Minggu, 19 Januari 2025

Guru, Pahlawan Ilmu Pengetahuan

Ujung Pena Menembus Batas

Oleh: Leni Marlina*
Minggu, 10 November 2024 737 81
Sumber gambar: Starcom Indonesia's Artwork No.109 by AI

Ujung Pena yang Menembus Batas

Engkau bukan kilat,
tak terguncang dalam gemuruh atau petir yang menampar.
Namun, di tanganmu, kata-kata melayang,
menyusun jaring tak kasat mata,
kami terperangkap dalam arus yang tak bisa dipahami,
mengenal hidup dari dimensi yang tak pernah dilihat.

Peta yang engkau serahkan,
mengantar kami menembus kegelapan tanpa tanda,
melangkah di lorong yang gelap,
tanpa rasa takut, hanya keyakinan pada yang engkau tanam.

Bali, 2013

Ketenangan yang Menghancurkan

Engkau datang seperti embun di malam sunyi,
membasahi dahaga jiwa yang gersang.
Di balik setiap senyummu,
ada pertempuran besar antara kebijaksanaan dan waktu,
menyulam kata menjadi hidup,
menghidupkan mereka yang sudah lama mati.

Engkau seperti sungai yang tak pernah beristirahat,
mengikis bebatuan, meruntuhkan tebing,
dan kami mengikuti alirannya,
tanpa tahu apa yang menanti,
karena engkau sudah memberi kami kepercayaan
untuk mengarungi dunia di bawah hujan tak terduga.

Bali, 2013

Tanpa Sorak, Tanpa Nama

Engkau bukan pahlawan yang diumumkan dunia,
namamu tak tergenggam dalam megah prasasti,
meski di setiap ruang yang engkau singgahi,
ruang itu menyempit dalam gema yang menambah berat
di pundak kami.
Membawa api tak terlihat,
membakar yang ada di dalam,
dan kami menjadi terbakar oleh pemikiran yang engkau beri.

Engkau hadir dalam diam yang mengguncang,
mengukir jalan baru yang menuntun kami,
meski tak pernah ada yang tahu arah,
kecuali kami yang pernah merasakannya.

Bali, 2013

Jejak yang Menembus Dimensi

Kata-katamu terukir seperti garis-garis energi
di dalam tubuh kami,
membangkitkan pergerakan yang tak tampak
namun begitu terasa.
Engkau, pintu yang terbuka ke dunia tak terungkapkan,
menghancurkan kebekuan yang kami bawa,
mengajarkan kami untuk merasakan lebih dari yang bisa dilihat.

Engkau batu karang, kokoh di tengah badai,
tak berteriak, namun dunia tunduk di bawah keberanianmu,
melawan ombak yang tak pernah usai,
meninggalkan jejak yang bisa kami ikuti
meskipun tak ada jalan di depan mata.

Bali, 2013


Bara yang Menjadi Api

Engkau bukan cahaya yang mencolok,
namun api yang membakar malam,
menyala dalam gelap yang kami tak pernah tahu.
Setiap kata yang engkau ucapkan adalah bara,
membakar kami hingga tak bisa padam,
mengubah keraguan jadi keyakinan yang menyala.

Ilmu yang engkau tanamkan adalah api yang mengeraskan jiwa,
menyalakan jalan kami yang penuh bayang-bayang,
menggugah kami keluar dari tanah yang beku,
berlari tanpa ragu, menuju fajar yang tak ada ujungnya.

Engkau adalah nyala yang tersembunyi,
memimpin kami tanpa menuntut untuk dilihat.
Meski dunia tak mengenal namamu,
kami tahu, engkau adalah kunci dari segala yang tak terungkapkan.
Kehadiranmu adalah gelombang yang menembus laut kami,
membawa kami ke pantai yang belum kami bayangkan.
Dengan setiap langkahmu, engkau meruntuhkan dunia lama,
membentuk kami menjadi dunia baru,
di mana ilmu adalah cahaya yang tak bisa padam,
dan engkau, guru, adalah pahlawan yang membawa kami menikmati indahnya perjuangan hidup sebelum dunia mati.

Bali, 2013

*Riwayat Penulis Singkat:

