Selasa, 10 Desember 2024

Jejak Persahabatan Kita

Puisi Lidah Rakyat

Oleh: Leni Marlina
Kamis, 14 November 2024 333 49
Ilustrasi AI
Ilustrasi Puisi Leni Marlina "Persahabatan". Sumber gambar: Starcom Indonesia's Artwork No.115 by AI

Waktu yang Tak Pernah Menghapus Jejak Kita

Meski jarak merenggangkan tangan kita,
dan waktu mencoba memutar ulang kenangan,
ingatlah, jejak kita tak pernah hilang.

Seperti akar yang menggenggam tanah,
meski di bawah batu, di bawah tanah yang keras,
kita tetap terhubung-tak bisa dipisahkan.

Waktu bisa merubah wajah kita,
tapi tak akan pernah mampu menghapus jejak yang kita tinggalkan.

UGM, Jogyakarta,  2009


Di Mana Pun Kau Berada

Kau mungkin tak lagi di sini,
tapi setiap angin yang menyapu,
adalah aku yang menemanimu.

Setiap petir yang menggelegar di langit,
adalah suara kita yang berbicara,
setiap hujan yang jatuh di bumi,
adalah airmata yang tumpah bersama,
meski kita terpisah oleh waktu dan jarak,
aku di sini, denganmu, seperti dulu.

UGM, Jogyakarta,  2009

Kapan Pun, Di Mana Pun, Engkau Ada

Mungkin kita tidak lagi saling bertemu
seperti dulu,
tapi aku selalu ada di ujung setiap doamu.

Aku adalah bayangan yang selalu ada
di setiap malam gelap yang kau rasakan,
aku adalah cahaya yang menyala dalam hatimu
meski kau tak bisa melihatku lagi.

Jarak hanya sekadar angka,
waktu hanya sekadar ketik,
aku tetap ada, di mana pun kau berada,
selalu ada, selalu menemani.

UGM, Jogyakarta,  2009

Langkah Kaki yang Tak Pernah Gentar

Kau mungkin merasa sendirian,
terombang-ambing oleh dunia yang seakan berputar lebih cepat.
Namun, ingatlah, setiap langkahmu adalah langkah kita.

Meski tak lagi bersama,
langkah kaki kita telah menyatu dalam takdir.
Jarak tak pernah menakutkan kita,
waktu tak pernah mengurangi keberanian kita.

Kita adalah dua jiwa yang tak pernah gentar,
jalan yang berbeda hanya membuat kita lebih kuat.

UGM, Jogyakarta,  2009

Rindu yang Tak Pernah Padam

Waktu telah memisahkan kita,
namun rindu itu tetap membara.
Seperti api yang tak pernah padam,
meski hujan mencoba memadamkannya.

Jarak hanya menunda pertemuan,
tapi tak akan pernah mampu menghalangi
keinginan untuk kembali bersama.

Aku di sini, di setiap angin yang kau rasakan,
di setiap malam yang kau lewati,
karena rindu kita adalah api yang tak bisa dipadamkan.

Bangka Belitung, 2013

Jejak Yang Tak Terhapus Waktu

Kau jauh di sana,
tapi jejakmu tetap ada di setiap detak jantungku.

Meski dunia memisahkan kita,
meski waktu mencoba memupus kenangan,
aku tahu—jejak itu tak akan pernah hilang.

Kita adalah dua kaki yang berjalan bersama,
dan meskipun satu melangkah ke arah lain,
kita tetap berjalan di jalan yang sama.

Karena tak ada waktu yang cukup untuk menghapus kenangan kita.

Bangka Belitung, 2013

Suara yang Tak Pernah Berhenti

Kau tidak mendengar suaraku lagi,
tapi percayalah, suara kita tetap bergema.

Di dalam setiap ruang yang kita lewati,
di dalam setiap angin yang kita hirup,
suara itu tak pernah berhenti,
terus bergema dalam setiap langkah kita.

Waktu bisa membuat kita terdiam,
tapi tak akan pernah membuat kita terputus.
Aku di sini, dalam setiap bisikan yang kau dengar,
karena kita adalah dua suara yang tak akan pernah hilang.

Bangka Belitung, 2013.

Dalam Diam, Kita Tetap Bersama

Meski kata-kata jarang kita ucapkan lagi,
perasaan kita tetap berbicara.

Dalam diam, kita tetap bersama,
meski dunia mencoba memisahkan.

Seperti dua bintang yang tak tampak di langit,
tapi tetap ada dalam kegelapan malam.

Kau mungkin tak melihatku,
tapi aku tahu, kau merasakannya-
bahwa kita tetap bersama, meski tak terucap.

Bangka Belitung, 2013

Rangkaian Waktu yang Tak Terhenti

Waktu telah membawa kita ke tempat yang berbeda,
tapi jangan pernah ragu,
rangkaian waktu kita tak pernah terhenti.

Seperti sungai yang mengalir ke laut,
meski belokan terpisah jauh,
aliran itu tetap menghubungkan kita.

