Selasa, 10 Desember 2024

Langit Yang Merengkuh Jiwa

Kumpulan Puisi Leni Marlina-Padang, Sumbar

Oleh: Leni Marlina*
Rabu, 6 November 2024 656 54
Ilustrasi Puisi Leni Marlina "Langit yang Merengkuh Jiwa". Sumber gambar: Starcom Indonesia's Artwork No.101 by AI

Langit yang Merengkuh Jiwa

Di balik pagar-pagar baja yang angkuh,
langit berbisik dalam birunya yang tak terbatas,
ia menyimpan kenangan-kenangan kami yang tak pernah layu,
memeluk mimpi-mimpi kecil dalam dekapan rindu.
Kami pejamkan mata dan terbang di bawah langit itu,
melangkahi dinding, menembus batas,
berlari tanpa bayang ketakutan membuntuti.

Dunia boleh menyempit, meremas ruang di sekeliling kami,
tapi di hati ini ada cakrawala tanpa tepi,
di mana mimpi-mimpi berlayar seperti kapal kecil,
mengukir nama-nama sahabat di pasir malam,
tempat kami pulang, dengan embusan angin yang lembut
membelai jiwa yang tak gentar.

Padang, Sumbar, 2022

Tangan Kecil, Janji yang Terjalin

Dalam genggaman tangan kami yang mungil,
tertanam janji senyap sepenuh hati,
janji untuk menyalakan lilin-lilin harapan,
membawanya melewati kabut masa depan.
Hari ini mungkin gelap, seperti malam tanpa bintang,
tapi dalam genggaman itu, ada percik cahaya,
kecil namun cukup untuk mengusir bayang-bayang.

Di bawah naungan tenda yang berbisik pada angin,
kami rangkai doa seperti bunga di untaian cinta,
untuk tanah yang jauh dan jiwa yang berkelana,
agar kebahagiaan tumbuh seperti pohon,
mengakar dalam reruntuhan yang sunyi,
menyuburkan harapan di atas puing-puing luka.

Padang, Sumbar, 2022

Bunga-Bunga Batu yang Menantang Badai

Kami adalah bunga yang tumbuh dari perut bebatuan,
menari di bawah cambukan angin, tertawa di antara duri.
Kami tak butuh taman, tak perlu dinding kaca,
akar kami menancap dalam, merangkul tanah yang keras,
berdiri di atas luka-luka lama, merayakan air mata yang jatuh.

Kami tak meminta indah, tak menginginkan gemerlap,
hanya sejumput kasih seperti embun pagi,
cukup untuk membuat kami bertahan dan mekar,
seperti bunga liar yang tak kenal musim,
yang berani berbunga di tengah badai, tanpa ragu.

Padang, Sumbar, 2022

Cahaya dalam Lembayung Kelam

Dalam dekapan malam yang pekat,
kami adalah cahaya yang menari-nari, enggan padam,
nyala kecil yang meretas jalan, melawan gelap.
Terhempas, terjatuh, namun tak pernah tenggelam,
kami adalah api yang menjilati kegelapan,
membelah sunyi dengan nyali yang tak akan luruh.

Kami temukan kekuatan dalam senyum yang bisu,
dalam tawa yang bersembunyi di balik isak,
menghias malam dengan keteguhan ,
bahwa esok kami akan kembali berdiri,
lebih kuat dari retak, lebih tabah dari badai.

Padang, Sumbar, 2022

Mata Masa Depan yang Berkilau

Kami bukan bayangan yang redup di jalanan berdebu,
kami adalah bibit yang tersimpan dalam dekap bumi,
tumbuh, mendobrak, memeluk dunia yang tertidur.
Di mata kami, ada kilau impian yang menggantung tinggi,
seperti mentari di ujung cakrawala,
mengalir dalam mimpi tentang hari yang adil dan bebas,
tempat kami bernyanyi, berlari dalam damai yang riuh.

Di dada kami, tersimpan cahaya masa depan,
seperti pelita di ujung lorong panjang,
mengajak kami maju, berani melangkah.
Kami adalah anak-anak masa depan,
bangkit dengan senyum setulus hati,
melukis dunia dengan keberanian yang tak berujung.

