Minggu, 19 Januari 2025

Rindu Yang Terbakar

Kumpulan Puisi Leni Marlina

Oleh: Leni Marlina*
Sabtu, 16 November 2024 578 66
Ilustrasi Kumpulan Puisi Leni Marlina (Padang) "Rindu yang Terbakar". Sumber gambar: Starcom Indonesia's Artwork No. 205 by AI.

Rindu yang Terbakar di Langit Kering

Kau berjalan di tanah tanpa jejak,
angin memeluk tubuhmu,
tapi kau tetap diam.
Rindu itu menyala di jantungmu,
seperti api yang tercipta dari debu yang terinjak,
terbakar begitu dalam,
hingga langitpun merinding.

Aku melihat matahari menelan bayanganmu,
tapi kau tetap berdiri,
pada ruang yang tak terjamah waktu.
Tidak ada air untuk memadamkan,
hanya pasir yang menyimpan rahasia
tentang rindu yang tak pernah pulang.

Padang, Sumbar, 2019

Cinta yang Mengikis Batu dalam Diam

Kau menatap batu yang terdiam,
seperti dunia yang menghitung detik dengan pelan.
Cinta tidak bersuara,
tapi batu itu mulai mengikis dirinya sendiri,
dari dalam,
menghancurkan kepahitan yang tak terucap.

Aku merasa rindu menetes di antara sela-sela bebatuan,
mengalir tanpa suara,
memahat bentuk yang tidak pernah ada.
Kau tahu, kan?
Batu itu menjadi lembut hanya karena
kau biarkan cinta mengalir melaluinya
seperti air yang membasuh luka.

Padang,  Sumbar,  2019

Langit yang Dijahit dengan Untaian Waktu

Langit bukan lagi biru,
tapi sehelai kain yang kau jahit dengan benang waktu.
Setiap ujungnya membawa cerita
tentang masa lalu yang tak bisa pulang.
Di sini, di ujung dunia yang tergantung,
kau menjahit luka yang terus tumbuh,
mengikatnya dengan harapan
yang terbuang pada ruang tak terbatas.

Aku melihat benang itu,
lalu diambil angin dan dipasang kembali,
seperti puzzle yang tak sempurna.
Kau tahu, langit ini akan menyimpan segala kesakitanmu,
karena setiap jarum yang menusuknya
menjadi jejak tak terhapuskan.

Padang, Sumbar, 2019

*Riwayat Singkat

Puisi ini awalnya ditulis oleh Leni Marlina tahun sebagai karya untuk  koleksi puisi pribadi tahun  2019. Puisi tersebut direvisi kembali serta dipublikasikan pertama kali oleh penulisnya melalui media digital tahun 2024.
Leni Marlina merupakan anggota aktif Asosiasi Penulis Indonesia, SATU PENA cabang Sumatera Barat. Ia juga merupakan anggota aktif Komunitas Penyair & Penulis Sastra Internasional ACC di Shanghai, serta dipercaya sebagai Duta Puisi Indonesia untuk ACC Shanghai Huifeng International Literary Association. Selain itu, Leni terlibat dalam Victoria's Writer Association di Australia. Sejak tahun 2006, ia telah mengabdikan diri sebagai dosen di Program Studi Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni, Universitas Negeri Padang.

Leni juga merupakan pendiri dan pemimpin sejumlah komunitas digital yang berfokus pada sastra, pendidikan, dan sosial, di antaranya:, (1)  Anak Dunia (WCLC): https://rb.gy/5c1b02, (2) Komunitas Internasional POETRY-PEN; (3) Komunitas PPIPM (Pondok Puisi Inspirasi Masyarakat): https://tinyurl.com/zxpadkr; (4) Komunitas Starcom Indonesia (Starmoonsun Edupreneur Community Indonesia): https://rb.gy/5c1b02.