Aku di sini, dalam setiap detik yang kau lewati,
menunggu untuk bertemu kembali,
karena waktu kita tak akan pernah habis.

Bangka Belitung, 2013

Aku, Engkau, Kita—Tak Terpisahkan

Aku mungkin tak bisa lagi mendengarmu,
tapi hati kita tetap berbicara dalam bahasa yang tak terucapkan.

Engkau di sana, aku di sini—
tapi kita tetap berjalan pada jalan yang sama,
karena kita adalah satu,
tidak terpisahkan oleh jarak,
tidak tergoyahkan oleh waktu.

Di dalam setiap detik,
ada aku, ada engkau, ada kita—
terikat dalam ikatan yang tak bisa diputuskan oleh dunia.

Bangka Belitung, 2013

Riwayat Singkat Penulis:

Kumpulan puisi ini awalnya ditulis oleh Leni Marlina hanya sebagai hobi dan koleksi puisi pribadi tahun 2008 & 2013. Tahun 2009, sebagian puisi ini ditulis selama penulis menjalani magang di PTIK UGM Jogyakarta. Tahun 2013, sebagian puisi ini ditulis saat mengunjungi tempat bekas penahanan Bapak Sukarno dan pejuang kemerdekaan lainnya di Muntok Bangka, kepulauan Bangka Belitung.

Kumpulan puisi tersebut direvisi kembali serta dipublikasikan pertama kalinya melalui media digital tahun 2024.

Saat ini, Leni Marlina merupakan anggota aktif Asosiasi Penulis Indonesia, SATU PENA cabang Sumatera Barat. Ia juga merupakan anggota aktif Komunitas Penyair & Penulis Sastra Internasional ACC di Shanghai, serta dipercaya sebagai Duta Puisi Indonesia untuk ACC Shanghai Huifeng International Literary Association. Selain itu, Leni terlibat dalam Victoria's Writer Association di Australia. Sejak tahun 2006, ia telah mengabdikan diri sebagai dosen di Program Studi Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni, Universitas Negeri Padang.

Leni juga merupakan pendiri dan pemimpin sejumlahkomunitas digital yang berfokus pada sastra, pendidikan, dan sosial, di antaranya:, (1) Komunitas Sastra Anak Dunia (WCLC):, (2) Komunitas Internasional POETRY-PEN; (3) Komunitas PPIPM (Pondok Puisi Inspirasi Masyarakat):; (4) Komunitas Starcom Indonesia (Starmoonsun Edupreneur Community Indonesia):