Padang, Sumbar, 2022

*Riwayat Singkat

Puisi ini awalnya ditulis oleh Leni Marlina tahun sebagai karya untuk  koleksi puisi pribadi tahun  2022. Puisi tersebut direvisi kembali serta dipublikasikan pertama kali oleh penulisnya melalui media digital tahun 2024.
Leni Marlina merupakan anggota aktif Asosiasi Penulis Indonesia, SATU PENA cabang Sumatera Barat. Ia juga merupakan anggota aktif Komunitas Penyair & Penulis Sastra Internasional ACC di Shanghai, serta dipercaya sebagai Duta Puisi Indonesia untuk ACC Shanghai Huifeng International Literary Association. Selain itu, Leni terlibat dalam Victoria's Writer Association di Australia. Sejak tahun 2006, ia telah mengabdikan diri sebagai dosen di Program Studi Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni, Universitas Negeri Padang.
Leni juga merupakan pendiri dan pemimpin sejumlah komunitas digital yang berfokus pada sastra, pendidikan, dan sosial, di antaranya:, (1) Komunitas Sastra Anak Dunia (WCLC):, (2) Komunitas Internasional POETRY-PEN; (3) Komunitas PPIPM (Pondok Puisi Inspirasi Masyarakat):; (4) Komunitas Starcom Indonesia (Starmoonsun Edupreneur Community Indonesia):