Puisi ini awalnya ditulis oleh Leni Marlina tahun sebagai karya untuk  koleksi puisi pribadi  tahun  2013, saat penulis menjadi panitia International Conference on Children's Literature di Bali.  Puisi tersebut direvisi kembali serta dipublikasikan pertama kali oleh penulisnya melalui media digital tahun 2024.
Leni Marlina merupakan anggota aktif Asosiasi Penulis Indonesia, SATU PENA cabang Sumatera Barat. Ia juga merupakan anggota aktif Komunitas Penyair & Penulis Sastra Internasional ACC di Shanghai, serta dipercaya sebagai Duta Puisi Indonesia untuk ACC Shanghai Huifeng International Literary Association. Selain itu, Leni terlibat dalam Victoria's Writer Association di Australia. Sejak tahun 2006, ia telah mengabdikan diri sebagai dosen di Program Studi Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni, Universitas Negeri Padang.
Leni juga merupakan pendiri dan pemimpin sejumlah komunitas digital yang berfokus pada sastra, pendidikan, dan sosial, di antaranya:, (1) Komunitas Sastra Anak Dunia (WCLC): https://rb.gy/5c1b02, (2) Komunitas Internasional POETRY-PEN; (3) Komunitas PPIPM (Pondok Puisi Inspirasi Masyarakat): https://tinyurl.com/zxpadkr; (4) Komunitas Starcom Indonesia (Starmoonsun Edupreneur Community Indonesia): https://rb.gy/5c1b02
Tri Fatimah Zaharani
2 bulan yang lalu
A hero teacher who may not be famous, but of course his services will always be remembered in the hearts of his students.Teachers are the key to future success. Who knows what the world would be like without teachers? Who will teach us? Who will provide all the knowledge? Of course the role of teachers is very important in the world .Therefore, respect your teacher and always remember his services. Tri Fatimah Zaharani 24 JD Witring NK3-24 SN9-10 LM
Afra Zazria Ilya
2 bulan yang lalu
Teachers are a window and light for his students by imparting his knowledge. Teachers always pass on the knowledge they have learned to their students. They teach with patience and with full dedication wanting to see their students succeed. The knowledge they provide is like removing darkness, they bring light into life. We who initially did not know, now know and understand. Opening our eyes that the world is large, and there are still many great things out there waiting for us. Afra Zazria Ilya (24 JD writing NK3 24 SN9-10 LM)
Raihani Mufida
2 bulan yang lalu
The Name That Always Flows In Life Teachers with all the service of education they gave us so we become great people. The tears, sweat, and even bleeding blood of a teacher struggling to teach. The sacrifice they had to go through wasn't easy, but they kept fighting. Guide a new innocent person who knows nothing about this world to become full of knowledge. Without asking for remuneration. Their name always flows in life with all they have given. Thank you, my teacher. (24 JD writing NK3 24 SN9-10 LM)
Muja Yanah
2 bulan yang lalu
A teacher is like a hero. When their students are in trouble, they come to help. Teachers don’t just teach general subjects; they also teach how to face life. They teach how to strive for a better future. Without a teacher, students would understand nothing. Muja Yanah ( 24 JD Writing NK3 24 SN 9-10 LM)
Aida Sulastri
2 bulan yang lalu
There are so many unsung heroes whose names are not even engraved in our history but their sacrifices will never be forgotten
joice natasha
2 bulan yang lalu
Your figure is a source of encouragement for our souls, becoming a door that moves our souls like a solid rock, always able to teach us
joice natasha
2 bulan yang lalu
Your figure is a source of encouragement for our souls, becoming a door that moves our souls like a solid rock, always able to teach us Joice Natasha L JD WRITING NK 2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Zuleyka Azzahra
2 bulan yang lalu
The passion to keep pursuing dreams is built by a teacher whose motivation ignites enthusiasm. Zuleyka Azzahra 24 JD WRITING NK2-24 SL 7-8 LM
joice natasha
2 bulan yang lalu
teacher is the hero that gives us a knowledge and never let us lost in the way Joice Natasha L JD WRITING NK 2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Rafi Yuma Aditya
2 bulan yang lalu
Teachers are the gateway to an advanced and qualified nation Rafi Yuma Aditya 24 JD Writing NK2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Ahmad Zidane Albarik
2 bulan yang lalu
humans need calmness. calmness that is used to absorb what we feel at that time. 24 JD Writing NK 2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Muhammad Zikri Alfurqan
2 bulan yang lalu
A teacher always gives their best to their students without stopping and always calm. Muhammad Zikri Alfurqan 24 JD Writing NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
Muhammad Aqeel Jasomandez
2 bulan yang lalu
Teachers are unsung heroes, without teachers great work would not exist Muhammad Aqeel Jasomandez 24 JD Writing NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
2 bulan yang lalu
The simple main idea of ​​this poem is a tribute to teachers who guide and have a big influence on their students, even though they are not famous. Syasya 24 JD Writing NK 2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Ridel Decastro
2 bulan yang lalu
Teachers are like our parents at school, teachers sincerely guide us and love us in their own way. Ridel Decastro 24 JD Writing NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
Rozyid Jaylani. H
2 bulan yang lalu
Teachers are very influential figures in the lives of many people. They are not just teachers of material, but also shapers of character and life guidelines. Rozyid Jaylani. H 24 JD Writing NK 2 24 SL7-8 LM
Abdul Hamid
2 bulan yang lalu
teachers as heroes who are dedicated to spreading knowledge and educating the younger Abdul Hamid 24 JD WRITING NK 2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Afifah Syaharani
2 bulan yang lalu
The role of the teacher as a figure who inspires and guides their students with knowledge and confidence, even though they are often unseen or unrecognized by the world. AFIFAH SYAHARANI 24019001 24 JD WRITING NK-2 24 SL7-8LM
Dimas Prasetya Budi
2 bulan yang lalu
Teachers are sources of knowledge who always teach us patiently and enthusiastically without tiring. Dimas Prasetya Budi 24019044 24 JD WRITING NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
Ghurafy Masyhuda Rahmat
2 bulan yang lalu
This poem depicts the figure of the teacher as an invisible but powerful guide, who through words and knowledge leads his students to understand life from a deep perspective. Ghurafy Masyhuda Rahmat 24019101 24 JD WRITING NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
Rahma Khalilah Najwa
2 bulan yang lalu