Desma Fauziah
2 minggu yang lalu
I choose the poem number 8 and interested in stanza 3 which the words are: "Seperti dua bintang yang tak tampak di langit, tapi tetap ada dalam kegelapan malam." Here is my translated version: "Like two stars unseen in the sky, but still present in the darkness of the night." The stanza symbolizes an unseen but enduring presence, such as love or connection, even in difficult times. The translation uses a semantic strategy, focusing on conveying the meaning and emotional essence rather than a word-for-word approach, ensuring the poetic imagery remains impactful.
Adelina Pangestu
2 minggu yang lalu
Poem Number 1 titled “Waktu yang Tak Pernah Menghapus Jejak Kita” Verse to-1 : IND Ver.: Meski jarak merenggangkan tangan kita, dan waktu mencoba memutar ulang kenangan, ingatlah, jejak kita tak pernah hilang. ENG Ver.: Even though the distance stretches our hands, And when trying to replay memories, Remember, our footprints are never lost. Techniques and strategies used: The translation of the poem utilizes adaptation to adjust the poetic expressions from Indonesian to English, ensuring they feel natural while retaining the same emotional depth. For instance, the phrase “Meski jarak merenggangkan tangan kita” is rendered as “Even though the distance stretches our hands,” preserving its profound meaning about emotional distance. Additionally, paraphrasing is employed to convey ideas more explicitly in English, as seen in “waktu mencoba memutar ulang kenangan,” which becomes “And when trying to replay memories,” with altered structure and word choice to align with English norms. Aesthetic and semantic balance is maintained so that the essence of the poem remains intact in the translation. Adelina Pangestu 21019026 24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM
Yona Maygita
2 minggu yang lalu
I’ve interested in the first stanza of the first poem: “ Meski jarak merenggangkan tangan kita, dan waktu mencoba memutar ulang kenangan, ingatlah, jejak kita tak pernah hilang.” the translate of this stanza is : "Though distance stretches apart our hands, and time tries to rewind our memories, remember, our footprints are never lost." the technique and strategies is : The translation uses a literal approach with poetic adaptation to maintain both meaning and emotional depth. Phrases like "jarak merenggangkan tangan kita" are translated as "distance stretches apart our hands," adapting the metaphor for a more fluid English expression. Similarly, "waktu mencoba memutar ulang kenangan" is directly translated to preserve the nostalgic sense of time attempting to rewind memories. The metaphor of "footprints" in "jejak kita tak pernah hilang" is retained, symbolizing lasting impact despite separation. The translation ensures the poem's emotional resonance remains intact while preserving its concise, rhythmic flow. Nama : Yona Maygita NIM: 21019066 No. Urut: 04 Group 1 24 JD I-E Trans NKALL 21 JM 9-10 LM
yurika tiara
2 minggu yang lalu
Yurika Tiara Ramanda 21019114 JD I- E TRANS JM 9-10 NKal|21 LM I am interested in the first poem in the first stanza because it describes the reality that memories will never disappear from the mind. "Meski jarak merenggangkan tangan kita,
dan waktu mencoba memutar ulang kenangan,
ingatlah, jejak kita tak pernah hilang." "Although distance stretches our hands, and time tries to rewind memories, remember, our footsteps are never lost." Translation Techniques Used: * Literal Translation: Most phrases are translated directly from Indonesian to English. This is a basic technique that is often used to maintain the core meaning of the sentence. * Functional Equivalence: Some words or phrases are translated with words or phrases that have a similar function in the target language, although they do not have exactly the same meaning. For example, "memaintar ulang" is translated as "rewind" which has the same function in this context. * Transposition: The word order in a sentence is sometimes changed to fit the sentence structure in English. * Modulation: Sometimes, the form of a sentence is changed to fit the more common style of language in English.
Resti Maulani
2 minggu yang lalu
Bait puisi ini menarik karena menggali emosi dan ide yang dalam. Puisi ini membahas tema universal seperti jarak dan waktu, yang dapat dirasakan oleh banyak orang. Bahasa puitisnya, dengan ungkapan seperti “jarak merenggangkan tangan” dan “waktu mencoba memutar ulang kenangan,” menciptakan gambar yang kuat. Kalimat “jejak kita tak pernah hilang” memberikan pesan optimis, menunjukkan bahwa hubungan dan kenangan tetap ada. Struktur kalimat yang pendek dan berirama membuat bait ini mudah diingat dan nyaman dibaca, menciptakan aliran perasaan yang menenangkan. Resti Maulani 21019057 group 1 no urut 6 24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKALL21 LM
shintia Yuliamanda
2 minggu yang lalu
I choose poem no 3 because it beautifully expresses the eternal bond between two souls, despite the passage of time and distance. The poet conveys an emotional depth that transcends physical separation, reassuring the other person that love and presence are not bound by proximity. The imagery of being both a shadow in dark nights and a light in the heart powerfully captures the idea of an unwavering presence, even if unseen. The line "Jarak hanya sekadar angka" emphasizes how love and connection are not diminished by distance, making this verse a comforting reflection on love's endurance through time and space.
2 minggu yang lalu