1 bulan yang lalu
What I like about this part of the poem is that it shows the contrasts of external struggles with inner freedom. While the world may feel confining, the speaker suggests that the heart holds an endless horizon, full of possibilities where dreams sail like small boats. The act of carving friends' names in the "night sand" symbolizes enduring relationships and memories that provide a sense of belonging and home. A gentle breeze caresses an unshaken soul, emphasizing resilience and inner peace. Ultimately, the poem highlights how, despite the pressures and limitations of the outside world, the spirit remains boundless, courageous, and capable of navigating life's challenges through dreams, connection, and inner strength. Sitoresmi Pramudyawardhani - 24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM
1 bulan yang lalu
Kami adalah bunga yang tumbuh dari perut bebatuan, menari di bawah cambukan angin, tertawa di antara duri. Kami tak butuh taman, tak perlu dinding kaca, akar kami menancap dalam, merangkul tanah yang keras, berdiri di atas luka-luka lama, merayakan air mata yang jatuh. The meaning of this poem is that someone who has been practicing for a long time or is independent for the sake of a bite of rice will overcome all obstacles- tyo kurniawan- 24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM
1 bulan yang lalu
This poetry is such beautiful and inspirative poetry. It's a meaningful poetry that makes us visualized every lines. This poetry is rich with poetic words and figurative language.
Siti Aurora Putri Ardsya
1 bulan yang lalu
Ia menyimpan kenangan-kenangan kami yang tak pernah layu This sentence holds a profound meaning of a memory that is so precious and eternal for the one who holds it. It means that the memory will remain alive in their heart and soul. Siti Aurora Putri Ardsya 21019111 (24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM)
nur aini raswati
1 bulan yang lalu
i get this poem "bunga bunga batu yang menantang badai" this couplet "Kami tak meminta indah, tak menginginkan gemerlap, hanya sejumput kasih seperti embun pagi, cukup untuk membuat kami bertahan dan mekar, seperti bunga liar yang tak kenal musim, yang berani berbunga di tengah badai, tanpa ragu." i like this verse it has a deep meaning in my opinion, because it holds meaning such as we don't need shiny thing to be happy, happiness can come from small things. Nur Aini Raswati (21019099) (24 JD-I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM)
1 bulan yang lalu
Di dada kami, tersimpan cahaya masa depan, seperti pelita di ujung lorong panjang, mengajak kami maju, berani melangkah. Kami adalah anak-anak masa depan, bangkit dengan senyum setulus hati, melukis dunia dengan keberanian yang tak berujung. This line catches my eyes because it represents a person's determination in chasing their dreams, in fulfilling what they desire. It's also meaningful to me because as the poem said, "Di dada kami, tersimpan cahaya masa depan" it reflects a person's desire to follow their dreams, and all dreams start out small, from their hearts
1 bulan yang lalu
Di dada kami, tersimpan cahaya masa depan, seperti pelita di ujung lorong panjang, mengajak kami maju, berani melangkah. Kami adalah anak-anak masa depan, bangkit dengan senyum setulus hati, melukis dunia dengan keberanian yang tak berujung. This line catches my eyes because it represents a person's determination in chasing their dreams, in fulfilling what they desire. It's also meaningful to me because as the poem said, "Di dada kami, tersimpan cahaya masa depan" it reflects a person's desire to follow their dreams, and all dreams start out small, from their hearts Muhammad Abi Dzar Ar-Rahman / 21019052 / 24 JD-I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM
1 bulan yang lalu
Puisi "Bunga-Bunga Batu yang Menantang Badai" bait: Kami tak meminta indah, tak menginginkan gemerlap, hanya sejumput kasih seperti embun pagi, cukup untuk membuat kami bertahan dan mekar, seperti bunga liar yang tak kenal musim, yang berani berbunga di tengah badai, tanpa ragu. So the meaning of this verse in my opinion is about how a beautiful thing can be created from a simple and small thing that can develop into something beautiful and beautiful. Nurul Hidayah 21019100 (24 JD-I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM)
Salsabilla Khairani
1 bulan yang lalu
The poem is about resilience and growth through adversity. It compares the speaker to a flower that grows in harsh, rocky conditions, thriving despite the difficulties around it. The flower doesn't need a safe, protected space to grow; instead, it finds strength by rooting itself deeply in the tough earth. The poem suggests that challenges and past pains are not things to be avoided, but to be embraced, as they help shape strength and growth. It celebrates the idea that even in the most difficult circumstances, we can find ways to endure, thrive, and find beauty. SALSABILLA KHAIRANI (21019058) - 24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM
1 bulan yang lalu