Teachers always educate with dedication to direct the steps of future generations. Rahma Khalilah Najwa JD Writing NK 2 24 SL7-8 LM
Dean Putri Azzhara
2 bulan yang lalu
This poem is about teachers who learn without asking for imbalance Dean Putri Azzhara 24 JD WRITING NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
Aprini Simbolon
2 bulan yang lalu
teachers who provide knowledge and direct students to open new perspectives in life with confidence. Aprini Simbolon (24019005) 24 JD WRITING NK 2-24 SL7-8 LM
Muhamad Faizal
2 bulan yang lalu
The person who is very important for the development of an era is of course a teacher. Of course the person who imparts knowledge is a very noble person. Muhamad Faizal 24 JD Writing NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
hanifah ganeca arya
2 bulan yang lalu
1. Business Idea: An educational workshop or seminar series focused on personal and professional development. The venture could offer unique learning experiences inspired by the poem’s theme of guidance and transformation. 2. Character Traits: Dedication and selflessness, like the hidden flame of the teacher. The entrepreneur should be inspiring and visionary, willing to uplift others without seeking immediate recognition, and passionate about making a meaningful impact. (hanifah ganeca arya(23019009) 24 JD EPR KM 7-8 KM NK3 23 LM)
Mayza Andela syaputri
2 bulan yang lalu
The poem "Teacher, Hero of Knowledge" portrays a teacher who is highly dedicated, enthusiastic, and persistent in sharing knowledge. This poem inspires educational business ideas such as online education platforms, courses and training, and publishing books and learning materials. The character of the teacher in the poem, such as dedication, perseverance, and creativity, are the keys to success in running a business. Mayza Andela syaputri (23019014)24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3-23 LM
Fifi Helya Putri
2 bulan yang lalu
1. A potential business idea inspired by the poem could be establishing a mentorship and leadership program aimed at educators or aspiring teachers. This program could include workshops, training, and motivational sessions focusing on developing teaching skills, enhancing creativity, and fostering dedication to inspiring students, much like the impactful guidance depicted in the poem. The character traits to adopt include unwavering dedication, resilience, and empathy, as the teacher in the poem embodies patience and a tireless commitment to nurturing and guiding others. Entrepreneurs should also exhibit a passion for making a difference and an ability to inspire and lead quietly but effectively, focusing more on the positive impact of their efforts rather than personal recognition. Fifi Helya Putri 23019047 24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3 23 LM
Ikhwanul Dhafa Alghifari
2 bulan yang lalu
1. Possible business idea: A digital platform focused on self-growth and education, providing resources such as interactive courses, books, and mentorship to guide individuals on their journeys of discovery and enlightenment, much like how words can lead to new dimensions of understanding. 2. Necessary character traits: Resilience, wisdom, and an ability to inspire. These traits are essential for creating a meaningful impact, guiding others through unknowns, and helping them find clarity even in uncertainty. (Ikhwanul Dhafa Alghifari, 24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3-23 LM)
Muhammad Farras Dzikra
2 bulan yang lalu
Teachers are often unsung heroes who inspire and guide their students, empowering them with knowledge and self-assurance. (Muhammad Farras Dzikra, 24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK 3 23 LM)
Gibran Alikhsan
2 bulan yang lalu
1. Business Idea Inspired by the Poem: This poem suggests a powerful connection between words and guidance. Inspired by this, a possible business idea would be a **creative writing and storytelling platform** where individuals can share their experiences, express their creativity, and explore new perspectives through writing. The platform could offer workshops, writing challenges, and a space for publishing, allowing people to learn, improve, and even monetize their writing skills. This business would inspire others to find direction and courage in self-expression, much like the poem’s image of the guiding “pen.” **2. Character Traits Needed for This Business:** To create and manage this platform, I would need **creativity** to foster an engaging environment and **passion** for the power of words. **Encouragement** and supportiveness are key traits to motivate aspiring writers and help them grow. Like the poem’s figure who instills confidence in others, **inspiration** and **trustworthiness** would be essential to build a community where people feel safe to express themselves and learn. Finally, **resilience** would help me navigate challenges in building a platform that celebrates personal journeys and creative expression. GIbran Alikhsan (23019049) JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3 23 LM
Farlingga Fadjrin
2 bulan yang lalu
1. **Business Idea**: A poetry-based educational platform that offers workshops and resources for aspiring poets, helping them harness the power of words to express complex ideas and emotions. This platform could also provide mentorship programs connecting experienced poets with newcomers. 2. **Character Traits**: Creativity and resilience are essential traits to embody. Creativity is necessary for crafting compelling poetry that resonates with audiences, while resilience helps navigate the challenges of building a business in the arts, allowing one to adapt and persevere through setbacks. (FarlinggaFadjrin_ JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3 23 LM)
Hanifah Fathiyah Aini
2 bulan yang lalu
Poem "Ketenangan yang Menghancurkan" 1. Business Idea: A life coaching and mindfulness service that uses calm, reflective methods to help clients manage stress and build inner strength. 2. Character Traits: Calmness, empathy, and persistence. These qualities are crucial for an entrepreneur committed to supporting personal growth and emotional resilience. Hanifah Fathiyah Aini 22018205 24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM
Diva Olivia Daka Elipsi
2 bulan yang lalu
1. Business Idea: A mentorship or educational platform focused on transformative learning and self-discovery, offering guidance and wisdom to individuals seeking personal growth and empowerment, much like how the teacher in the poem ignites change through subtle but powerful influence. 2. Required Traits: - Quiet Strength: Like the teacher in the poem, who leads without recognition, the ability to inspire and guide without seeking attention. - Wisdom and Patience: The ability to plant seeds of knowledge and let them grow, much like a calm but powerful force that shapes the world without rushing. - Courage and Resilience: The strength to face challenges, similar to how the teacher fights invisible battles to create lasting change. Name: Diva Olivia Daka Elipsi (23019093) 24 JD EPR 7-8 KM NK3-23 LM