I chose poem 10 stanza 2, because This poem beautifully explores the theme of unbreakable connection, transcending physical distance and the passage of time. Its message of unity and eternal bond resonates deeply, reminding us of the enduring ties we share with others.he poem speaks of a profound connection between two people, symbolizing that no matter the distance or time that separates them, they walk together on the same path. It highlights the power of unity and the timeless nature of true relationships that remain unshaken by external forces. The translation would be "You are there, I am here— but we still walk on the same path, because we are one, not separated by distance, not shaken by time." In this translation, I kept the structure close to the original to preserve its meaning and poetic feel. The metaphor of walking on the same path, despite being physically apart, translates directly from Indonesian to English, maintaining the sense of spiritual or emotional connection. The syntax was carefully chosen to reflect the rhythm of the original, with each phrase following the other in a balanced, parallel structure. For example, the phrase "because we are one" mirrors the simplicity of the Indonesian phrase without changing its meaning. I also ensured the emotional tone was preserved by translating phrases like "not separated by distance, not shaken by time" in a way that conveys the original sentiment of unity and the irrelevance of time and space. The goal was to keep both the meaning and the emotional impact intact while making it clear and poetic in English.
Annisa Tul Khair
2 minggu yang lalu
I interested in poem no 4 Langkah Kaki yang Tak Pernah Gentar Kau mungkin merasa sendirian, terombang-ambing oleh dunia yang seakan berputar lebih cepat. Namun, ingatlah, setiap langkahmu adalah langkah kita. Meski tak lagi bersama, langkah kaki kita telah menyatu dalam takdir. Jarak tak pernah menakutkan kita, waktu tak pernah mengurangi keberanian kita. Kita adalah dua jiwa yang tak pernah gentar, jalan yang berbeda hanya membuat kita lebih kuat. Steps That Never Falter You may feel alone, adrift in a world that seems to spin faster and faster. But remember, every step you take is a step we take. Though we’re no longer together, our footsteps have merged in destiny. Distance has never frightened us, time has never diminished our courage. We are two souls who never falter, our separate paths only make us stronger. The translation adopts a dynamic equivalence approach with elements of poetic adaptation, ensuring the essence, tone, and emotional depth of the original text are preserved while making it resonate naturally in English. The translation retains the key ideas of unity, perseverance, and shared destiny present in the original poem. For instance, "langkah kaki kita telah menyatu dalam takdir" becomes "our footsteps have merged in destiny," maintaining the metaphorical essence. Slight modifications are made for smoother readability in English. For example, "terombang-ambing oleh dunia yang seakan berputar lebih cepat" is rendered as "adrift in a world that seems to spin faster and faster," which better fits English idiomatic expression while maintaining the original imagery.
2 minggu yang lalu
I chose poem 10 stanza 2, because This poem beautifully explores the theme of unbreakable connection, transcending physical distance and the passage of time. Its message of unity and eternal bond resonates deeply, reminding us of the enduring ties we share with others.he poem speaks of a profound connection between two people, symbolizing that no matter the distance or time that separates them, they walk together on the same path. It highlights the power of unity and the timeless nature of true relationships that remain unshaken by external forces. The translation would be "You are there, I am here— but we still walk on the same path, because we are one, not separated by distance, not shaken by time." In this translation, I kept the structure close to the original to preserve its meaning and poetic feel. The metaphor of walking on the same path, despite being physically apart, translates directly from Indonesian to English, maintaining the sense of spiritual or emotional connection. The syntax was carefully chosen to reflect the rhythm of the original, with each phrase following the other in a balanced, parallel structure. For example, the phrase "because we are one" mirrors the simplicity of the Indonesian phrase without changing its meaning. I also ensured the emotional tone was preserved by translating phrases like "not separated by distance, not shaken by time" in a way that conveys the original sentiment of unity and the irrelevance of time and space. The goal was to keep both the meaning and the emotional impact intact while making it clear and poetic in English. Muhammad Abi Dzar Ar-Rahman / 21019052 JD I-E TRANS JM 9-10 NKall 21 LM
christy yulianda putri
2 minggu yang lalu
i choose number 1 because the poem reflects on the enduring nature of relationships and memories, emphasizing that even though time and distance may physically separate us, the connections we form remain unbreakable. The poet uses metaphors such as "roots gripping the earth" to symbolize the strength of these bonds, which, like roots beneath stones, persist even through hardship. Despite the inevitable changes time brings, such as altering our appearance, the impact we leave on others—our "traces"—cannot be erased. The poem suggests that true connections transcend physical separation, and the memories and influences we create continue to exist, reminding us of the timelessness of genuine relationships.
Annisa Muhasyafira
2 minggu yang lalu
Annisa Muhasyafira 21019028 group 3 no urut 16 24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKALL21 LM i choose poem no 9 because This poem reflects on the inevitable passage of time and the changes it brings, acknowledging that time can lead individuals to different places—whether physically, emotionally, or in life’s journey. The phrase "Waktu telah membawa kita ke tempat yang berbeda" speaks to the way life and circumstances evolve, but despite these shifts, the speaker reassures the listener not to doubt the enduring connection they share. The line "rangkaian waktu kita tak pernah terhenti" conveys that, although time may alter outward situations, the bond between them remains unbroken, transcending physical separation or the passing of years. Ultimately, the poem suggests that while time may change external realities, it cannot sever the deeper, meaningful ties that endure through all phases of life, offering a message of reassurance that the emotional or spiritual connection remains constant, no matter where time takes them.