Puisi ini, dengan indahnya, menggambarkan rasa terima kasih dan penghargaan yang mendalam kepada guru dan mentor, yang tak hanya mengajarkan pengetahuan, tetapi juga membimbing murid-muridnya untuk menemukan makna hidup yang lebih dalam. Melalui metafora alam yang kaya dan penuh makna, penyair berhasil menangkap esensi peran seorang guru dalam kehidupan seorang murid, menjadikan sosok guru sebagai figur yang tak ternilai harganya, bagaikan sebuah hutan yang memberikan perlindungan, bimbingan, dan kehidupan bagi semua yang ada di dalamnya. Ihsanul Eka Vitra 21019043 (24 JD-I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM)
Muhammad Abdurrosyid Dzakhwan
1 bulan yang lalu
I like the meaning in this part of poem "Cahaya dalam Lembayung Kelam" Kami temukan kekuatan dalam senyum yang bisu, dalam tawa yang bersembunyi di balik isak,menghias malam dengan keteguhan , bahwa esok kami akan kembali berdiri, lebih kuat dari retak, lebih tabah dari badai. This poem revealed about how we as a humans, with all our abilities to manage our struggle in facing life's challenges. Overall, the meaning of this stanza is about inner resolve and the optimism that arises after enduring hardship. Muhammad Abdurrosyid Dzakhwan ( 24 JD-I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM )
Sohibul Aminudin
1 bulan yang lalu
I like the poem above, especially the verse "Di dada kami, tersimpan cahaya masa depan, seperti pelita di ujung lorong panjang, mengajak kami maju, berani melangkah. Kami adalah anak-anak masa depan, bangkit dengan senyum setulus hati, melukis dunia dengan keberanian yang tak berujung." It expressed optimism and enthusiasm for the future. in tgus case the poem calls for daring to dream and act for a better future. Sohibul Aminudin (24 JD IE Trans JM9-10 NKall21 LM)
Afra Zazria Ilya
4 minggu yang lalu
Every child has the right to have dreams and make them come true. There is no limit for anyone in this world to pursue their dreams. There are no obstacles or high walls for them to achieve their dreams. Look out there, there are many superior seeds for the success of this country, hidden in the embrace of the earth. In their chests there is stored the light of the future like a lamp at the end of the corridor. They can move forward and dare to step forward without obstacles if supported by from all of us to realize the dreams and success of talented children in the future. Afra Zazria Ilya (24 JD writing NK3 24 SN9-10 LM)
Muja Yanah
4 minggu yang lalu
When we are doing something, it’s inevitable that we will face difficulties. Everyone has hopes for the future. When you are experiencing difficulties, stay diligent in what you’re doing. Remember, there is always hope to overcome those challenges. Keep working hard, and you will get through those hard times. And don’t forget to pray for ease. Diligence and prayer can be the strength needed to reach a brighter future. Muja Yanah ( 24 JD Writing NK3 24 SN9-10)
Raihani Mufida
4 minggu yang lalu
Dreams and the future are very beautiful things. When someone dreams they instill a strong determination in their heart. Whispered softly that could be heard up to the sky. Eyes full of enthusiasm and hope. Accompany the effort with sincere prayers that shake the heart. Dream and try to achieve it. Raihani Mufida ( 24 JD Writing NK3 24 SN9-10)
Muhammad Zikri Alfurqan
4 minggu yang lalu
A dream initially only appears from a small thought, but then it will be stored in the heart and begin to blossom as we try to achieve it. Muhammad Zikri Alfurqan 24 JD Writing NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
Rahma Khalilah Najwa
3 minggu yang lalu
Every dream has challenges, but persistent belief will make it come true Rahma Khalilah Najwa 24JD Writing NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
Aprini Simbolon
3 minggu yang lalu
The poet finds inner freedom, strength in the face of adversity, and peace that comes from a sense of hope and bonding with memories and dreams of the past Aprini Simbolon (24019005) 24 JD WRITING NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
hanifah ganeca arya
3 minggu yang lalu
1. Business Idea: Cahaya dalam Lembayung Kelam: A motivational and self-help book series or podcast platform that shares stories of resilience and hope, inspired by overcoming struggles and finding inner strength. Mata Masa Depan yang Berkilau: A youth empowerment program or a startup that focuses on creative workshops, entrepreneurship training, and career guidance, aiming to nurture future leaders. 2. Character Traits: Cahaya dalam Lembayung Kelam: Resilience and courage. The character is unyielding in the face of darkness, showcasing the importance of persistence and inner strength in business. Mata Masa Depan yang Berkilau: Optimism and vision. The character has a hopeful and forward-thinking mindset, necessary for envisioning and building a promising future in entrepreneurship.
Mayza Andela syaputri
3 minggu yang lalu
The poem "The Sky That Embraces the Soul" depicts a spirit of resilience, optimism, and inner strength. It inspires businesses focused on motivation and personal development, such as motivational speaking, a platform for sharing inspirational stories, and personal development programs. The character of the poem, such as resilience, optimism, and creativity, are essential for business success. Mayza Andela syaputri (23019014)24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3-23 LM
Fifi Helya Putri
3 minggu yang lalu