M.Ridho Riszi S.c
2 bulan yang lalu
teacher is a superhero in education world. NK2-24 Writing SL7-8 LM
Arniza Putri
2 bulan yang lalu
Teachers are heroes for their students. They came to bring light in the form of knowledge to us. Teachers never tire of imparting knowledge to their students. A teacher is a person who is patient in teaching and guiding his students so that everyone can be successful and achieve their goals for the future. Without teachers, we would not be able to write and read. Teachers are unsung heroes who will always be remembered. Arniza Putri 24 JD Writing NK3 24 SN9-10 LM
salsa suvi nabila
2 bulan yang lalu
For My Teacher, An Unsung Hero Teachers are also called unsung heroes. They serve the nation to educate the children of the country. A person who selflessly imparts knowledge that is beneficial for their students. A person who is always a hero to their students. Without expecting anything in return, she teaches with all her heart. Opening a brighter future for her students. May the useful knowledge help you along your way, oh my teacher. Salsa Suvi Nabila 24 JD Writing NK3 24 SN9-10 LM
Naila Sabrina
2 bulan yang lalu
Teachers are figures who guide us towards a better future. Patiently, they teach us knowledge and encourage us to keep trying. Every piece of advice they give helps us face challenges and not give up easily. Teachers are the light that shows us the way when we feel doubtful or lost. Thanks to their guidance, we were able to achieve our dreams and succeed. Naila Sabrina 24 JD Writting NK3 24 SN9-10LM
Indah Ayu Lestari
1 bulan yang lalu
1. Values ​​Based Character and Leadership Development Consultant. This training program will combine motivational approaches, mental development, and leadership strategies that ignite enthusiasm and ignite the spirit of change within participants. 2. the character: visioner, brave, Tough, strong and Ability to Inflame Others' Spirits indah ayu lestari. 23019052. 24 JD EPR 7-8 KM NK3-23 LM
Kiki Imelya
1 bulan yang lalu
This poem connects to entrepreneurship through the metaphor of the power of words and vision in guiding others. Just as the poet’s words create an invisible path that leads others through darkness, an entrepreneur uses their vision and ideas to guide their team or business through uncertainty and challenges. The reference to a "peta yang engkau serahkan" (map you provide) symbolizes a business plan or strategy that helps navigate unknown territories. Entrepreneurs, like the poet, inspire confidence and belief in their direction, empowering others to move forward despite challenges, driven by the vision and faith they instill. Kiki Imelya 23019013 24 JD EPR 7-8 KM NK3-23 LM
Khaisya Aliya Marsyanda
1 bulan yang lalu
1. Business Idea Inspirational writing retreats: Hosting creative workshops in serene locations where participants can explore and craft transformative narratives, inspired by profound themes like growth, resilience, and discovery. 2. Character to Apply Vision: The ability to inspire others with transformative ideas, empowering them to see possibilities beyond the visible and igniting their inner potential. KHAISYA ALIYA MARSYANDA 24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3-23 LM
Adelina Pangestu
1 bulan yang lalu
I choose this stanza from poem 1: “ Engkau bukan kilat, tak terguncang dalam gemuruh atau petir yang menampar.” The translation is "You are not lightning, not shaken in the roar or the lightning that strikes." techniques and strategies i use: The translation of this poem uses a literal technique to preserve the original meaning of each word and phrase, ensuring the poetic message remains clear. For instance, “Engkau bukan kilat” is translated directly as “You are not lightning,” with minimal changes to structure or word choice. Additionally, the parallel structure in the original (such as the repetition of “tak”) is mirrored in the translation with phrases like “not shaken” and “not the lightning that strikes,” maintaining the rhythm and poetic style. By employing a faithfulness to meaning strategy, the translation ensures the emotional and symbolic essence of the poem is retained in English.
Resti Maulani
1 bulan yang lalu
Bait puisi ini menarik karena menggunakan metafora kuat dan citra yang jelas. Ia membandingkan seseorang dengan kilat, yang menyiratkan kekuatan tanpa kekerasan langsung. Ungkapan “Di tanganmu, kata-kata melayang” menunjukkan bagaimana bahasa bisa berdampak namun tetap halus. Puisi ini juga merenungkan tentang “terperangkap dalam arus yang tak bisa dipahami,” yang mengindikasikan bagaimana kata-kata membentuk pemahaman kita dengan cara yang tidak sepenuhnya kita pahami. Sebutan “dimensi yang tak pernah dilihat” menambah elemen misteri, menyiratkan pengalaman di luar yang biasa. Secara keseluruhan, puisi ini menggabungkan citra kuat dengan ide yang dalam, menciptakan rasa kagum. Resti Maulani 21019057 24 JD I-E TRANS JM 9-10 NKALL21 LM
Muthia Rahmah Fadhilah
1 bulan yang lalu
“Engkau bukan cahaya yang mencolok, namun api yang membakar malam, menyala dalam gelap yang kami tak pernah tahu. Setiap kata yang engkau ucapkan adalah bara, membakar kami hingga tak bisa padam, mengubah keraguan jadi keyakinan yang menyala.“ ### Translation: "You are not a light that dazzles, but a fire that burns the night, glowing in the darkness we never knew. Every word you utter is an ember, burning us until it cannot be extinguished, turning doubt into a blazing conviction." ### Translation Technique and Strategy: The translation employs **semantic translation** and **artistic adaptation**. Semantic translation ensures the meaning and emotional nuance of the source text are preserved, while artistic adaptation maintains the rhythm and metaphorical beauty in the target language. Word choices like "dazzles" for "mencolok" and "ember" for "bara" consider cultural context and poetic aesthetics to ensure the poem's essence and impact remain intact in English. Muthia Rahmah Fadhilah 21019093 (ID 24 I-E TRANS JM 9-10 NK-ALL21 LIM)
1 bulan yang lalu