hanifah ganeca arya
1 bulan yang lalu
1. Business Idea: A venture inspired by the poetry could focus on creative journaling workshops or storytelling retreats. These would allow individuals to explore their emotions and transform personal experiences into art or writing, much like the reflective and metaphorical depth portrayed in the poems. 2. Character Traits: Resilience: Like the persistent flame of longing or the patience of flowing water shaping stone. Creativity: The ability to weave emotions and stories, much like stitching the sky with threads of time. Empathy: Understanding deep, unspoken emotions and turning them into meaningful connections or services. hanifah ganeca arya(23019009) 24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3 23 LM
Diva Olivia Daka Elipsi
1 bulan yang lalu
1. **Longing Burned in the Dry Sky** Entrepreneurship: Spiritual retreats and eco-tourism focused on healing in nature. 2. **Love That Erodes Stone in Silence** Entrepreneurship: Stone art workshops and home decor inspired by the philosophy of love. 3. **The Sky Sewn with Threads of Time** Entrepreneurship: Production of narrative-inspired patterned fabrics and recycled material art installations.
Ikhwanul Dhafa Alghifari
1 bulan yang lalu
1. Possible business idea: A creative writing retreat set in Padang, Sumatra Barat, aimed at aspiring poets and writers. The retreat would focus on using local landscapes, traditions, and emotions as inspiration, offering guided workshops, meditative exercises, and cultural experiences to enhance their craft. 2. Necessary character traits: Creativity, patience, and an understanding of human emotions. These traits would help in fostering a supportive environment where participants can explore their feelings and translate them into powerful literary works. (Ikhwanul Dhafa Alghifari, 24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3-23 LM)
Fifi Helya Putri
1 bulan yang lalu
A suitable entrepreneurship idea to address the issues in this poem includes emotional healing retreats in nature, art production inspired by the poem's metaphors, or a literacy platform to express emotions. These ventures help people process and understand feelings through art, writing, and reflective experiences. Fifi Helya Putri (23019047) 24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3 23 LM
Mayza Andela syaputri
1 bulan yang lalu
The poem "Rindu yang Terbakar" by Leni Marlina offers inspiration for developing creative and meaningful entrepreneurial ventures. Some entrepreneurial ideas that can be implemented include: spiritual retreats in the open air, eco-tourism, healing in nature, stone art workshops, home decor, narrative-inspired fabrics, recycled material art installations, creative writing retreats, guided workshops, meditative exercises, and cultural experiences. The entrepreneurial characteristics needed include creativity, patience, emotional understanding, and communication. Mayza Andela syaputri (23019014) 24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3 23 LM
1 bulan yang lalu
1. Business idea inspired by the poem: The poem evokes deep emotions of longing and resilience, inspiring the idea of creating a mindfulness retreat in arid or isolated landscapes. This retreat would allow people to reconnect with their inner selves through guided meditation, storytelling, and art inspired by the harsh beauty of nature. The retreat could feature activities like desert treks, journaling workshops, and fire-lit storytelling sessions that encourage reflection and healing for those experiencing emotional turmoil. This concept would blend tourism, mental wellness, and cultural enrichment. 2. Character traits to apply: Patience, the ability to transform adversity into inspiration, and a commitment to preserving and respecting the stories of others. The traits of empathy and adaptability, as seen in embracing the raw beauty of challenges and converting them into opportunities for healing, would also be crucial for such a venture. Gibran Alikhsan (23019049) JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3 23 LM.
Khaisya Aliya Marsyanda
1 bulan yang lalu
1. Business Idea Create a handmade poetry journal or art print business where emotions like longing and resilience are expressed visually and poetically. 2. Character Trait Resilience – standing firm in the face of unfulfilled longing and isolation. 3. Entrepreneurship Type A mental wellness or creative therapy service that uses poetry and storytelling to help people process feelings of loneliness and longing.
Muhammad Farras Dzikra
1 bulan yang lalu
A Creative Retreat in Padang A potential business venture could be a creative writing retreat in Padang, West Sumatra. This retreat would cater to aspiring poets and writers, providing them with opportunities to draw inspiration from the local scenery, customs, and emotions. The program would include guided workshops, mindfulness exercises, and cultural experiences to enhance their writing skills. Key Qualities for Success To effectively run such a retreat, the organizers should possess creativity, patience, and an understanding of human emotions. These qualities would help create a nurturing environment where participants can delve into their feelings and transform them into compelling literary works. Muhammad Farras Dzikra JD EPR KM 7-8 NK 3 23 LM
hendru kurniawan
1 bulan yang lalu
Based on the themes and emotions expressed in the three poems, here are some business ideas that could be developed: Poetry-Themed Café or Restaurant: Create a café or restaurant that integrates poetry and art. The space could feature poetry quotes, and menu items could be named after elements from the poems, like a spicy dish called "Burning Longing." The venue could host poetry readings, literary discussions, and writing workshops. Handcrafted Products: Develop artisanal products inspired by the poems, such as paintings, woven crafts, or stone carvings symbolizing themes like "Love Eroding Stone." These could include engraved stones with inspiring words about love and longing. Creative Poetry Writing App: Create a mobile app that helps users write poetry, offering prompts based on themes like love, longing, and time. The app could allow users to share their works with a community for feedback and inspiration. Hendru Kurniawan JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3 23 LM
Alimin sahid
1 bulan yang lalu