1. Business Idea: Based on the poem's themes of resilience and hope, a motivational platform or podcast series could be created, sharing stories of overcoming struggles and finding inner strength. A youth empowerment program focusing on creative workshops and entrepreneurship training could also be a great fit. 2. **Character Traits**: The characters in the poem embody resilience, courage, optimism, and vision. These traits are essential for entrepreneurs to navigate challenges and envision a successful future in business. Fifi Helya Putri (23019047) 24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3 23 LM
Ikhwanul Dhafa Alghifari
3 minggu yang lalu
1. Possible business idea: A mental health and wellness platform focused on providing individuals with tools for emotional resilience, personal growth, and healing. This platform could offer online courses, workshops, and virtual retreats designed to help people break free from their limitations and embrace a boundless vision for their future. 2. Necessary character traits: Courage, hope, and creativity. These qualities are essential for breaking through barriers, creating opportunities for growth, and helping others envision a life beyond their struggles. (Ikhwanul Dhafa Alghifari, 24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3-23 LM)
Muhammad Farras Dzikra
3 minggu yang lalu
Business Idea: A digital platform offering mental health support and personal development tools. This platform would provide online courses, workshops, and virtual retreats to help people overcome challenges and build a positive future. Required Qualities: Bravery, optimism, and imagination. These traits are crucial for overcoming obstacles, creating new opportunities, and inspiring others to overcome their own difficulties. (Muhammad Farras Dzikra, 24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK 3 23 LM)
Gibran Alikhsan
3 minggu yang lalu
1. Business Idea Inspired by the Poem: Inspired by the imagery of limitless skies and dreams, a potential business idea would be a **virtual reality (VR) travel and exploration platform**. This platform could offer immersive experiences that allow people to "escape" their everyday boundaries and explore different places, cultures, and dreamscapes. Through virtual landscapes, users could experience a sense of freedom, creativity, and calm even within confined spaces. This business could especially appeal to those seeking inspiration, stress relief, or exploration without physical travel. 2. Character Traits Needed for This Business: To run this business, I would need **imagination** to create engaging, dream-like experiences and **innovation** to leverage VR technology in a meaningful way. The poem reflects **courage** and a **sense of freedom**, which would inspire me to overcome limitations and aim for a broad impact. Like the sky embracing dreams, **open-mindedness** and **empathy** would help me understand what people need to feel liberated and inspired. Finally, **resilience** would be essential to push through challenges in developing this platform and creating a truly enriching experience. GIbran Alikhsan (23019049) JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3 23 LM
Farlingga Fadjrin
3 minggu yang lalu
1. Business Idea: One possible business idea inspired by the poem is to develop a travel and tourism service focusing on experiential journeys that allow clients to reconnect with nature and explore hidden gems. The service could include guided tours, outdoor activities like hiking and camping, and cultural experiences that emphasize the beauty of rural landscapes and the significance of preserving natural heritage. 2.Character Traits: To successfully launch and run such a business, it’s essential to possess several key character traits: - Resilience: Navigating challenging terrains and unpredictable weather conditions demands physical and mental toughness. - Creativity:Developing unique tour packages and engaging storytelling techniques to enhance client experience. - Empathy:Understanding and catering to diverse customer preferences and needs. - Passion for Nature:A genuine love for exploring and appreciating natural wonders drives innovation and dedication in providing exceptional services. By embracing these qualities, entrepreneurs can turn dreams into reality, much like how the poem describes running without fear under the open sky, where imagination knows no bounds. (FarlinggaFadjrin_ JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3 23 LM)
Muhammad Aqeel Jasomandez
3 minggu yang lalu
chase your dreams until they come true Muhammad Aqeel Jasomandez 24 JD Writing NK 2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Hanifah Fathiyah Aini
3 minggu yang lalu
Poem "Cahaya dalam Lembayung Kelam" 1. Business Idea: A mental health service offering resilience-building workshops to help clients find inner strength during adversity. 2. Character Traits: Optimism, empathy, and resilience. These are essential for guiding people to overcome hardships with courage and hope. Hanifah Fathiyah Aini 22018205 24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM
Diva Olivia Daka Elipsi
3 minggu yang lalu