Puisi ini menggambarkan seorang guru sebagai sosok yang memberi pencerahan dengan cara yang sederhana namun sangat berdampak. "Engkau bukan cahaya yang mencolok" menekankan kerendahan hati sang guru, sementara "api yang membakar malam" menggambarkan kekuatan inspirasi yang mereka berikan di tengah kebodohan atau kebingungan. "Menyala dalam gelap yang kami tak pernah tahu" menunjukkan peran guru dalam membuka wawasan yang sebelumnya tak tersentuh. Diksi "bara" dan "membakar kami hingga tak bisa padam" melukiskan bagaimana ajaran guru menyalakan semangat dan keyakinan yang abadi dalam diri murid, membimbing mereka dari keraguan menuju keyakinan yang kokoh. Sitoresmi Pramudyawardhani - 24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM
Muhammad Abdurrosyid Dzakhwan
1 bulan yang lalu
I'm very interesting with the poem number 5. Stanza 2 Ilmu yang engkau tanamkan adalah api yang mengeraskan jiwa, menyalakan jalan kami yang penuh bayang-bayang, menggugah kami keluar dari tanah yang beku, berlari tanpa ragu, menuju fajar yang tak ada ujungnya. Translate The knowledge you instill is a fire that hardens the soul, lighting our path that is full of shadows, awakening us from the frozen ground, running without doubt, toward the endless dawn. The translation technique used is Meaning-based Translation: In this translation, I prioritize transferring the meaning and nuances of the original poem into English. The poem in Indonesian contains many metaphors and symbolism, such as "a fire that hardens the soul" and "fajar yang tak ada ujung" (endless dawn). I try to maintain the deep meaning and beauty of the imagery in the translation and Metaphor Translation: Some metaphors in Indonesian are maintained and translated directly to maintain their expressive power, such as "api" which is still translated as "fire" and "fajar" which is translated as "dawn." These metaphors in English still convey almost the same image, namely about something that gives life and hope. Muhammad Abdurrosyid Dzakhwan (21019015) - Group 4 24 JD I-E Trans JM9-10 Nkall21 LM
Annisa Muhasyafira
1 bulan yang lalu
i choose poem 1 because this poem speaks of a powerful presence, not one marked by loudness or dramatic displays like thunder or lightning, but by a subtler, deeper influence. The subject is described as "bukan kilat" ("not lightning") and remains steadfast, unaffected by chaos or turbulence. Instead, their power lies in their words, which "melayang" ("float") delicately, yet with purpose, weaving an invisible web. This web captures others, drawing them into an enigmatic flow that is difficult to comprehend yet profoundly transformative. Through this unseen force, the poem suggests, we are introduced to life from a new and unseen dimension, gaining insights and perspectives that transcend the ordinary. It reflects the quiet yet immense power of language, ideas, or perhaps a guiding figure, whose influence reshapes our understanding of existence without the need for overt spectacle Annisa Muhasyafira 24 JD I-E TRANS JM 9-10 NKALL21 LM
christy yulianda putri
1 bulan yang lalu
i choose poem number 1. ### Meaning of the Poem: The poem reflects the profound power of words and their ability to transcend physical boundaries. It likens the pen to a subtle yet transformative force, distinct from dramatic displays like lightning and thunder, but no less impactful. In the hands of the writer, words weave unseen connections, guiding readers through the depths of understanding and unfamiliar dimensions of life. The “map” symbolizes guidance and enlightenment, leading others through darkness with faith and trust in the wisdom shared. Rooted in its creative origin in Bali, 2013, the poem celebrates the enduring legacy of storytelling and its ability to illuminate even the most uncertain paths. christy yulianda putri 21019033 24 JD I-E TRANS JM 9-10 NKALL21 LM
Annisa Tul Khair
1 bulan yang lalu
I interested to the first poem in second stanza. Peta yang engkau serahkan, mengantar kami menembus kegelapan tanpa tanda, melangkah di lorong yang gelap, tanpa rasa takut, hanya keyakinan pada yang engkau tanam. Translation: The map you handed over, guides us through darkness without signs, walking in a shadowy corridor, without fear, only faith in what you planted. This translation uses a semantic translation technique, prioritizing meaning and emotional resonance over a word-for-word equivalence. Annisatul Khair 24 JD I-E Trans JM9-10 NKall21 LM
Alhamdi Arif
1 bulan yang lalu
1. One feasible business idea inspired by the situation described in the poem could be a creative arts and education center. This center would focus on nurturing creativity and critical thinking through various forms of art, literature, and mentorship programs. It would serve as a space for individuals to explore their potential, much like the transformative journey depicted in the poem, where the guidance of a mentor (the teacher) leads to personal growth and enlightenment. 2. The character traits from the poem that should be applied in starting and running a business include resilience, humility, and the ability to inspire others. The poem emphasizes the quiet strength and profound impact of a mentor who, despite not seeking recognition, profoundly influences their students. By embodying these traits, an entrepreneur can create a supportive and empowering environment that encourages innovation, collaboration, and a deep appreciation for learning, essential for a successful business. Alhamdi Arif (22018087) 24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM
Sohibul Aminudin
1 bulan yang lalu
I choose the poem number 3, stanza 3 "Engkau hadir dalam diam yang mengguncang, mengukir jalan baru yang menuntun kami, meski tak pernah ada yang tahu arah, kecuali kami yang pernah merasakannya." This poem is about the teachers who give their students a way to step forward. No matter how difficult the path is, students will be able to get through it because there are teachers who guide and provide guidance for an uncertain future life. There's the translation to english "You are here in silence, creating a new path to lead us, no one knows about the direction, but we know cause we have done it in the past." Sohibul Aminudin, 21019021, 24JD IE Trans JM9-10 NKall21 LM
Dimas Prasetya Budi
1 bulan yang lalu
Meaning of the poem: Teachers are one source of knowledge My favorite line/stanza: Ilmu yang engkau tanamkan adalah api yang mengeraskan jiwa, Things come to my mind: We must respect the services that teachers have provided because knowledge is very valuable. Dimas Prasetya Budi 24 JD WRITING NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
Afifah Syaharani
1 bulan yang lalu
1. Meaning: These poems reflect the transformative power of a guiding force—someone or something that leads, teaches, and inspires with subtle but profound influence. 2. My favorite line: Engkau seperti sungai yang tak pernah beristirahat, mengikis bebatuan, meruntuhkan tebing, dan kami mengikuti alirannya, tanpa tahu apa yang menanti, karena engkau sudah memberi kami kepercayaan untuk mengarungi dunia di bawah hujan tak terduga. 3. These poems highlight the quiet strength of a mentor, an idea, or a creative force that transforms the mind and soul through subtle, patient influence. Afifah Syaharani 24019001 24 JD Writing NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