Jenis wirausaha yang dapat dijalankan untuk menyelesaikan masalah dalam puisi ini adalah membuka layanan konseling berbasis komunitas. Bentuknya dapat berupa platform online yang menyediakan ruang untuk berbagi cerita, saling mendukung, dan mendapatkan bimbingan emosional. Selain itu, bisa juga membuka usaha kafe tematik dengan suasana yang nyaman, tempat orang-orang dapat bertemu, berbincang, dan saling menguatkan. Dengan cara ini, isu kesepian atau kehilangan yang tergambar dalam puisi dapat teratasi. Alimin Sahid 22018003 24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM
Dwi Rihhadatul 'Aisy Munte
1 bulan yang lalu
1. Ide Usaha yang Mungkin Dijadikan Inspirasi Puisi ini menggambarkan rasa rindu yang mendalam, keteguhan, dan proses menemukan keindahan atau makna dalam kesakitan. Dari inspirasi tersebut, ide usaha yang dapat dijalankan adalah: a. Usaha Kreatif Berbasis Sentimen dan Cerita Emosional - Produk:Buku jurnal, puisi, atau karya seni bertema ekspresi perasaan (lukisan, kaligrafi puisi). - Jasa:Konsultasi atau workshop tentang healing melalui seni dan puisi. 2. Karakter yang Dapat Diterapkan dalam Kegiatan Wirausaha Tokoh dalam puisi memiliki beberapa karakter utama yang relevan untuk wirausaha: - Keteguhan dan Kesabaran: Seperti "batu yang terdiam" dan terus terkikis perlahan, wirausaha membutuhkan ketekunan dalam menghadapi tantangan. - Kreativitas dan Kemampuan Beradaptasi: Proses "menjahit langit dengan waktu" mencerminkan kemampuan berpikir kreatif dalam menciptakan peluang baru dari situasi sulit. - Emosi yang Terkelola dengan Baik: Mengubah rindu menjadi karya, atau kesakitan menjadi harapan, menuntut kecerdasan emosional untuk mengelola rasa dan menciptakan makna yang bermanfaat. Dwi Rihhadatul 'Aisy Munte 22018016 24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM
1 bulan yang lalu
Puisi "Rindu yang Terbakar di Langit Kering" menggambarkan perasaan kehilangan, kerinduan mendalam, dan kesulitan mengatasi kekeringan atau kekosongan, baik secara emosional maupun lingkungan fisik. Berdasarkan makna tersebut; Jenis Usaha: Platform Konseling Online atau Komunitas Dukungan. Deskripsi: Membuat layanan yang menyediakan ruang untuk berbagi cerita dan perasaan. Platform ini bisa berupa aplikasi atau komunitas lokal yang membantu orang mengatasi rasa kehilangan dan kerinduan, seperti grup diskusi atau terapi seni. Alan Kurniawan 24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM
Salwa Dyna Febriani
1 bulan yang lalu
Salwa Dyna Febriani 24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM Inspired by the poem "Longing Burned," potential businesses include creative and healing retreats based on art and nature, crafting decor or products inspired by the poem's metaphors, an emotional counseling platform, and a literary-themed café. These ventures aim to help individuals process emotions like longing and loss through art, reflection, and community. Creativity, empathy, resilience, and adaptability are key traits needed to ensure these businesses positively impact mental well-being.
Azzahrah Olinda Nurva
1 bulan yang lalu
Untuk mengatasi perasaan yang tergambar dalam puisi "Rindu yang Terbakar di Langit Kering", berbagai jenis usaha bisa dijalankan, seperti membuka layanan kesehatan mental melalui konseling atau terapi online untuk membantu individu mengatasi kesepian dan kerinduan. Pusat meditasi atau retret relaksasi juga dapat menawarkan ruang bagi orang untuk meredakan perasaan terbakar oleh rindu. Azzahrah Olinda Nurva (22018096) 24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM
Fachri Abimanyu
1 bulan yang lalu
Rindu yang Terbakar di Langit Kering Puisi ini menggambarkan perjuangan dan tekad yang tak pernah padam meski menghadapi kesulitan besar. Dalam kewirausahaan, sikap pantang menyerah dan keteguhan hati sangatlah penting. Rindu yang menyala seperti api melambangkan passion atau semangat yang menjadi pendorong untuk terus maju meski berada di tengah tantangan. Cinta yang Mengikis Batu dalam Diam Cinta yang perlahan mengikis batu menggambarkan proses perubahan yang lambat tetapi signifikan. Dalam wirausaha, kesabaran dan konsistensi adalah kunci untuk mengatasi hambatan besar. Dengan dedikasi dan kerja keras, bahkan rintangan yang tampaknya mustahil bisa diubah menjadi peluang. Langit yang Dijahit dengan Untaian Waktu Proses menjahit langit mencerminkan bagaimana seorang wirausahawan membangun sesuatu dari cerita, harapan, dan pengalaman. Hal ini menunjukkan pentingnya visi jangka panjang, kreativitas, dan kemampuan untuk melihat peluang di tengah kesulitan. Proses menjahit yang berulang menggambarkan bahwa kegagalan adalah bagian dari perjalanan yang harus terus diperbaiki hingga menghasilkan sesuatu yang bernilai. Ketiga puisi ini menunjukkan aspek-aspek penting dalam kewirausahaan: tekad, kesabaran, ketekunan, visi, dan kemampuan beradaptasi. Nilai-nilai ini relevan untuk siapa saja yang ingin mengembangkan semangat kewirausahaan dalam kehidupan mereka. FACHRI ABIMANYU I.F (22018105) 24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM
khafifah masrurah
1 bulan yang lalu
Jenis wirausaha yang dapat dijalankan untuk menyelesaikan masalah dalam puisi ini adalah membuka layanan konseling berbasis komunitas. Bentuknya dapat berupa platform online yang menyediakan ruang untuk berbagi cerita, saling mendukung, dan mendapatkan bimbingan emosional. Selain itu, bisa juga membuka usaha kafe tematik dengan suasana yang nyaman, tempat orang-orang dapat bertemu, berbincang, dan saling menguatkan. Dengan cara ini, isu ketidakpedulian atau kurangnya jejak kebermanfaatan yang tergambar dalam puisi dapat diatasi. Nama: Khafifah Masrurah Adnan NIM: 22018127 Kelas: 24 EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM
Hanifah Fathiyah Aini
1 bulan yang lalu
Business Idea : A therapeutic journaling kit business, inspired by the themes of longing, healing, and resilience in the poems. This kit could include a beautifully designed journal, prompts for self-reflection, inspirational quotes, and calming accessories like scented candles or herbal teas. It would cater to individuals seeking a meaningful way to process their emotions and find solace in creative expression. Character Traits : Empathy, creativity, and perseverance. Hanifah Fathiyah Aini 24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM
Aditya Ibnu
1 bulan yang lalu
