman dan pencerahan.
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