1. Business Idea: A youth empowerment project focused on education and community development, helping young people overcome challenges and pursue their dreams, inspired by themes of hope and resilience in the poem. 2. Required Traits: - Resilience and Perseverance: Like flowers growing from stone, an entrepreneur needs to endure difficulties and keep moving forward. - Optimism and Hope: Leading with a positive vision, inspiring others to believe in a better future. - Empathy and Vision: Understanding struggles while guiding others toward a hopeful, successful future. Name: Diva Olivia Daka Elipsi (23019093) 24 JD EPR 7-8 KM NK3-23 LM
Rozyid Jaylani. H
3 minggu yang lalu
"langit yang merengkuh jiwa" hopes and dreams that cannot be limited by narrow spaces. 24 JD Writing NK 2 24 SL7-8 LM
Zuleyka Azzahra
3 minggu yang lalu
Although confined by space, the heart and dreams remain free to reach memories and eternal hopes. 24 JD Writing NK2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Afifah Syaharani
3 minggu yang lalu
The resilience of flowers growing in difficult conditions, depicting the struggle to survive even in storms or hardships. Afifah Syaharani 24019001 24 JD WRITING NK-2 24 SL7-8LM
Rahayu Febriani
3 minggu yang lalu
"Langit yang merengkuh jiwa"The poem portrays the vast sky as a symbol of freedom and boundless dreams, offering solace and strength to the soul amidst life's constraints and challenges. Rahayu Febriani 24 JD WRITING NK-2 24 SL7-8 LM
Dimas Prasetya Budi
3 minggu yang lalu
Dreams are life guides that will make a dark life bright. Dimas Prasetya Budi 24 JD WRITING NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
Trisna Filius Adi
3 minggu yang lalu
This poem is about the freedom of the soul and the power of dreams that transcend physical boundaries or the pressures of life. Trisna Filius Adi (24019113) 24 JD Writing NK 2-24 SL 7-8 LM
M.Ridho Riszi S.c
3 minggu yang lalu
these poems tell me about someone that wants to be free in dreaming in this world. NK2-24 Writing SL7-8 LM
Laras putri alma
3 minggu yang lalu
This poem, beautifully, describes a deep sense of gratitude and appreciation for teachers and mentors, who not only teach knowledge, but also guide their students to become Finding a deeper meaning in life.NK2-24 Writing SL7-8 LM
Aida Sulastri
3 minggu yang lalu
Beautiful memories with friends of the past that are stored deep in the heart. JD WRITING NK2-24 SL7-8LM
Rafi Yuma Aditya
3 minggu yang lalu
this poems encourage me to dream and reach it. JD Writing NK2-24 SL7-8LM
Arniza Putri
3 minggu yang lalu
In this world, everyone has dreams and goals for the future. Someone will continue to get up and move forward without giving up to achieve it. Because every effort made will provide good results for us. Everyone has the right to get what they want. Therefore, there are no limits for anyone to pursue everything they dream of. Arniza Putri 24 JD Writing NK3 24 SN9-10 LM
Naila Sabrina
3 minggu yang lalu
The future is always full of hope and infinite possibilities. Every step we take today is part of a long journey towards the dreams we want to achieve. Hope for the future gives us motivation to continue learning, work hard, and not give up easily even when challenges come our way. With each effort, we get closer to the goal, and more confident that a bright future is possible. Hope is a source of strength that reminds us to always be brave, dare to dream, and keep moving forward. Naila Sabrina 24JD Writting NK 3 24 SN9-10LM
salsa suvi nabila
3 minggu yang lalu
Hope in Every Step of The Struggle Hope that never fades in every step we take. In every trial, we continue to learn to move forward and remain confident. Hope gives us the strength to endure. Every decision is a step toward the future. Although it is difficult, each step brings us closer to the dreams we are fighting for. Hope is the spirit that keeps us moving forward. With every step, we believe that hope can be realized. Salsa Suvi Nabila 24 JD Writing NK3 24 SN9-10 LM
Indah Ayu Lestari
3 minggu yang lalu
1. Social Institutions or Educational Startups for Empowering Young People and Underserved Communities This venture could be a platform that provides life skills and entrepreneurship training for young people, especially from underserved communities. The focus is on awakening their potential, equipping them with modern skills 2. character: empathy, optimism, creativity, hope indah ayu lestari. 23019052. 24 JD EPR 7-8 KM NK3-23 LM
Kiki Imelya
2 minggu yang lalu
This poem relates to entrepreneurship through its themes of breaking boundaries, pursuing dreams, and overcoming limitations. The image of "menembus batas" (breaking through boundaries) reflects the entrepreneurial spirit of innovation and pushing beyond conventional constraints to create new opportunities. The idea of a limitless horizon ("cakrawala tanpa tepi") mirrors the vision entrepreneurs need to have—seeing possibilities where others see obstacles. Additionally, the sense of unity and collaboration with "sahabat" (friends) represents the importance of teamwork and support in entrepreneurship, where shared dreams and efforts drive progress. Despite challenges, the unwavering belief in one’s vision and goals is crucial for entrepreneurial success, much like the fearlessness expressed in the poem. Kiki Imelya 23019013 24 JD EPR 7-8 KM NK3-23 LM
Khaisya Aliya Marsyanda
2 minggu yang lalu