Puisi Rindu yang Terbakar mencerminkan tema kerinduan, perjuangan, dan transformasi melalui rasa sakit. Jenis usaha yang dapat dikembangkan untuk mengatasi isu dalam makna puisi tersebut antara lain: 1. Retret Penulisan Kreatif: Tempat untuk berekspresi melalui tulisan dengan inspirasi dari alam dan budaya lokal. 2. Workshop Seni Penyembuhan: Kegiatan seni seperti puisi dan kerajinan untuk mengolah emosi. 3. Platform Kesehatan Mental: Konseling daring atau komunitas pendukung. 4. Wisata Spiritual-Ekologi: Retret yang menggabungkan mindfulness, cerita, dan alam. Aditya Ibnu Pratama 24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM
1 bulan yang lalu
The poem "Rindu yang Terbakar di Langit Kering" offers inspiration for developing creative entrepreneurial ventures. Some ideas that can be implemented include nature-inspired home decor, handmade jewelry workshops using natural stones, eco-tourism experiences that promote reflection and healing, creative writing sessions in serene landscapes, and cultural experiences that combine poetry, local traditions, and nature. These ventures require entrepreneurial characteristics such as creativity, emotional awareness, adaptability, and strong storytelling skills. Alya Nur Aziza 24JDEPRK1/22KM9-11LM
Farhah Putri Ramadhani
1 bulan yang lalu
Jasa Pelatihan Mindfulness atau Meditasi puisi tersebut menggambarkan isu-isu emosional seperti kerinduan, cinta yang diam-diam mengikis, dan perjuangan melalui waktu yang mengikat luka. Deskripsi: Menyelenggarakan program mindfulness, yoga, atau meditasi untuk membantu individu fokus pada masa kini dan merawat kesehatan mental. Farhah Putri Ramadhani 24JDEPKRK1/22KM9-11LM Bentuk Usaha: Kelas langsung atau platform daring yang menawarkan sesi berbayar.
Nawafil Satria Ramadhan
1 bulan yang lalu
The first poem portrays someone going through a dry barren landscape, a land without water, that correlates directly with their emptiness and unfulfilled yearning. The absence of water in the poem is a problem of literal scarcity of water in many places, one business idea we can take from this is about Mobile Water Purificiation Systems, creating small and portable devices for turning unsafe water into drinkable water to remote and desolate areas.
Nawafil Satria Ramadhan
1 bulan yang lalu
The first poem portrays someone going through a dry barren landscape, a land without water, that correlates directly with their emptiness and unfulfilled yearning. The absence of water in the poem is a problem of literal scarcity of water in many places, one business idea we can take from this is about Mobile Water Purificiation Systems, creating small and portable devices for turning unsafe water into drinkable water to remote and desolate areas. Nawafil Satria Ramadhan 22018146 24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM
Muhammad Wirhan Syah
1 bulan yang lalu
Puisi ini menggambarkan penghormatan mendalam kepada seorang guru, yang diibaratkan sebagai matahari yang tak pernah lelah menyinari dan membimbing. Di balik peran seorang guru, tersimpan kekuatan untuk menginspirasi, mengubah keraguan menjadi keyakinan, dan menjadikan murid-muridnya lebih bijaksana dan berani menghadapi dunia. Muhammad Wirhan Syah/24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM
Mutiara Asa Mukhti
1 bulan yang lalu
1. Rindu itu menyala di jantungmu, seperti api yang tercipta dari debu yang terinjak. Penjelasan: Bait ini menggambarkan rindu sebagai sesuatu yang sederhana tapi mendalam, lahir dari hal kecil namun membakar perasaan dengan intens. 2. Jenis usaha: Layanan konseling untuk mendukung kesehatan emosional dan Jasa surat dan kado kenangan untuk menyampaikan perasaan rindu. Mutiara Asa Mukhti 24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM
1 bulan yang lalu
Puisi ini menggambarkan perasaan rindu yang dalam dan tak terbalaskan. "Kau berjalan di tanah tanpa jejak, angin memeluk tubuhmu, tapi kau tetap diam" menggambarkan ketidakhadiran yang terasa sangat nyata—seperti seseorang yang pergi, namun tetap meninggalkan dampak yang mendalam. Rindu tersebut digambarkan dengan kuat sebagai "api yang tercipta dari debu yang terinjak," sebuah perasaan yang membara dan membakar dalam diri, hingga "langitpun merinding," menandakan betapa perasaan itu menggetarkan hingga ke seluruh alam. "Matahari menelan bayanganmu" menunjukkan bahwa kenangan tentang orang tersebut semakin memudar, namun "kau tetap berdiri, pada ruang yang tak terjamah waktu," mengisyaratkan bahwa meskipun fisik telah pergi, keberadaan orang tersebut tetap ada dalam ingatan yang tak tergerus waktu. "Tidak ada air untuk memadamkan, hanya pasir yang menyimpan rahasia" menunjukkan betapa sulitnya menghapus kenangan dan rasa rindu itu, karena ia tertanam dalam lubuk hati yang tak bisa dilupakan. Puisi ini menggambarkan bagaimana rindu yang dalam bisa bertahan dalam diri, meski waktu dan jarak berusaha memudarkan segalanya. Sitoresmi Pramudyawardhani - 24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM
Muhammad Abdurrosyid Dzakhwan
1 bulan yang lalu
I'm very interesting with poem number 2 : Aku merasa rindu menetes di antara sela-sela bebatuan, mengalir tanpa suara, memahat bentuk yang tidak pernah ada. Kau tahu, kan? Batu itu menjadi lembut hanya karena kau biarkan cinta mengalir melaluinya seperti air yang membasuh luka. Translate : I feel longing dripping between the cracks of stones, flowing without a sound, carving shapes that never existed. You know, don't you? The stone becomes soft only because you let love flow through it like water washing over a wound. In this translation, I have attempted to maintain the emotional meaning and poetic imagery of the original poem. "Aku merasa rindu bocor di antara sela-sela batu" is translated into "I feel longing dripping between the cracks of stones," where "dripping" is chosen to emphasize the slow, yet persistent feeling of longing, while maintaining the physical impression of "dripping." The phrase "mengairan tanpa suara" becomes "flowing without a sound," which maintains the silence and gentleness of the flow of feelings. "Memawat bentuk yang tidak pernah ada" is translated into "carving shapes that never existed," with "carving" maintaining the impression of an active, yet subtle, act of shaping something invisible. The sentence "Kau tahu, kan?" is translated directly into "You know, don't you?" to maintain the intimacy and conjecture present in the original text. For the part “The stone becomes soft only because you let love flow through it,” I chose “The stone becomes soft only because you let love flow through it,” which conveys the idea that a hard stone can be softened by love, with “flow through it” describing the act of love flowing unhindered. Finally, “seperti air yang bersih di luka” was translated as “like water washing over a wound,” where “washing over” was chosen to describe the gentle and thorough healing effect. Overall, this translation aims to maintain the reflective and poetic feel of the original text, by choosing words that are profound and appropriate in English. Muhammad Abdurrosyid Dzakhwan (21019015) - Group 4 24 JD I-E Trans JM9-10 Nkall21 LM