Muhammad Abdurrosyid Dzakhwan
2 minggu yang lalu
I'm very interesting with the poem number 10. Stanza 3 : Di dalam setiap detik, ada aku, ada engkau, ada kita terikat dalam ikatan yang tak bisa diputuskan oleh dunia. Translate : In every second, there is me, there is you, there is us, bound by a bond that the world cannot sever. The translation of the poem above uses the Meaning-Based Translation technique: Focusing on conveying the core meaning of the poem, which is a strong bond that is unbreakable by the world. Words such as "bound in a bond" are translated as "bound by a bond" to maintain the essence of a deep bond. And Contextual Translation: Maintains the sense of emotional and inseparable connection between “I,” “you,” and “us.” “There is me, there is you, there is us” translates to “there is me, there is you, there is us,” which maintains the sense of closeness and togetherness. Muhammad Abdurrosyid Dzakhwan (21019015) - Group 4 24 JD I-E Trans JM9-10 Nkall21 LM
Benito Patriot
2 minggu yang lalu
i choose firs poetry in first stanza “ Meski jarak merenggangkan tangan kita, dan waktu mencoba memutar ulang kenangan, ingatlah, jejak kita tak pernah hilang. This mean that even though the author is separated by distance ehe still remeber the step that he took before he separated from the person or the moment that he had been done Benito Patriot/21019073 JDI-E TRANS JM9-10 Nkall21 LM
2 minggu yang lalu
I selected number 1 because the poem explores the enduring strength of relationships and memories. It illustrates how, despite the passage of time and physical distance, the bonds we form remain resilient and unbroken. The poet uses imagery such as "roots gripping the earth" to symbolize the durability of these connections, which persevere through hardships like roots beneath stones. While time may bring inevitable changes, such as altering our appearance, the impressions we leave on others—the "traces" of our presence—are lasting. The poem suggests that true connections transcend physical separation, as the memories and influences we create continue to endure, reflecting the timelessness of genuine relationships. Ihsanul Eka Vitra 21019043 JDI-E TRANS JM9-10 Nkall21 LM
2 minggu yang lalu
I choose poem 4 stanza one "Kau mungkin merasa sendirian, terombang-ambing oleh dunia yang seakan berputar lebih cepat. Namun, ingatlah, setiap langkahmu adalah langkah kita" because This stanza offers a message of encouragement and solidarity to someone who feels overwhelmed or isolated.
Muthia Rahmah Fadhilah
2 minggu yang lalu
I am interested with 2nd poem with 1st stanza “Kau mungkin tak lagi di sini,
tapi setiap angin yang menyapu,
adalah aku yang menemanimu.” The translate of this stanza is “You may no longer be here, but every wind that sweeps through, it is me who accompanies you." Using transposition technique and communicative translation strategy. The transposition technique can be seen from the change in sentence structure without changing the meaning, for example from "every wind that sweeps through" to "every wind that sweeps through" which retains the essential meaning but adapts to the English structure. Meanwhile, communicative strategies are used to ensure the translation is easily understood by the target language readers without losing the emotional nuances and beauty present in the original poem. Muthia Rahmah Fadhilah 21019093 (ID 24 I-E TRANS JM 9-10 NK-ALL21 LIM)
2 minggu yang lalu
I choose poem 4 stanza one "Kau mungkin merasa sendirian, terombang-ambing oleh dunia yang seakan berputar lebih cepat. Namun, ingatlah, setiap langkahmu adalah langkah kita" because This stanza offers a message of encouragement and solidarity to someone who feels overwhelmed or isolated. Dian Zelly.B/21019007 24 JD I-E TRANS JM 9-10 NKall 21 LM
emilul fata yuditiya
2 minggu yang lalu
This poem illustrates an everlasting connection despite the separation of time and distance. Although distance may separate us, the "footprints" we leave behind will never fade. The metaphor of "roots" gripping the earth suggests that our bond remains strong even with obstacles. Time can change many things, but memories and true connections remain. The message is that a sincere relationship will never fade, no matter the time or distance between it.
2 minggu yang lalu
Meski jarak merenggangkan tangan kita, dan waktu mencoba memutar ulang kenangan, ingatlah, jejak kita tak pernah hilang. This poem touches on universal themes about friendship, love, or family relationships. The message is that genuine connection will always exist, even when we are physically apart. Our memories and influence will live on in the hearts of others. Tyo Kurniawan 21019113
2 minggu yang lalu
Literal Translation: The phrases are translated word-for-word while maintaining the original meaning. For example, "Engkau di sana, aku di sini" becomes "You are there, I am here," directly reflecting the original structure. Metaphor Retention: The metaphor of "walking on the same path" (kita tetap berjalan pada jalan yang sama) is preserved in English. This metaphor conveys emotional or spiritual closeness despite physical separation, and it works well in both languages. Syntactic Balance: The sentence structure is kept parallel between the original and the translation. Each sentence flows smoothly, with phrases like "not separated by distance" and "not shaken by time" mirroring the rhythm and meaning of the Indonesian. Emotional Tone Preservation: The emotional depth of the poem is maintained by carefully choosing words that reflect the original sentiment. The focus on unity, the idea of being "one," and the immutability of time and distance are all retained to preserve the feeling of connectedness. Muhammad Abi DAR / 21019052 JD I-E TRANS JM 9-10 NKall 21 LM
2 minggu yang lalu