1. Business Idea Community empowerment workshops: Providing mentorship and resources to underprivileged youth to nurture their potential, helping them turn dreams into actionable plans for a better future. 2. Character to Apply Resilience: The ability to persevere and inspire others to rise above challenges, fostering strength and courage in the face of adversity. KHAISYA ALIYA MARSYANDA 24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3-23 LM
Mutiara Asa Mukhti
2 minggu yang lalu
MUTIARA ASA MUKHTI 22018142 1. Ide Usaha yang Paling Mungkin Dijalankan: Membuka creative space atau komunitas seni yang memberi ruang bagi individu untuk mengekspresikan mimpi dan kreativitas mereka melalui seni visual, musik, atau sastra, sekaligus membangun jejaring persahabatan. 2. Karakter yang Perlu Diterapkan: Kreativitas: Menciptakan wadah inovatif yang mampu menginspirasi orang lain. Keberanian: Melampaui batasan untuk merealisasikan ide yang tampak tidak konvensional. Optimisme: Mempertahankan semangat bahwa mimpi dapat diwujudkan meski dunia tampak sempit.
Nnadya Aqila
2 minggu yang lalu
"Terhempas, terjatuh, namun tak pernah tenggelam,kami adalah api yang menjilati kegelapan,membelah sunyi dengan nyali yang tak akan luruh."I find this text beautiful because it speaks about staying strong and brave, no matter how tough life gets. The words create a clear and powerful picture like fire in the darkness and courage breaking through silence. It feels inspiring and full of energy, reminding me to never give up. The way it’s written makes it easy to feel the emotions, connecting to moments of struggle and strength in my own life. (24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM)
emilul fata yuditiya
2 minggu yang lalu
The poem "Langit yang Merengkuh Jiwa" expresses the idea that the soul's freedom cannot be limited by physical barriers. The sky symbolizes hope, holding memories and dreams that remain alive. Even when the world feels constricted, the heart offers an infinite horizon for dreams. The poem’s language is beautifully crafted, with personifications like "the sky whispers," bringing warmth and a sense of optimism. 24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM
Adelina Pangestu
2 minggu yang lalu
“ Di balik pagar-pagar baja yang angkuh, langit berbisik dalam birunya yang tak terbatas, ia menyimpan kenangan-kenangan kami yang tak pernah layu, memeluk mimpi-mimpi kecil dalam dekapan rindu.” Translation: Behind the arrogant iron fences, the sky whispers in its boundless blue, it holds our memories that never wither, embracing small dreams in the arms of longing. Techniques and Strategies: The translation employs poetic adaptation to preserve the lyrical tone and imagery of the original poem. Phrases like “Di balik pagar-pagar baja yang angkuh” are directly translated into “Behind the arrogant iron fences,” maintaining the metaphorical strength and emotional resonance. Literal translation is used for much of the imagery, such as “langit berbisik dalam birunya yang tak terbatas” becoming “the sky whispers in its boundless blue,” ensuring the visual and symbolic aspects are faithfully rendered. Additionally, a focus on thematic fidelity ensures the emotions of nostalgia and longing embedded in the poem are conveyed effectively in the English version while maintaining the poetic flow and structure. Adelina Pangestu 21019026 24JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM
Muhammad Abdurrosyid Dzakhwan
2 minggu yang lalu
I'm very interesting with the poem number 4 stanza 2 Kami temukan kekuatan dalam senyum yang bisu, dalam tawa yang bersembunyi di balik isak, menghias malam dengan keteguhan , bahwa esok kami akan kembali berdiri, lebih kuat dari retak, lebih tabah dari badai. Translate : We find strength in the silent smile, in the laughter hidden behind the sobs, adorning the night with steadfastness, that tomorrow we will stand again, stronger than the cracks, tougher than the storm. In this translation, I focused on maintaining the meaning and emotional atmosphere of the original poem, by adjusting the phrases to make them sound natural in English. Phrases such as "senyum yang bisu" were translated into "silent smile" to maintain the silence and implied meaning of strength, while "tawa yang meninggalkan di balik isak" became "laughter hidden behind the sobs" to capture the contrast between happiness and sadness. The sentence structure and diction used attempted to maintain the poetic and emotional power of the original poem, with slight changes in word order to make it more fluent in the target language, such as in the part "menghias malam dengan ketegahan" which was translated as "adorning the night with steadfastness." The technique used prioritizes the translation of meaning and feeling rather than word-for-word translation, while still maintaining the clarity and beauty of the language.
Annisa Muhasyafira
1 minggu yang lalu