Kiki Imelya
1 bulan yang lalu
"You walk without leaving a trace, The wind embraces you, Yet you remain still. Longing burns in your heart, Like fire from dust, So deeply, the sky shivers." Explanation: This reflects an entrepreneur's quiet yet intense drive. Despite challenges, they persist with inner passion, leaving a lasting impact without seeking attention. KIKI IMELYA 24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK 3 23 LM
Dewinta Darmasari
1 bulan yang lalu
Puisi ini mengilustrasikan kekuatan cinta yang lembut dan tanpa suara. Ia digambarkan mampu mengikis kekerasan hati, menghapus kepahitan, dan membentuk sesuatu yang indah secara perlahan. Cinta diibaratkan seperti air yang terus mengalir di sela-sela bebatuan, dengan sabar memahat dan membawa perubahan dari dalam, meski perubahan itu tak terlihat secara langsung. Ide Usaha: Puisi ini dapat menginspirasi usaha kerajinan tangan berbasis batu, seperti ukiran atau hiasan batu dengan desain simbolik yang menggambarkan kelembutan dan ketekunan cinta. Alternatifnya, konsep ini juga cocok untuk usaha skincare atau aromaterapi, mempromosikan produk yang lembut namun ampuh untuk merawat dan memperbaiki, menggunakan tema "mengikis kepahitan, merawat keindahan." Dewinta Darmasari 24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM
Muhammad Farras Dzikra
1 bulan yang lalu
The type of entrepreneurship that can be run to solve the problem in this poem is to open a community-based counseling service. The form can be an online platform that provides a space to share stories, support each other, and get emotional guidance. In addition, you can also open a thematic cafe business with a comfortable atmosphere, where people can meet, chat, and strengthen each other. In this way, the issue of indifference or lack of traces of usefulness depicted in the poem can be overcome. Muhammad Farras Dzikra 24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK 3 23 LM
1 bulan yang lalu
Inspired by the poem "Longing Burned," potential businesses include creative and healing retreats based on art and nature, crafting decor or products inspired by the poem's metaphors, an emotional counseling platform, and a literary-themed café. These ventures aim to help individuals process emotions like longing and loss through art, reflection, and community. Creativity, empathy, resilience, and adaptability are key traits needed to ensure these businesses positively impact mental well-being.Irsyad Hakimi 24JD EPR KM 7-8NK 3 23
Adilla Wilyon
1 bulan yang lalu
The poem symbolizes the sky as a fabric sewn with threads of time, where each stitch represents memories, pain, hope, and life’s struggles. It reflects the imperfection of life, yet emphasizes resilience and the effort to keep moving forward despite the scars. Business idea: Create artwork that captures the essence of the poem. These can be sold as posters, canvas prints, or merchandise like tote bags and T-shirts. Adilla Putri Wilyon (22018080) 24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM
Dwi Alqauri
1 bulan yang lalu
Wirausaha yang dapat dilakukan sesuai dari puisi ke 3 adalah Wirausaha Kesehatan Mental dan Dukungan Emosional dengan bentuk kegiatan Pusat konseling atau layanan dukungan kesehatan mental. Berupa Platform daring untuk konseling psikologis. Puisi ini mencerminkan pentingnya ruang untuk mengungkapkan perasaan yang terpendam. Layanan ini dapat menjadi media untuk membantu orang yang merasa "terdiam" menemukan cara untuk mengungkapkan dan menyembuhkan diri. Dwi Alqauri Rizal 22018195 24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM
Dwi Alqauri
1 bulan yang lalu
Entrepreneurship that can be carried out according to the 3rd poem is Mental Health and Emotional Support Entrepreneurship in the form of counseling center activities or mental health support services. In the form of an online platform for psychological counseling. This poem reflects the importance of space to express hidden feelings. This service can be a medium to help people who feel "silenced" find ways to express and heal themselves. Dwi Alqauri Rizal 22018195 24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM
Agil Adrian
1 bulan yang lalu
Berdasarkan tema puisi tentang kerinduan, kehilangan, dan harapan, wirausaha yang relevan dapat berupa terapi seni untuk ekspresi emosi, produk kenangan personal, kafe literasi bertema seni, workshop literasi kreatif, atau platform digital untuk berbagi puisi dan seni. Usaha ini membantu orang mengatasi emosi dan menghargai kenangan melalui seni dan kreativitas. Agil Adrian Syah 24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM
Jesica Imelda Pasaribu
1 bulan yang lalu
1. "Rindu yang Terbakar di Langit" Business Idea: Start a mental health initiative focused on creative therapy, such as writing workshops or art therapy. This aligns with the emotional depth and themes of longing and resilience in the poem. Character Traits: Resilience, introspection, and the ability to turn pain into creative expression are vital traits for the entrepreneur inspired by this poem. Entrepreneurship Type: A platform for storytelling and emotional healing—offering workshops where participants can channel their emotions into poetry or art, reflecting the burning intensity of the poem's themes. 2. "Cinta yang Mengikis Batu dalam Diam" Business Idea: Develop a water conservation project or eco-tourism centered around natural formations, inspired by the metaphor of water shaping stone. It highlights persistence and silent transformation. Character Traits: Patience, dedication, and the ability to inspire subtle yet impactful change, reflecting the silent persistence in the poem. Entrepreneurship Type: Start an environmental education campaign or business producing sustainable water management tools, connecting communities with nature's power to transform. 3. "Langit yang Dijahit dengan Untaian Waktu" Business Idea: A bespoke tailoring or handicraft business that integrates personal stories into products, symbolizing how the threads of time and experience shape us. Character Traits: Creativity, attention to detail, and the ability to find beauty in imperfection, mirroring the meticulous "stitching" of the sky in the poem. Entrepreneurship Type: Launch a brand focusing on custom handmade garments or memory quilts, promoting sustainability and personal connection through craftsmanship. Jesica Imelda Pasaribu (23019054) 24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3-23 LM