Puisi pertama adalah tentang kekuatan ikatan yang tidak tergoyahkan meski dihadapkan pada jarak, waktu, dan perubahan. "Jarak merenggangkan tangan kita" dan "waktu mencoba memutar ulang kenangan" menggambarkan tantangan dalam menjaga kedekatan emosional, namun penegasan bahwa "jejak kita tak pernah hilang" menunjukkan kekuatan hubungan itu. Simbol akar yang menggenggam tanah, meski di bawah tekanan batu dan tanah keras, melambangkan keteguhan dan keterhubungan yang mendalam. "Waktu bisa merubah wajah kita" mengakui perubahan fisik dan kehidupan, tetapi "tak akan pernah mampu menghapus jejak yang kita tinggalkan" menegaskan bahwa kenangan dan hubungan sejati tetap abadi, melampaui batas waktu. Sitoresmi Pramudyawardhani - 24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM
2 minggu yang lalu
Puisi ini menggambarkan hubungan yang abadi meski terhalang oleh jarak dan waktu. "Meski jarak merenggangkan tangan kita, dan waktu mencoba memutar ulang kenangan, ingatlah, jejak kita tak pernah hilang" menekankan bahwa meskipun terpisah oleh ruang dan waktu, ikatan yang terjalin tetap ada, tidak akan pernah hilang. "Seperti akar yang menggenggam tanah, meski di bawah batu, di bawah tanah yang keras, kita tetap terhubung-tak bisa dipisahkan" menggambarkan kekuatan ikatan yang kokoh, meskipun ada rintangan atau kesulitan yang menghalangi, hubungan tersebut tetap bertahan. "Waktu bisa merubah wajah kita, tapi tak akan pernah mampu menghapus jejak yang kita tinggalkan" mengungkapkan bahwa meskipun waktu bisa mengubah banyak hal, kenangan dan pengaruh dari hubungan tersebut tetap tertinggal, tidak akan pernah terhapus. Puisi ini menyampaikan pesan tentang keabadian hubungan, bahwa meskipun waktu berlalu dan keadaan berubah, kenangan dan ikatan yang kuat akan selalu ada, tak terhapuskan. Sitoresmi Pramudyawardhani - 24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM
Muhammad Abdurrosyid Dzakhwan
1 minggu yang lalu
I'm very interesting with poem number 7 : Waktu bisa membuat kita terdiam, tapi tak akan pernah membuat kita terputus. Aku di sini, dalam setiap bisikan yang kau dengar, karena kita adalah dua suara yang tak akan pernah hilang. Translate : Time can make us silent, but it will never make us severed. I am here, in every whisper you hear, for we are two voices that will never fade away. In this translation, I focused on preserving the meaning and emotional beauty of the original poem. "Time can make us silent" is translated to "Time can make us silent," where "silent" is chosen to convey a more general silence than "terpisah," but still maintains the same meaning. The phrase "but will never make us severed" becomes "but it will never make us severed," with "severed" providing a stronger and deeper sense of separation than simply "terpisah," creating the image of an unbreakable bond. "Aku di sini, dalam setiap khawatir yang kamudengar" is translated to "I am here, in every whisper you hear," which maintains the idea of ​​an unseen but ever-present presence in a subtle, whisper-like form. Finally, “for we are two voices that will never fade away” is translated as “for we are two voices that will never fade away,” where “fade away” is more about the gradual and permanent disappearance of something, but with the lasting impression that the voice will always be there. Overall, this translation attempts to maintain the emotional depth and metaphorical power of the original poem, while maintaining the natural flow of the English language. Muhammad Abdurrosyid Dzakhwan (21019015) - Group 4 24 JD I-E Trans JM9-10 Nkall21 LM
christy yulianda putri
1 minggu yang lalu
This poem portrays an eternal connection that remains unbroken despite the obstacles of distance and time. The line "Meski jarak merenggangkan tangan kita, dan waktu mencoba memutar ulang kenangan, ingatlah, jejak kita tak pernah hilang" ("Although distance stretches our hands apart, and time tries to rewind our memories, remember, our traces never disappear") emphasizes that even when separated by space and time, the bond remains and will never fade. "Seperti akar yang menggenggam tanah, meski di bawah batu, di bawah tanah yang keras, kita tetap terhubung-tak bisa dipisahkan" ("Like roots that grip the earth, even beneath rocks, beneath the hard soil, we remain connected—inseparable") illustrates the strength of this bond, which endures despite challenges or obstacles. "Waktu bisa merubah wajah kita, tapi tak akan pernah mampu menghapus jejak yang kita tinggalkan" ("Time can change our faces, but it will never erase the traces we leave behind") expresses that while time may alter many things, the memories and the impact of this relationship will always remain. The poem conveys a message about the immortality of relationships—no matter how time passes or circumstances change, strong bonds and memories will always endure and never be erased. christy yulianda putri 21019033 24JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 LM
Annisa Tul Khair
1 minggu yang lalu
I'm interested to the first poem in second verse. Seperti akar yang menggenggam tanah, meski di bawah batu, di bawah tanah yang keras, kita tetap terhubung-tak bisa dipisahkan. Translation: Like roots gripping the earth, even beneath stones, beneath hardened soil, we remain connected—inseparable. Translation Technique: This translation employs a literal poetic approach to retain the simplicity and strength of the original while enhancing its flow in English. This approach ensures that the translation captures the essence of perseverance and unbreakable connections while maintaining a poetic rhythm suitable for English readers. Annisa Tul Khair 24 JD I-E Trans JM9-10 NKall21 LM
Sohibul Aminudin
4 hari yang lalu
I choose the poem number 5, stanza 2 "Jarak hanya menunda pertemuan, tapi tak akan pernah mampu menghalangi keinginan untuk kembali bersama." I like how the poet believes about the strong hope. They are sure if the distance just makes two people can't meet provisionally. It can't really separate them. My translation is "The delay in a meeting is just a distance, but it never hinders the desire to be one." Sohibul Aminudin, 21019021, 24 JD IE Trans JM9-10 NKall21 LM
Sohibul Aminudin
4 hari yang lalu