i choose poem 1 bcs This poem speaks of a longing for freedom and the power of memory, set against the imagery of confinement and limitless possibilities. The "pagar-pagar baja yang angkuh" ("arrogant steel fences") represent the barriers, whether physical, emotional, or societal, that restrict movement and growth. However, beyond these walls, the sky whispers, symbolizing hope, memory, and a connection to something far greater. The sky’s "birunya yang tak terbatas" ("its limitless blue") carries the memories of the speaker and their companions, memories that remain vivid and untainted by time, and it cradles their small dreams within its embrace. The act of closing their eyes and "terbang di bawah langit itu" ("flying beneath that sky") represents the desire to transcend these barriers, to break free from restrictions, and to escape into a realm of infinite possibilities. "Melangkahi dinding, menembus batas" ("stepping over walls, breaking through boundaries") highlights the pursuit of freedom, where fear no longer holds them back, and they run "tanpa bayang ketakutan membuntuti" ("without the shadow of fear following"). Ultimately, the poem is a celebration of the human spirit’s resilience and its ability to transcend the constraints of the material world, soaring into the boundless realm of dreams, memories, and hope. Annisa Muhasyafira 21019028 24JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM
christy yulianda putri
1 minggu yang lalu
Di balik pagar-pagar baja yang angkuh, langit berbisik dalam birunya yang tak terbatas, ia menyimpan kenangan-kenangan kami yang tak pernah layu, memeluk mimpi-mimpi kecil dalam dekapan rindu. english: "Behind the arrogant steel fences, the sky whispers in its boundless blue, holding our memories that never fade, embracing small dreams in the arms of longing." technique: To translate this poetic passage, the focus is on preserving the evocative imagery and emotional depth of the original text. Metaphors such as "langit berbisik" ("the sky whispers") and "memeluk mimpi-mimpi kecil" ("embracing small dreams") are translated literally to retain their symbolic meaning. The tone and flow are kept consistent to reflect the lyrical nature of the original, while slight adjustments ensure the translation reads naturally in English. Careful attention is given to maintaining the contrast between the "arrogant steel fences" and the "boundless blue sky," emphasizing the themes of confinement and infinite hope. This approach balances fidelity to the original meaning with the poetic nuances of the target language. christy yulianda putri 21019033 24 JD I-E TRANS JM 9-10 NKALL21 LM
Annisa Tul Khair
1 minggu yang lalu
I am interested to the first poem second stanza Dunia boleh menyempit, meremas ruang di sekeliling kami, tapi di hati ini ada cakrawala tanpa tepi, di mana mimpi-mimpi berlayar seperti kapal kecil, mengukir nama-nama sahabat di pasir malam, tempat kami pulang, dengan embusan angin yang lembut membelai jiwa yang tak gentar. Translation: The world may constrict, squeezing the space around us, but in this heart lies a boundless horizon, where dreams sail like little boats, carving the names of friends into the night’s sand, a place where we return, with the gentle breeze caressing a soul unafraid. This translation uses a free poetic adaptation technique, aiming to replicate the original’s emotional depth and imagery while ensuring fluidity and poetic sensibility in English. By blending literal translation with interpretative creativity, the result retains the original's poetic qualities and delivers them in a natural, evocative English expression. Annisa Tul Khair 24 JD I-E Trans JM9-10 NKall21 LM
Alhamdi Arif
6 hari yang lalu
1. One feasible business idea inspired by the situations described in the poems could be a community empowerment and arts program. This initiative would focus on providing workshops and resources for young people to express themselves creatively through art, music, and writing. It would aim to nurture their dreams and resilience, much like the poems emphasize hope, strength, and the importance of community support in overcoming challenges. 2. The character traits from the poems that should be applied in starting and running a business include resilience, hope, and a strong sense of community. The poems highlight the strength of individuals who rise above adversity, the importance of nurturing dreams, and the power of collective support. By embodying these traits, an entrepreneur can create a business that not only seeks profit but also fosters a supportive environment where individuals can thrive, encouraging collaboration and creativity in the face of challenges. Alhamdi Arif (22018087) 24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM
Sohibul Aminudin
4 hari yang lalu
Poem number 5, verse 3. "Di dada kami, tersimpan cahaya masa depan, seperti pelita di ujung lorong panjang, mengajak kami maju, berani melangkah. Kami adalah anak-anak masa depan, bangkit dengan senyum setulus hati, melukis dunia dengan keberanian yang tak berujung." Told us about the bravery to keep moving forward. I like the verse because it shows the hope of children that are always there. They won't surrender no matter what. They will always face it with their smile. Here is the translation by me: "In our chests, the light of the future is stored, like a light at the end of a long corridor, invite us to move forward, courage to step. We are the children of the future, rising with an honest smile, painting the world with endless courage." Sohibul Aminudin, 21019021, 24 JD IE Trans JM9-10 NKall21
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