Indah Ayu Lestari
1 bulan yang lalu
1. idea: Eco-tourism or nature-based tourism in remote locations The poem inspires a business concept that revolves around exploring serene and untouched natural spaces, such as deserts, mountains, or other secluded areas. Potential ideas 2. character: Resilience and patience, Inner drive and passion indah ayu lestari, (23019052) 24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3-23 LM
Farlingga Fadjrin
1 bulan yang lalu
1. Business Idea: A potential business idea could be a mental health and wellness center that offers support groups, workshops, and counseling services for individuals dealing with loneliness and emotional distress. This initiative can help people find community and healing through shared experiences. 2. Character Traits: Key traits to embody from the poem include empathy, resilience, and creativity. Empathy allows for understanding others' emotions, resilience helps in overcoming challenges, and creativity can foster innovative solutions in addressing emotional needs within the community. (Farlingga Fadjrin_ 24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3-23 LM)
Axel Antonio
1 bulan yang lalu
Ide wirausaha yang cocok untuk mengatasi isu dalam puisi ini meliputi retret penyembuhan emosional di alam, produksi seni yang terinspirasi oleh metafora dalam puisi, atau platform literasi untuk mengekspresikan emosi. Usaha-usaha ini membantu orang memproses dan memahami perasaan melalui seni, menulis, dan pengalaman reflektif. Axel Antonio (22018095) 24 JD EPR K1/22 KM 9-11 LM
Alhamdi No Buzzer
1 bulan yang lalu
Saya tidak menemukan ide bisnis yang appropriate dari puisi diatas, namun saya memiliki ide yang muncul dari puisi tersebut secara tidak langsung yaitu mengembangkan "usaha" dimana membuka usaha untuk menyerukan sebuah ide publik dan mayoritas di sosial media/internet untuk mem-boost algorithm agar konten yang di suarakan menjadi terdengar dan dapat di akses oleh pengguna surface. On God Alhamdi Arif (22018095) 24 JD EPR K1/22 KM 9-11 LM
Alhamdi No Buzzer
1 bulan yang lalu
Saya tidak menemukan ide bisnis yang appropriate dari puisi diatas, namun saya memiliki ide yang muncul dari puisi tersebut secara tidak langsung yaitu mengembangkan "usaha" dimana membuka usaha untuk menyerukan sebuah ide publik dan mayoritas di sosial media/internet untuk mem-boost algorithm agar konten yang di suarakan menjadi terdengar dan dapat di akses oleh pengguna surface. On God Alhamdi Arif (22018087) 24 JD EPR K1/22 KM 9-11 LM
Annisa Muhasyafira
1 bulan yang lalu
I choose poem 1 because This poem speaks to the silent, poignant nature of longing and the deep emotional impact it has on the individual. The phrase "Kau berjalan di tanah tanpa jejak" ("You walk on the ground without leaving a trace") suggests a sense of impermanence or invisibility, as if the speaker's presence is fleeting or unnoticed. Despite the wind's embrace, which could symbolize comfort or change, the subject "tetap diam" ("remains silent"), indicating emotional restraint or a quiet suffering. The metaphor of "rindu itu menyala di jantungmu" ("longing burns in your heart") evokes a powerful and unrelenting desire or grief. This longing is described as an "api yang tercipta dari debu yang terinjak" ("fire created from dust that is trampled"), suggesting that even the smallest, seemingly insignificant things can ignite intense emotions. The fire burns deeply, symbolizing the consuming nature of the feeling, so much so that it reaches the heavens, causing "langitpun merinding" ("even the sky shivers"). The poem conveys a sense of profound inner turmoil, where silent longing becomes a force of nature, affecting everything around it. Annisa Muhasyafira 21019028 - 24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM
christy yulianda putri
1 bulan yang lalu
I chose this poem because it captures the quiet yet powerful nature of longing and the deep emotional impact it has on a person. The line "Kau berjalan di tanah tanpa jejak" ("You walk on the ground without leaving a trace") implies a sense of fleetingness or invisibility, as if the speaker’s presence is unnoticed or temporary. Despite the wind's embrace, which may symbolize comfort or change, the subject "tetap diam" ("remains silent"), reflecting emotional restraint or hidden pain. The metaphor "rindu itu menyala di jantungmu" ("longing burns in your heart") conveys an intense and unrelenting desire or sorrow. This longing is compared to "api yang tercipta dari debu yang terinjak" ("a fire created from dust that is trampled"), suggesting that even the smallest, seemingly insignificant things can spark powerful emotions. The fire burns intensely, symbolizing the all-consuming nature of the feeling, and it reaches the heavens, making "langitpun merinding" ("even the sky shivers"). The poem speaks to the inner turmoil of silent longing, which becomes a force so strong that it impacts everything around it. christy yulianda putri 21019033 24JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 LM
Annisa Tul Khair
1 bulan yang lalu
I am interested to the first poem verse two. Aku melihat matahari menelan bayanganmu, tapi kau tetap berdiri, pada ruang yang tak terjamah waktu. Tidak ada air untuk memadamkan, hanya pasir yang menyimpan rahasia tentang rindu yang tak pernah pulang. Translation: I see the sun swallow your shadow, but you remain standing, in a space untouched by time. There is no water to extinguish, only sand that holds the secrets of a longing that never returns home. Translation Technique: This translation uses a poetic and interpretive approach, preserving the imagery and emotional depth of the original while ensuring the phrasing flows naturally in English. The result is a translation that mirrors the original's layered metaphors and emotional nuance, ensuring the poem resonates deeply with English-speaking readers.