I like verse 1, poem 4; "Kau mungkin merasa sendirian, terombang-ambing oleh dunia yang seakan berputar lebih cepat. Namun, ingatlah, setiap langkahmu adalah langkah kita." That verse is interesting for me, the poem is showing us even though we feel alone in facing this world, we are not really alone. Because, in every step, in every way we choose, the support from our friends is always with us. Here is the English version from me: "Maybe you feel alone, Tossed around by a world that seems faster in moving. But please, rememeber, all your steps, are our steps." Sohibul Aminudin, 21019021, 24JD IE Trans JM9-10 NKall21 LM
Laras putri alma
8 jam yang lalu
I choose poem no 3 because it beautifully expresses the eternal bond between two souls, despite the passage of time and distance. The poet conveys an emotional depth that transcends physical separation, reassuring the other person that love and presence are not bound by proximity. The imagery of being both a shadow in dark nights and a light in the heart powerfully captures the idea of an unwavering presence, even if unseen. The line "Jarak hanya sekadar angka" emphasizes how love and connection are not diminished by distance, making this verse a comforting reflection on love's endurance through time and space.
Dimas Prasetya Budi
8 jam yang lalu
Meaning of the poem: friends are very important figures in our lives My favorite line/stanza: ingatlah, jejak kita tak pernah hilang. Things come to my mind: A good friend is a friend who will never forget us even though we are far apart Dimas Prasetya Budi 24 JD WRITING NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
Afifah Syaharani
8 jam yang lalu
1. Meaning : These poems reflect the enduring connection between two people, transcending both time and physical distance. 2. My favorite line is: Setiap petir yang menggelegar di langit, adalah suara kita yang berbicara, setiap hujan yang jatuh di bumi, adalah airmata yang tumpah bersama, meski kita terpisah oleh waktu dan jarak, aku di sini, denganmu, seperti dulu. 3. Together, these poems evoke the idea that true connections are timeless and unbreakable. They remind us that even when we are apart from loved ones, the emotional and spiritual ties we share with them endure, leaving a lasting presence in our lives, just as footprints in the sand are never fully gone. Afifah Syaharani 24019001 24 JD Writing NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
Muhammad Zikri Alfurqan
8 jam yang lalu
1. The meaning of the title that I got is an agreement with our friends. 2. Favorite line: meski di bawah batu, di bawah tanah yang keras, kita tetap terhubung-tak bisa dipisahkan. 3. The thing that comes to my mind is that the agreement with our friend about something will remain valid forever, even when our lives are no longer in our bodies. Muhammad Zikri Alfurqan (24019056) 24 JD Writing NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
joice natasha
8 jam yang lalu
The poem reflects the enduring nature of deep connections, emphasizing that while time and distance may alter appearances, the marks left by shared experiences remain forever. It speaks to the unbreakable bond that endures beyond physical separation. Joice Natasha L JD WRITING NK 2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Abdul Hamid
8 jam yang lalu
1. Meaning: The title signifies a bond or promise made with our friends. 2. Favorite line: Even beneath stones, beneath the hardened earth, we remain connected—inseparable. 3. What I reflect on is that a promise made with a friend will endure eternally, even beyond the bounds of life itself. Abdul Hamid (24019117) 24 JD Writing NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
Rahma Khalilah Najwa
8 jam yang lalu
This poem describes a bond that is unshakable even though distance and time separate us. Like roots that remain firmly planted in the ground, sincere relationships will remain even though times change. Those traces of memories and bonds will never disappear. “ Meski jarak merenggangkan tangan kita, dan waktu mencoba memutar ulang kenangan, ingatlah, jejak kita tak pernah hilang.” ( Rahma Khalilah Najwa 24 JD Writing NK2-24 SL7-8 LM)
Trisna Filius Adi
8 jam yang lalu
The title means that, although time changes things, the marks we leave behind our memories and connections remain forever. Sanza : "Seperti akar yang menggenggam tanah, meski di bawah batu, di bawah tanah yang keras, kita tetap terhubung-tak bisa dipisahkan." The poem speaks to the lasting nature of meaningful connections, suggesting that while time and distance may change us, the bonds and memories we create remain unbreakable. Trisna Filius Adi 24019113 — 24 JD Writing NK 2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Ahmad Zidane Albarik
8 jam yang lalu
Again and again, these poems show how their respective themes of connection and memory significantly contribute to resilience and somewhat form a profound narrative about such unbreakable bonds even through separation. Titles like "Jejak Yang Tak Terhapus Waktu" and "Aku, Engkau, Kita—Tak Terpisahkan" speak of how love, existence, and experiences carry on, either transcending time and distance. There is something that rings true at the back of one's mind: *"just like two stars not seen in the sky, but remain in the dark of night."* Thus creating that element of unseen and always-there connectivity in the midst of invisibility. This is to say that relationships such as these last not through words alone but primarily through quiet understand and shared existence. Ahmad Zidane Albarik (24019092) 24 JD Writing NK 2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Muhammad Aqeel Jasomandez
8 jam yang lalu
Meaning of title of the poem : The title of the poem above contains information about the length of friendship. Line/stanza : 1 Mind after reading : This poem describes an inseparable relationship with friends. Muhammad Aqeel Jasomandez 24 JD Writing NK 2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Rafi Yuma Aditya
8 jam yang lalu
Stanza: "You may not be here anymore, but every wind that sweeps by is me accompanying you. Every thunderclap in the sky is our voices speaking, every raindrop falling to the earth is a tear shed together, though separated by time and distance, I am here, with you, just like before." Sentence: "Time may change our faces, but it will never erase the traces we leave behind, like roots holding the earth beneath even the hardest stones." Rafi Yuma Aditya (24019060) 24 JD WRITING NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