Muhammad Zikri Alfurqan
1 bulan yang lalu
1. The meaning of the title that I got is that teachers are the people who have the greatest contribution in educating us. 2. Favorite line: mengantar kami menembus kegelapan tanpa tanda. 3. What I think is that teachers lead their students through the darkness of ignorance towards the light of knowledge. Muhammad Zikri Alfurqan (24019056) 24 JD Writing NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
joice natasha
1 bulan yang lalu
The poem celebrates the transformative power of words, comparing the pen to a quiet yet profound force that guides and enlightens. It portrays the writer as a beacon, offering maps of understanding and courage to navigate the unknown with conviction. Joice Natasha L JD WRITING NK 2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Trisna Filius Adi
1 bulan yang lalu
The title "Bara yang Menjadi Api" symbolizes a teacher's influence, starting as a spark that grows into a guiding force, igniting passion and strength in others. Sanza : "Engkau bukan cahaya yang mencolok, namun api yang membakar malam, menyala dalam gelap yang kami tak pernah tahu. Setiap kata yang engkau ucapkan adalah bara, membakar kami hingga tak bisa padam, mengubah keraguan jadi keyakinan yang menyala." The poem honors teachers as quiet yet powerful forces, likened to flames that ignite knowledge and courage. It celebrates their selfless guidance, shaping others and paving the way for enlightenment and growth. Trisna Filius Adi 24019113 — 24 JD Writing NK 2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Abdul Hamid
1 bulan yang lalu
1. Meaning: The title conveys that teachers are the ones who play the most significant role in shaping and educating us. 2. Favorite line: Guiding us through the darkness without direction. 3. What I understand is that teachers guide their students from the shadows of ignorance to the illumination of knowledge. ABDUL HAMID (24019117) 24 JD Writing NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
Muhammad Aqeel Jasomandez
1 bulan yang lalu
Meaning of title of the poem : contains the meaning of respect for the important role of a teacher Line/stanza : 2 Mind after reading : contains the meaning of respect for the important role of a teacher. Muhammad Aqeel Jasomandez 24 JD Writing NK 2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Rahma Khalilah Najwa
1 bulan yang lalu
This poem describes a figure full of wisdom and inspiration. He provides guidance through words, guiding others beyond darkness with faith and hope, relying not on physical strength but on the strength of thought and spirit. “ Peta yang engkau serahkan, mengantar kami menembus kegelapan tanpa tanda, melangkah di lorong yang gelap, tanpa rasa takut, hanya keyakinan pada yang engkau tanam.” (Rahma Khalilah Najwa, 24JD Writing NK2-24 SL7-8 LM)
Ahmad Zidane Albarik
1 bulan yang lalu
The above title symbolizes the quiet yet transformational influence of teachers igniting the fire and purpose in students. The line, "Ilmu yang engkau tanamkan adalah api yang mengeraskan jiwa, menyalakan jalan kami yang penuh bayang-bayang," demonstrates how education actually lightens and directs. Well, this poem reminds me of how a teacher influences lives without their seeing the energetic fire into which he or she loads this legacy of knowledge and strength and burns long after the teacher is dead. Ahmad Zidane Albarik (24019092) 24 JD Writing NK 2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Rafi Yuma Aditya
1 bulan yang lalu
Stanza: "You came like dew on a silent night, quenching the thirst of a parched soul. Behind each of your smiles, a great battle rages between wisdom and time, weaving words into life, awakening those long dead." Sentence: "You are not a lightning bolt, unshaken by thunder or the slap of storms, yet in your hands, words fly, weaving invisible webs that trap us in currents beyond understanding." Rafi Yuma Aditya (24019060) 24 JD WRITING NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
Zuleyka Azzahra
1 bulan yang lalu
This phrase symbolizes the power of writing or expression to challenge limits, whether they are social, intellectual, or personal. My favorite lines “peta yang engkau serahkan, mengantar kami menembus kegelapan tanpa tanda” It conveys the idea that through expression, one can push past limitations. Zuleyka Azzahra 24 JD Writing NK2-24 SL 7-8 LM
1 bulan yang lalu
Short Answers (Student Language): 1. Meaning of the Title: “Ujung Pena yang Menembus Batas” means how words and ideas can break through limits and inspire people to see beyond their boundaries. 2. Favorite Line: “Peta yang engkau serahkan, mengantar kami menembus kegelapan tanpa tanda.” I like it because it shows how knowledge guides us through challenges. 3. Thoughts After Reading: The poem reminds me of how powerful words and guidance can change lives and open new possibilities. Syasya (24019030) 24 JD Writing NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
Rahayu Febriani
1 bulan yang lalu
Meaning of the Title The title "The Tip of the Pen that Crosses Borders" symbolizes the power of words and ideas to break through barriers and inspire people to explore beyond limitations. Favorite Line/Stanza My favorite stanza is: "In your hands, words fly, weaving invisible webs, trapping us in currents we cannot comprehend." It beautifully illustrates how words have the power to captivate and transform our understanding. Thoughts After Reading The poem reminds me of the influence of writers and their ability to guide others into unknown perspectives and possibilities. Rahayu Febriani 24 JD WRITING NK-2 24 SL7-8 LM
Aprini Simbolon
1 bulan yang lalu