Sohibul Aminudin
1 bulan yang lalu
I chose the poem 1, verse 1; "Kau berjalan di tanah tanpa jejak, angin memeluk tubuhmu, tapi kau tetap diam. Rindu itu menyala di jantungmu, seperti api yang tercipta dari debu yang terinjak, terbakar begitu dalam, hingga langitpun merinding." That verse has two sentences. The first sentence is about someone who is trying to do something, but the impact cannot be seen, and the second clause is about the world that wants to cheer you up, but you still unchanged. The second verse tells about someone's longing that is so great, that even this world cannot contain that longing. Sohibul Aminudin, 21019021, 24 JD IE Trans JM9-10 NKall21
Laras putri alma
1 bulan yang lalu
Here is the combined translation of all three poems in one: The speaker reflects on deep, unspoken emotions. In "Longing Burned in the Dry Sky," longing is compared to an unrelenting fire in the heart, one that cannot be extinguished, lingering in an empty, barren landscape. In "Love Erodes Stone in Silence," love is described as a quiet, powerful force that silently softens even the hardest things, like water slowly wearing down stone, healing unspoken pain. Finally, in "The Sky Sewn with Threads of Time," the sky is likened to fabric sewn with time’s threads, each stitch holding memories and wounds that shape the present. Together, the poems explore how longing, love, and time leave permanent marks on the heart and soul, shaping who we are and the world around us.
Afifah Syaharani
1 bulan yang lalu
1. Meaning : These poems explore themes of longing, love, and the quiet, transformative power of emotions that are not always expressed in words. 2. Aku merasa rindu menetes di antara sela-sela bebatuan, mengalir tanpa suara, memahat bentuk yang tidak pernah ada. 3. Together, these poems depict longing and love as forces that, though silent and often invisible, have the power to shape and transform. The emotional intensity described in both pieces highlights the ways in which unspoken feelings can leave lasting impacts, whether they are burning with unfulfilled desire or quietly eroding the hardness of the world around them. Afifah Syaharani 24019001 24 JD Writing NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
Dimas Prasetya Budi
1 bulan yang lalu
Meaning of the poem: someone's longing for their friend My favorite line/stanza: Aku melihat matahari menelan bayanganmu, Things come to my mind: a person's longing will always stick to him Dimas Prasetya Budi 24 JD WRITING NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
joice natasha
1 bulan yang lalu
The poem conveys a powerful sense of longing and stillness, where the desire remains unquenched, burning intensely despite the passage of time. It paints an image of someone standing resilient in the face of an unrelenting, unreachable yearning, evoking a haunting sense of loss and eternal separation. Joice Natasha L JD WRITING NK 2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Muhammad Zikri Alfurqan
1 bulan yang lalu
1. The meaning of the title that I understand is the longing of someone who is struggling in a foreign land for a better life. 2. Favorite line: seperti api yang tercipta dari debu yang terinjak. 3. What I think is that a great sense of longing always haunts us on our journey, even though we try to be patient, that feeling always comes at various opportunities. Muhammad Zikri Alfurqan (24019056) 24 JD Writing NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
Abdul Hamid
1 bulan yang lalu
1. Meaning: The title reflects the deep longing of someone striving for a better life in a foreign land. 2. Favorite line: Like a flame born from trampled dust. 3. My thoughts are that an intense longing continuously follows us during our journey. Even as we try to remain patient, that feeling resurfaces at unexpected moments. Abdul Hamid (24019117) 24 JD Writing NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
Rafi Yuma Aditya
1 bulan yang lalu
Stanza: "You gaze at the silent stone, like a world counting seconds slowly. Love makes no sound, yet the stone begins to wear itself away, from within, crushing the bitterness never spoken." Sentence: "Though the sky quivers with your burning longing, you remain still, walking on earth without a trace, as if time cannot touch the space you occupy." Rafi Yuma Aditya (24019060) 24 JD WRITING NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
Ahmad Zidane Albarik
1 bulan yang lalu
Longing, love, and time are among the subjects of the poems, which are also capped by such titles as "Rindu yang Terbakar di Langit Kering," signifying the permanence of emotional impact. Among the stronger lines is the statement, "Langit ini akan menyimpan segala kesakitanmu, karena setiap jarum yang menusuknya menjadi jejak tak terhapuskan," which mirrors the permanent markings that pain leaves behind, even though hope and transformation can emerge from it. These poems remind us of the strength to embrace and grow from our struggles. Ahmad Zidane Albarik (24019092) 24 JD Writing NK 2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Trisna Filius Adi
1 bulan yang lalu
The poem expresses intense, unfulfilled longing that endures despite time and distance. The yearning remains unquenchable, like a fire that can't be put out. Sanza : "Aku melihat matahari menelan bayanganmu, tapi kau tetap berdiri, pada ruang yang tak terjamah waktu." The poem expresses an intense, unfulfilled longing that burns deeply, remaining unresolved despite time and isolation. Trisna Filius Adi 24019113 — 24 JD Writing NK 2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Rahma Khalilah Najwa
1 bulan yang lalu
This poem describes a deep and unwavering feeling of longing even though time and space separate us. Longing is like a fire that burns without being extinguished, hiding secrets behind calm and distance that are difficult to reach. “ Aku melihat matahari menelan bayanganmu, tapi kau tetap berdiri, pada ruang yang tak terjamah waktu. Tidak ada air untuk memadamkan, hanya pasir yang menyimpan rahasia tentang rindu yang tak pernah pulang.” ( Rahma Khalilah Najwa, 24 JD Writing NK2-24 SL7-8 LM)
1 bulan yang lalu
1. Meaning of the Title: “Rindu yang Terbakar di Langit Kering” represents a longing so intense that it feels like burning under a harsh and unyielding sky. 2. Favorite Line: “Rindu itu menyala di jantungmu, seperti api yang tercipta dari debu yang terinjak.” I like it because it vividly describes how painful and consuming longing can be. 3. Thoughts After Reading: The poem makes me think of the struggle of holding onto hope and love in a difficult and lonely situation. Syasya 24019030 24 JD Writing NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