8 jam yang lalu
1. Meaning of the Title: “Waktu yang Tak Pernah Menghapus Jejak Kita” means that our memories and connections will always remain, no matter how much time passes. 2. Favorite Line: “Waktu bisa merubah wajah kita, tapi tak akan pernah mampu menghapus jejak yang kita tinggalkan.” I like it because it shows how strong our bonds and memories are. 3. Thoughts After Reading: The poem makes me think about how important memories and relationships are, even as life changes. Syasya 24019030 24 JD Writing NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
Zuleyka Azzahra
8 jam yang lalu
This phrase symbolizes perseverance and unwavering determination. My favorite sanza “kita adalah dua jiwa yang tak pernah gentar” means this phrase expresses a bond between two individuals who are united in strength, courage, and resilience. Zuleyka Azzahra 24 JD Writing NK2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Rahayu Febriani
8 jam yang lalu
Meaning of the Title The title "Time That Never Erases Our Footsteps" reflects the idea that memories and bonds created between people are enduring, regardless of time or distance. Favorite Line/Stanza My favorite stanza is: "Time can change our faces, but it will never erase the footprints we left behind." It emphasizes the permanence of meaningful connections despite life's inevitable changes. Thoughts After Reading The poem evokes thoughts about the enduring nature of love, memories, and shared experiences that outlast time and distance. Rahayu Febriani 24 JD WRITING NK-2 24 SL7-8 LM
Dean Putri Azzhara
8 jam yang lalu
To me, the title highlights the immense role of teachers as the backbone of education, shaping the future with their dedication to knowledge.I really like the line “ilmu yang kau tabur tumbuh jadi cahaya,” because it beautifully illustrates how the knowledge shared by teachers illuminates lives and guides future generations.The poem reminds me of the selfless dedication of teachers and how their work continues to shape society in profound ways. 24 JD WRITING 2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Aprini Simbolon
8 jam yang lalu
Meaning of the Title: The title, "Waktu yang Tak Pernah Menghapus Jejak Kita", translates to "The Time That Never Erases Our Footprints". It suggests that, although time has the power to change many things, it cannot erase the lasting impact of meaningful experiences, relationships, and memories. The "footprints" symbolize the marks we leave on each other's lives, which time cannot wash away. Favorite Line: The line "kita tetap terhubung-tak bisa dipisahkan" (we remain connected, inseparable) stands out. It highlights the unbreakable bond between people, suggesting that no matter how much time passes, the emotional and personal connection stays intact. Thoughts After Reading the Poem: The poem makes me reflect on the enduring power of relationships, especially those forged in shared experiences. Even as time changes people and circumstances, the memories and bonds we create leave a permanent imprint. It evokes a sense of nostalgia and appreciation for the lasting impact of meaningful connections in life, such as friendships or formative moments in places like universities. The poem also conveys a sense of resilience, reminding me that the emotional connections we form are far stronger than the passage of time. Aprini Simbolon (24019005) 24 JD writing NK 2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Muhamad Faizal
8 jam yang lalu
This poem expresses the depth of an inseparable relationship even though distance separates them. Even though they can no longer hear each other, the inner bond that exists remains strong, speaking an unspoken language. The author conveys that even though they are separated by time and place, they still walk together on one journey, bound by something that the world cannot decide. This poem describes eternal love and friendship, unaffected by physical limitations and time. Muhamad Faizal 24 JD Writing NK2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Aida Sulastri
8 jam yang lalu
The title of this poem describes a close friendship. The line I like "Meski dunia memisahkan kita, meski waktu mencoba memupus kenangan, aku tahu—jejak itu tak akan pernah hilang." After reading this poem I remembered my friend who often played with me. Aida Sulastri JD WRITING NK2-24 SL7-8LM
Ghurafy Masyhuda Rahmat
8 jam yang lalu
The title of this poem explains about togetherness and friendship between friends. The part I like the most is Setiap petir yang menggelegar di langit, adalah suara kita yang berbicara, setiap hujan yang jatuh di bumi, adalah airmata yang tumpah bersama, meski kita terpisah oleh waktu dan jarak, aku di sini, denganmu, seperti dulu. After reading this poem, I realized that humans cannot live alone. Humans need a friend or companion to advise each other.
M.Ridho Riszi Sc
8 jam yang lalu
The stanza of this poem is interesting because it delves into deep emotions and ideas. The poem addresses universal themes such as distance and time, which can be perceived by many. JD WRITING NK2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Ridel Decastro
8 jam yang lalu
Quiz 8: This poem expresses the depth of an inseparable relationship even though distance separates them. The stanza of this poem is interesting because it delves into deep emotions and ideas. This poem describes eternal love and friendship, unaffected by physical limitations and time. Ridel Decastro NK 2 24 JD Writing NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
Rozyid Jaylani. H
7 jam yang lalu
They remind us that even when we are apart from loved ones, the emotional and spiritual ties we share with them endure, leaving a lasting presence in our lives, just as footprints in the sand are never fully gone. 24 JD WRITING NK2-24 SL 7-8LM
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