Meaning of the Poem: "Ujung Pena yang Menembus Batas" reflects on the power of words and writing. The poem describes how the writer, through their words, guides and leads others into unexplored or unknown realms. The writer's words are depicted as an invisible force that has the power to shape understanding, navigate through darkness, and reveal new dimensions of life. The reference to a map and stepping into darkness without fear suggests that the writer’s words act as a beacon, helping others to venture into unfamiliar spaces with trust and confidence. The poem celebrates the transformative and enlightening power of writing, where the written word has the ability to break boundaries and expand the human experience. Stanza/Line I Like: The line I find most compelling is: "Peta yang engkau serahkan, mengantar kami menembus kegelapan tanpa tanda, melangkah di lorong yang gelap, tanpa rasa takut, hanya keyakinan pada yang engkau tanam."* This line beautifully conveys the trust and guidance that words can offer, providing a sense of direction in the midst of uncertainty. The idea that the written word can lead people through darkness, instilling confidence despite the lack of visible signs, is a powerful metaphor for the impact of literature or ideas on people’s lives. **Things That Come to Mind:** After reading the poem, I am reminded of the profound influence that literature, philosophy, and art can have on individuals. The idea of stepping into darkness without fear, guided by the words of someone who has shared their wisdom or experience, evokes a sense of trust in the written word as a tool for enlightenment. It makes me think of how writers, poets, and thinkers often help us navigate complex emotions, uncertainties, or experiences by providing perspectives that we may not have considered before. The poem also brings to mind the transformative potential of storytelling and writing, which can open minds and hearts to new ideas and ways of seeing the world. Aprini Simbolon (24019005) 24 JD writing NK 2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Dean Putri Azzhara
1 bulan yang lalu
To me, the title signifies a collective tribute to heroes, symbolizing growth, unity, and heartfelt gratitude for their sacrifices.I love the line “di akar yang membekas, perjuangan tak pernah luruh,” because it beautifully portrays how the foundation of a hero’s struggle remains eternal and impactful.The poem reminds me of the unyielding sacrifices of heroes and how their legacy continues to inspire growth and unity. 24 JD WRITING 2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Aida Sulastri
1 bulan yang lalu
The title of this poem makes me feel the importance of the role of a teacher. Line I like "Engkau hadir dalam diam yang mengguncang, mengukir jalan baru yang menuntun kami, meski tak pernah ada yang tahu arah, kecuali kami yang pernah merasakannya." After reading this poem I understand the importance of education and teachers in life. Aida Sulastri JD WRITING NK2-24 SL7-8LM
Muhamad Faizal
1 bulan yang lalu
Puisi ini menggambarkan peran besar seorang guru yang, meski tak dikenal banyak orang, adalah kunci perubahan dalam kehidupan siswa. Guru membawa siswa menuju pemahaman dan meruntuhkan dunia lama untuk menciptakan masa depan yang lebih terang dengan ilmu. Puisi ini mengingatkan kita untuk menghargai peran guru dalam membentuk perjalanan hidup dan perjuangan. Muhamad Faizal 24 JD Writing NK-2 24 SL7-8 LM
Ghurafy Masyhuda Rahmat
1 bulan yang lalu
what is the meaning of the title of the poem to you The title of this poem explains that teachers can also be called heroes. which line/stanza you like very much. Engkau batu karang, kokoh di tengah badai, tak berteriak, namun dunia tunduk di bawah keberanianmu, melawan ombak yang tak pernah usai, meninggalkan jejak yang bisa kami ikuti meskipun tak ada jalan di depan mata. After reading this poem I realized that the teachers have done a lot of service and sacrifice. Without them we would not be able to be successful and smart like we are now.
M.Ridho Riszi Sc
1 bulan yang lalu
A hero teacher who may not be famous, but of course his services will always be remembered in the hearts of his students.Teachers are the key to future success. JD WRITING NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
Ridel Decastro
1 bulan yang lalu
Teachers are often unsung heroes who inspire and guide their students, empowering them with knowledge and self-assurance. Favorite Line/Stanza My favorite stanza is: "In your hands, words fly, weaving invisible webs, trapping us in currents we cannot comprehend." It beautifully illustrates how words have the power to captivate and transform our understanding. Thoughts After Reading The poem reminds me of the influence of writers and their ability to guide others into unknown perspectives and possibilities. Ridel Decastro NK 2 24 JD Writing NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
Khoirunnisya Simbolon
1 bulan yang lalu
Name: Khoirunnisya Simbolon NIM: 22018130 Class: K5 - 24 JD EPR ST4-6 NK?23 LM Quiz 9 1. What is the meaning of the poems to you? The poems honor the silent yet profound impact of educators. They symbolize the power of knowledge, inspiration, and guidance that transcends recognition, igniting change in others. 2. Which line/stanza do you like very much? “Engkau adalah nyala yang tersembunyi, memimpin kami tanpa menuntut untuk dilihat.” This line resonates deeply as it reflects the humility and selflessness of educators who inspire without seeking glory. 3. What is one of the business ideas that comes to your mind after reading the poems? A teacher appreciation platform, where students can share stories and memories of how their educators inspired them. This could be paired with a crowdfunding feature to support educators’ projects or needs.
1 bulan yang lalu
Again and again, these poems show how their respective themes of connection and memory significantly contribute to resilience and somewhat form a profound narrative about such unbreakable bonds even through separation. Titles like "Jejak Yang Tak Terhapus Waktu" and "Aku, Engkau, Kita—Tak Terpisahkan" speak of how love, existence, and experiences carry on, either transcending time and distance. There is something that rings true at the back of one's mind: *"just like two stars not seen in the sky, but remain in the dark of night."* Thus creating that element of unseen and always-there connectivity in the midst of invisibility. This is to say that relationships such as these last not through words alone but primarily through quiet understand and shared existence.nazhmi hadil ayyubi 22018147 (24 JD EPR ST 4-6 NK?23LM)
1 bulan yang lalu
1. Meaning: The poem reflects the powerful, subtle influence of a person whose words and actions shape and guide others, even in silence. 2. Favorite line: "Kata-katamu terukir seperti garis-garis energi di dalam tubuh kami, membangkitkan pergerakan yang tak tampak namun begitu terasa." 3. Business idea: A business centered on personal development or mentorship, where individuals help others discover hidden strengths and potential, creating transformative experiences. Radiah (24 JD EPR ST4-6 NK? 23 LM
Jeni Fitria
1 bulan yang lalu