Muhammad Aqeel Jasomandez
1 bulan yang lalu
Meaning the title of the poem : contains a very strong feeling of longing Line/stanza : 2 Mind after reading : The meaning of these three poems is about burning longing. Muhammad Aqeel Jasomandez 24 JD Writing NK 2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Zuleyka Azzahra
1 bulan yang lalu
This means time shaping and connecting moments, like threads weaving through life. My favorite line is “langit bukan lagi biru, tapi sehelai kain yang kau jahit dengan benang waktu.” Means it speaks to the way experiences and memories alter one’s view of the world. Zuleyka Azzahra 24 JD Writing NK2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Muhamad Faizal
1 bulan yang lalu
This poem describes pain that leaves an indelible trace, even though the feeling is broken and repaired like an imperfect puzzle. Each wound becomes a trace kept by the sky, reminding us that even though time passes, the memories and pain remain. Muhamad Faizal 24 JD Writing NK2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Aprini Simbolon
1 bulan yang lalu
Meaning of the Title: The title, "Rindu yang Terbakar di Langit Kering", translates to "Longing That Burns in the Dry Sky". It conveys the idea of intense yearning or longing that feels uncontrollable and consuming, much like a fire burning in a barren, dry sky. The "dry sky" represents a place devoid of relief or hope, amplifying the feeling of emotional desolation. The poem reflects on longing that persists despite the passage of time or challenging circumstances. ### Favorite Line: The line "Rindu itu menyala di jantungmu, seperti api yang tercipta dari debu yang terinjak, terbakar begitu dalam" (The longing burns in your heart, like a fire created from dust that has been stepped on, burning so deeply) resonates the most. It powerfully illustrates how longing can ignite within a person, originating from something seemingly insignificant (dust), yet growing into a powerful and consuming force. Thoughts After Reading the Poem: The poem evokes a sense of emotional pain and longing that cannot be easily quenched, symbolized by the fire burning in the dry sky. It reminds me of the feeling of missing someone or something intensely, where the longing is so deep that it feels like it’s part of your very being. The imagery of "no water to extinguish" the fire and the "sand that keeps secrets" suggests that this yearning is both mysterious and unending. It also brings to mind themes of emotional isolation, where time and space can never truly heal or erase that deep longing. The mention of Padang, Sumbar (a region in Indonesia), gives the poem a specific cultural and geographic context, adding to its emotional depth, possibly referencing a sense of place or personal connection tied to the poet's experience. Aprini Simbolon (24019005) 24 JD writing NK 2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Rahayu Febriani
1 bulan yang lalu
Meaning of the Title The title "Longing That Burns in the Dry Sky" symbolizes an intense, unfulfilled yearning that lingers and consumes, even in the harshest conditions. Favorite Line/Stanza My favorite stanza is: "I see the sun swallow your shadow, but you remain standing, in a space untouched by time." It beautifully captures the idea of enduring presence, despite the passage of time and inevitable changes. Thoughts After Reading The poem evokes feelings of deep longing and the profound impact of separation, as well as the passage of time that cannot erase intense emotions.
Aida Sulastri
1 bulan yang lalu
The title of this poem makes me feel a deep longing. line I like "Kau tahu, langit ini akan menyimpan segala kesakitanmu, karena setiap jarum yang menusuknya menjadi jejak tak terhapuskan." After reading this poem I felt a deep and complete longing for another person. Aida Sulastri JD WRITING NK2-24 SL7-8LM
Dean Putri Azzhara
1 bulan yang lalu
The title reflects the unhealed wounds of the land and the voices of the people who are suffering, yearning for change and justice. It suggests the deep, lingering pain caused by past injustices or ongoing strugglesAfter reading the poem, I’m reminded of the importance of acknowledging past wounds and how the cries for justice can sometimes be silenced, yet still echo through time."The poem makes me reflect on themes of loss, resilience, and the profound connection between people and their land. 24 JD WRITING NK 2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Ghurafy Masyhuda Rahmat
1 bulan yang lalu
The title of the poem gives meaning about longing, love and Hope The most important part is Aku melihat benang itu, terputus, lalu diambil angin dan dipasang kembali, seperti puzzle yang tak sempurna. Kau tahu, langit ini akan menyimpan segala kesakitanmu, karena setiap jarum yang menusuknya menjadi jejak tak terhapuskan. After reading this poem I realized that longing too much for something is very painful.
M.Ridho Riszi Sc
1 bulan yang lalu
Based on the poem's theme of longing, loss, and hope, relevant entrepreneurship can be art therapy for emotional expression, personal memory products, art-themed literacy cafes, creative literacy workshops, or digital platforms for sharing poetry and art. JD WRITING NK2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Ridel Decastro
1 bulan yang lalu
This means time shaping and connecting moments, like threads weaving through life. Favorite Line/Stanza My favorite stanza is: "I see the sun swallow your shadow, but you remain standing, in a space untouched by time." It beautifully captures the idea of enduring presence, despite the passage of time and inevitable changes. Thoughts After Reading The poem evokes feelings of deep longing and the profound impact of separation, as well as the passage of time that cannot erase intense emotions. Ridel Decastro NK 2 24 JD Writing NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
Rozyid Jaylani. H
1 bulan yang lalu
Thoughts After Reading The poem evokes feelings of deep longing and the profound impact of separation, as well as the passage of time that cannot erase intense emotions. 24 JD WRITING NK2-24 SL 7-8 LM
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