First Comment: To me, these poems honor the quiet strength and transformative power of a mentor or guide, who, though often uncelebrated, leaves an indelible mark on the lives they touch. Second Comment: I particularly admire the line "Engkau batu karang, kokoh di tengah badai, tak berteriak, namun dunia tunduk di bawah keberanianmu," because it captures the silent but resilient leadership of those who inspire others. Third Comment: One business idea inspired by these poems is creating a mentorship program or platform that connects aspiring individuals with experienced professionals to guide them in life and career paths. Jeni Fitria 22018125
Elfi Afriani
3 minggu yang lalu
Elfi Afriani (22018103)-24 JD EPR ST4-6 NK?23 LM "Peta yang engkau serahkan, mengantar kami menembus kegelapan tanpa tanda, melangkah di lorong yang gelap, tanpa rasa takut, hanya keyakinan pada yang engkau tanam." This stanza encapsulates the idea of trusting the guidance of others, even when the path ahead is uncertain and unclear. It highlights the power of belief in something greater than oneself.
Aula Fitria Zhahrah
3 minggu yang lalu
The poem Ujung Pena yang Menembus Batas ("The Pen's Tip That Breaks Boundaries") explores the powerful role of words and writing in guiding and shaping one's understanding of life. The line “Engkau bukan kilat, tak terguncang dalam gemuruh atau petir yang menampar” (You are not lightning, undisturbed by the thunder or lightning that strikes) stands out as it contrasts the idea of an immediate, striking force with the steady, persistent power of words. This line suggests that, unlike physical or dramatic forces, the impact of writing is subtle yet profound, quietly guiding individuals through complex, unseen realms. The line is translated as, "You are not lightning, undisturbed by the thunder or lightning that strikes," which retains the imagery of calm resilience amid chaos, highlighting the steady influence of the written word. The technique of translation focuses on maintaining the imagery while ensuring clarity in English, as the structure of the original line is kept intact. The strategy involves preserving the contrast between immediate, forceful impact (lightning) and the enduring, guiding nature of words, aligning both with the contemplative tone of the poem. Aula Fitria Zhahrah Group 1 No urut 5 24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM
Elsen Agustina Sigalingging
3 minggu yang lalu
Lirik/Bait Puisi yang saya sukai: Engkau batu karang, kokoh di tengah badai, tak berteriak, namun dunia tunduk di bawah keberanianmu, melawan ombak yang tak pernah usai, meninggalkan jejak yang bisa kami ikuti meskipun tak ada jalan di depan mata. Bait puisi ini menggambarkan sosok yang kuat, teguh, dan penuh keberanian dalam menghadapi tantangan hidup. "Engkau batu karang, kokoh di tengah badai" menggambarkan keteguhan hati dan kekuatan yang tak tergoyahkan meskipun dalam kondisi yang penuh kesulitan atau cobaan. Batu karang yang tetap kokoh di tengah badai melambangkan ketahanan seseorang yang tidak mudah runtuh oleh tekanan hidup. "Tak berteriak, namun dunia tunduk di bawah keberanianmu" menunjukkan bahwa keberanian sejati tidak perlu disertai dengan kebisingan atau keributan, namun tetap memiliki pengaruh yang besar. Orang tersebut tetap berdiri teguh, dan keberaniannya membuat orang lain menghormati dan mengikuti teladannya. "Melawan ombak yang tak pernah usai" mengandung makna bahwa perjuangan hidup tidak pernah selesai, dan seseorang yang kuat terus melawan tantangan yang datang tanpa henti. Akhirnya, "meninggalkan jejak yang bisa kami ikuti meskipun tak ada jalan di depan mata" menggambarkan bahwa meskipun situasi mungkin tampak tanpa arah atau jalan, teladan yang ditinggalkan oleh sosok ini memberikan arah dan inspirasi bagi orang lain untuk terus maju dan menghadapi kesulitan, meskipun jalannya tidak jelas. Elsen Agustina Sigalingging - JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM
Zahrah Nabila
3 minggu yang lalu
Engkau bukan pahlawan yang diumumkan dunia, namamu tak tergenggam dalam megah prasasti, meski di setiap ruang yang engkau singgahi, ruang itu menyempit dalam gema yang menambah berat di pundak kami. Membawa api tak terlihat, membakar yang ada di dalam, dan kami menjadi terbakar oleh pemikiran yang engkau beri. Zahrah Nabila (20019023) 24 JD I-E Trans JM 9-10 Nkall 21 LM
Zahrah Nabila
3 minggu yang lalu
You are not a hero proclaimed by the world, your name is not etched in grand monuments, yet in every space you visit, that space tightens with the echo that adds weight to our shoulders. Carrying an invisible fire, burning what lies within, and we are consumed by the thoughts you impart. Zahrah Nabila (20019023) 24 JD I-E Trans JM 9-10 Nkall 21 LM
Zahrah Nabila
3 minggu yang lalu
The translation style used here is a blend of literal and interpretive approaches, preserving the original meaning while adapting the phrasing for fluidity in English. The strategy focuses on maintaining the emotional depth and weight of the original text by choosing words that convey both the physical and psychological impacts described in the poem. For example, "the space tightens with the echo" preserves the original's metaphor of an intangible force affecting the environment, while "burning what lies within" emphasizes the internal struggle. Zahrah Nabila (20019023) 24 JD I-E Trans JM 9-10 Nkall 21 LM
Jesica Imelda Pasaribu
2 minggu yang lalu
Business Idea Inspired by the Poems: A compelling business idea inspired by the poems "Guru, Pahlawan Ilmu Pengetahuan" could be the creation of a mentorship and educational consultancy that focuses on empowering individuals through knowledge and personal development. This business could offer tailored programs that connect experienced mentors with learners of all ages, providing guidance in various fields such as education, personal growth, and professional development. Additionally, it could host workshops, seminars, and online courses that emphasize critical thinking, creativity, and resilience, helping individuals navigate their paths with confidence and purpose. Character Traits to Apply in Business: The character traits that should be applied in starting and running this business include humility, resilience, and a passion for knowledge. Humility is essential for recognizing the contributions of others and valuing the learning process, allowing mentors to connect authentically with their mentees. Resilience is crucial for overcoming challenges and adapting to the evolving needs of learners, ensuring that the business remains relevant and impactful. Lastly, a passion for knowledge will inspire both the mentors and the learners, fostering an environment where curiosity and continuous learning are celebrated, much like the spirit conveyed in the poems. Jesica Imelda Pasaribu. 24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3-23 LM
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